July 22, 2003
And now from the feminist wing of the party

Richard Gephardt speaking out for a softer, make nicer America,

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful Richard Gephardt on Tuesday condemned President Bush (news - web sites)'s foreign policy as "machismo" and "arrogant unilateralism," saying his clumsy diplomacy on Iraq (news - web sites) had shattered U.S. foreign alliances and endangered America.

Not over top do you think? NATO hasn't broken up the last time I checked, and invasion barges aren't being built in France. My fucktard meter just pegged out, Mr. I wiped Bill's ass for eight years has some splainin to do about his own role in the intelligence failures leading up to 9/11. Where the Hell was he?

"Diplomacy matters. Burden-sharing matters. Follow-through matters. And yes, sustaining the peace is harder, more complex, and often costlier than winning the war itself," he said. "No matter the surge of momentary machismo -- as gratifying as it may be for some -- it's short-sighted and wrong to simply go it alone."

Diplomacy matters when you can accomplish your goals with it, when it becomes a set of leg irons allowing your "friends" to shackle you to protect their own selfish interests at the cost of American lives,........Dick can just go perform an anatomical impossiblity on himself. American policy cannot be dictated from Moscow and Paris, unless your agenda is to do nothing but sound tough. Rearranging the deck chairs isn't a rational option for dealing with killers.

All this time since that day in September and Dick hasn't learned a damned thing. He was an idiot before and hasn't grown an inch since.

Posted by Mark Edwards at July 22, 2003 04:39 PM | TrackBack
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