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  Friday, September 06, 2002

What's this WE shit, EuroWeenie?

I sort of buried this in my Saddam Milk Factories post below, went back and re-read it, and decided it needed its very own little section.  The final European rebuttal is golden.

8:02:18 PM    

The American People

Are apparently confused and misled about who actually pulled of the WTC attacks.

6:46:54 PM    

Speaking of Blame America First

Go here and read this.  Even better than the "You might be an anti-American if......" linked to below.

6:43:01 PM    

More Iraqi "Milk Factories" Under Construction

This story talks about some suspicious construction activity in Saddam's very own back yard.  Of course, it's nothing a few UN weapons inspectors and another 11 years of futility can't sort out.  I'm sure these "dual use" nuclear facilities would never be used for evil, right?  I mean, look at Saddam's humanitarian record to date.  No reason to go into Iraq and intervene unless he actually targets Tel Aviv or something equally monstrously unimaginable.  Wonder what a nuke would do in Times Square?  Never happen, you say?  Well, that�s probably true, but what would a couple of (dozen) martyrs infected with smallpox walking around Times Square on New Year�s eve do?  Still not scared?  Then I wonder what a warhead laced with (insert deadly biotoxin here) would do?  But of course, we have to adequately make our case against Saddam (read: have him kill lots of people the EU cares about in some horrible way.  It�s not obvious that Americans, and certainly not Jews would meet the �cares about� requirement) before we can do anything about it.  Obviously, slaughtering Kurds hasn�t been enough to convince the world that he is a bad man, and that�s in the EU�s own sandbox.  Saddam kills thousands of Kurds, and the world stands mutely by.  We want to kill Saddam, and the world has a moral conscience, loud and shrill. 

Speaking of loud and shrill, why are the Archbishops of Canterbury and Westminster entering the fray?  Do we care what they think (evidently Mr. Misha does not)?  And what strange form of accounting does the Catholic Church use to decide that they have the moral authority to lecture anyone on anything?  I�m not a religious person, but I certainly don�t begrudge anyone the right to believe in a supreme being (as long as they don�t try to convert me, that is).  As far as I�m concerned, however, more atrocities have been committed in the name of organized religion than for any other cause in the history of the world.

Tell me again why killing Saddam now is a bad idea?  Oh, wait, maybe that particular military action is already underway.  But of course, its really all about poor old Saddam not getting a "fair hearing" and being "demonized".  I guess I think it is good for people in Baghdad to be scared.  Millions of people in the US are scared, so why should they get to be any different?  Help us get rid of Saddam, and we can end your fear in a very short period of time. 

Is it really possible to �demonize� a murdering monster like Saddam?  We could go ask the Kurds of northern Iraq that question.  But only if we can find any.  Bet the residents of Halabja never worried about chemical/biological warfare either.  Until 1988, that is. .


5:45:27 PM    

How long until Berkley falls into the sea?

Nice little story from the land of fruits and nuts.  Followed by an allegation of political profiteering (and Chancellor-esque spinmeistering, but at least you can wear red, white, and blue), followed by an response to the allegation.  And notice how the core issues of the original article are never addressed?


And the Daily Cal's response.  Critical, of course, of anything that suggests it might be OK to be proud to be an American.  And a few letters to the editor, to boot. All via Cal Watch



3:15:43 PM    

What would have happened on September 11th 2001 if

This had been true then?  This seems like the one thing that really makes sense to me.  Arm the pilots and give them a fighting chance if someone wants to try and take over control of their plane.

1:40:29 PM    

Thanks for the notice

To PejmanPundit and the Rottie, thanks for the kind words.  And head over to the Reactor Core to see these and other pundits I frequent (even the silly ones).

And to Dr. Weevil as well.  Go there to read a challenge to the WBW crowd that is slightly less, um, inflammatory than my suggestion below (but accomplishes the same end)

12:47:10 PM    

What do you expect

From the "news service" that refused to use the word terrorism in the WTC attack because some people thought the 19 Arab Muslims who did the deed were freedom fighters.  Look at the picture, and read the caption.  And then wonder why we should even care what these people think.

12:43:57 PM    

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