September 28, 2002
If Bush's concerns about Iraq are all unfounded diversionary tactics,

Then why are Turkish officials confiscating weapons grade uranium from smugglers?
Pull our troops out of Germany, redeploy them in Poland and Turkey, and stop Saddam before he nukes Israel or the US. But of course, this still won't be enough for Kennedy and Daschle to decide we need to act. Kennedy will dismiss this just as he has dismissed everything else: as "unconvincing evidence".

I do eagerly await Mr. Gore's next speech, though. I'm sure, of course, that this will all be turned into an obvious plant by the US: the whole thing is a set-up, and the smugglers are really US operatives who wanted to get caught in order to bolster the US war effort.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at September 28, 2002 06:30 PM | TrackBack

The "Oiiiil" crowd will change their cry to "Nuuuuuukes" because this is George W. Bush's fault--and the Jews. If those damned Jews hadn't blown up Iraq's nuclear reaction in 1981, then Saddam wouldn't have to bother smuggling it. See, the Jews made Saddam a criminal by forcing him to use the black market when he could have simply been getting this at home. Damned Jews.

Posted by: addison on September 28, 2002 10:32 PM

reactor, not "reaction"

Posted by: addison on September 28, 2002 10:32 PM

Yep, the Jews did it. It's amazing how Israel is always the aggressor, never the victem in the WBW groups eyes. Yet, while the worry about the fate of Palestinian civilians, they don't seem to be that concerned about Iraqi civilians, who Saddam is letting die at a record rate. Not very consistent: Palestinian civilians are dying, so condemn the Israeli Oppressors. Iraqi civilians are dying, but we must protect Saddam.

Posted by: Neal on September 29, 2002 09:31 AM
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