November 22, 2003
In addition

For your amusement, here is a pic of one of those protesters that Mark was talking about.

Looks to be a female member of the species 'anarchista el stupido'. Supposedly hit with a rubber projectile.

Notice the clothing. All black. Notice the gloves (see the person behind her in shorts. This is Florida). Hooded coat with a collar that can be pulled up to block the lower 2/3 of the face.

A member of the 'Black Bloc" possibly? You bet your ass.

My experience with these types leads me to believe that this one is of the sinkbomb thrower/window smasher variety. See the purple/gray strap. That is most likely connected to a non-descript bag which she can dump if necessary for fleeing. What it contains is anyones guess, but I'll venture that it isn't girl scout cookies.

UPDATE: Also, her mommy and daddy will probably pay for the lawyer to sue the agency that employs the police officer that supposedly shot her with the rubber projectile.

More hypocrisy from their side.

People like this don't just happen, they're grown.

Posted by AnalogKid at November 22, 2003 04:15 AM | TrackBack

Hopefully her injuries were quite painful. But it looks like there was no permanent damage since most of the damage was done to her head.

Posted by: Kirk on November 22, 2003 07:29 AM


To paraphrase the good Indiana Jones, Why does it have to be Anarchists,........I really hate these guys...........

Anyone who openly embraces chaos as a theory of human achievement is by definition, idiot. It's like telling people you like skipping in heavy traffic.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 22, 2003 12:19 PM

On other humans, bleeding from a minor headwound might be a sign of immersion in a learning process, but with this mouth-breather, its more like described above, "Poor me, waddn't doon nuffink wrong, wen oliver sudden them bad guys hurted me...!"

"And as her loving parents, we're gonna SUE!"

Posted by: SharpShooter on November 23, 2003 07:59 PM

What's with the gasmask? I think this should be treated the same as interference with law enforcement. You cannot use bulletproof vests legally. There is only one reason for wearing a gasmask at a protest, to stay after a lawful order was given to disperse. We definitely need to unleash the snipers on these fucks.

Posted by: StarBanker on November 23, 2003 11:00 PM
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