I was just over at Warblogger Watch, where this is apparently the latest argument for why we shouldn't invade Iraq. It seems as if the argument is that we are preparing for a pre-emptive strike against a foe not only before he can threaten us directly, but in fact before he has even thought about attacking us. Now, if we were planning on invading Holland, I could see this being an argument. But Iraq? Who has invaded 3 neighboring countries and tried to assassinate Bush Sr.? And where was the Uranium mentioned below going?
Now, I have lurked at WBW quite a bit, and posted a few times. Today, for the first time, I noticed their slogan (right below the hidden faced terrorist guy who is apparently their mascot), which reads:
Ideas are also weapons
In that case, these guys are definitley going into battle unarmed.
"Bob Smith", over at WBW, takes exception to this post. For reasons known only to Bob, he chooses to ignore the comments section here at RNS and instead makes his comments in this post over at the Rotties place. Sayeth Bob:
Yeah, real smart guy, that Nuclear Strikes. Didn't even notice that the post was a joke! Moron. About the same IQ as the Dog(shit).
Note to Bob: I certainly know who Monty Python are, and I recognize that the post Amir Butler cut and pasted to WBW was a joke in its original incarnation. However, the attempt to use the joke as an analogy for the current Iraqi situation is not only not funny, it is not original and incredibly lame. THIS is what my "unarmed" comment refers to.
The problem with WBW is that it is impossible to seperate the shrill, conspiracy theory laden tripe that is intended as serious from the shrill, conspiracy theory laden tripe that is intended as a joke. IN that scenario, one is left with only 2 options: treat everything as serious, or treat everything as a joke. Go take a look around and see what you decide: WBW as serious commentary, or laughingstock?
I tried to go to both of the websites "Bob Smith" lists, to offer my comments in person. Since neither site seems to exist (another anti-warblogger that won't use his real name or provide real contact info? How strange), I added my comments over at the Rottie's place, and put an update here.
Update Redux:
Bob Smith, still preferring the Rottie's comment board over RNS, offers this rebuttal to several posts asking for some type of coherent statement from same:
I smell some more brain farts this morning. Since they are particularily pungent, I can't help but wonder what you ate last night: 7-11 burritos or the latest bullshit from Bush?
From the Dogpound,
Bob Smith
Wow, what witty repartee. With contributors like Bob, it's easy to see why people go to WBW not to be informed, but to laugh. As I read somewhere the other day, "this guy has to stand in a meat locker to be able to claim that his IQ is room temperature".
Posted by Neal Mauldin at September 28, 2002 06:57 PM | TrackBack