A few of us knew deep in our bones that the anti-Bush leftwing lobby just couldn't have a single good thing to say about the killing of Saddam's hellspawn. Mike the Marine and I each noted on it yesterday. Den Beste has an excellent roundup of the most offensive comments. I gave Robert Fisk the back of my hand already, but lord, they multiply like rabbits. Granted my humble critic will have no effect whatsoever on their profound desire to always be wrong on virtually everything. But it makes me feel better to know that the rebuttals are coming fast and furious from many sources.
It's nice of USS Clueless to track such distasteful fare, because I tell you what, some of these guys couldn't pass you in the street without being offensive just on principle. Hesiod is a good example, his resident commenters are even worse. For someone who proclaims himself to be a thinker, he comes off as just another leftwing reactionary. Cranking out theories to explain something simple in such a way as to make it complex, and obviously sinister. It's fine he doesn't plan on voting for Bush, I have friends that won't. What really is bullshit is not basing such a judgment on fact, or even feelings, but on the circle jerk conspiracy industry that he helps feed. Hesiod's free to believe whatever little fantasy let's him sleep at night, it would be nice though if he weren't such a public ass about it.
Den Beste also mentions Lambert. While not as outrageous as Hesiod, he doesn't get it either. His line is that we should have just captured these two,.............How nice. Anyone making such a suggestion should catch the next flight to Iraq, grab an M-16 and be the point man on the next entry team to go in a fortifed house. Mind the grenades and AK-47's Lambert. People who say such things frankly don't know shit about house to house combat. Our men do it the way they do because a hundred years of exprience teachs us how NOT to do it, not unless you could give a shit how many troopers lives you piss away in the process. I don't think he would want that, but combat operations are best left to troops in the field. Civilians set policy, they don't plan battles.
He gives the SF IndyMedia clowns a mention too. I know AK is far better qualified to yank out their short and curlies, but Christ this guys need medication. I doubt I could spend ten seconds in a room with them without having to leave before I started collecting skulls like trinkets. There is opposition, there's rabidly partisan, then there's just plain nuts. These fools are just flat out crazy, when they believe Bin Laden and George Bush are the same, it's proof that any capacity that they may have had to make moral judgements is as shriveled and dead as their twisted little souls. I can't even find pity for them, just indifference if they stepped in front of a moving buss.
One thing is certain, the hard left in this country and the world at large, just CANNOT accept good news without twisting it into failure. Cannot accept that Bush is just a man in a difficult position who has risen to the occasion. Cannot accept that the "world" doesn't care about how many of us die as long as THEIR interests are served. Cannot accept that rabid minority to the side the Iraqi people will be FAR better off from an American occupation that they ever could have hoped. Cannot accept that the majority in America can ever be right about anything, all evidence just waved aside as either irrelevant or CIA fiction.
Talking to them is pointless, they wouldn't give up their fantasy. But the verbal battle is important, because when we stop answering them, then only they get heard. The body count from nations doing things their way is far to high to allow them to do that.
An update from USS Clueless.
Hesiod, is crying over the attention he's getting. Look if you're gonna make claims you know will piss people off, have a thick skin.
I find it interesting [but not surprising] that, almost to a blogger, they took the opportunity to look for any comment on their deaths that was not 100% jumping for joy [and contained no negative comments about George W. Bush or his disastrous policy in Iraq], and exploit it for a cynical, neo-MaCarthyite smear campaign.
He fails to explain how qouting him is engaging in a "smear", he can't whine about context because everyone linked to his entire post. This is pathetic, truely, sadly, a sorry assed response. One step below crying in the corner. Somebody tell his mom to call him, he needs a hug, and a cookie.
Posted by Mark Edwards at July 23, 2003 04:08 PM | TrackBack"some of these guys couldn't pass you in the street without being offensive just on principle. Hesiod is a good example, his resident commenters are even worse."
You got that part right. Of course, most of the resident commenters are from the hawkish side of the fence.
Posted by: on July 23, 2003 07:34 PMThe logic is...interesting. "You quoted me in full and provided a link so people could verify what you purportedly pasted...that's a smear campaign."
Posted by: addison on July 23, 2003 10:38 PMHeisod's logic is similar to my 4 year olds, he wants what he wants when he wants it, he argues like a child, and not a clever one.
Posted by: puggs on July 24, 2003 03:30 AMGuys, please don't talk about 4-year-olds and "smear campaigns" in close proximity! It makes me think of what some babies do with dirty diapers and clean walls. Usually 2- or 3-year-olds, but still . . . .
Posted by: Dr. Weevil on July 24, 2003 10:20 AM