Godless Capitalist
Gene Expression gets a few visits from the Shropshire Slasher over this post.
Be sure and read the comments to get a full flavor for who believes what. That way, you get to see Shropshire statements like:
"Well, if you had read a little further onward over there on the random rant you would have noticed that 6000 was about my limit."
Meaning, I suppose, that 6001 deaths would have set his blood aboilin'. Just pissed him off to no end and had him ready to go to Afghanistan to kick butts and take names. However, the actual final death toll from the WTC attacks apparently still leaves us 3156 dead people short of Phil's Karmic Balance. Some have offered remedies for this situation.
"And here's something that perhaps should be clarified about that quote: I think that the people who organized the bombings should be caught and prosecuted. When I was talking about forgiveness what I meant was not using the usual and stupid military American response where we simply bomb countries that look at us the wrong way".
If flying 2 planes into huge buildings populated with innocent civilians (of course in the WBW world there are no innocent Americans, which is why we needed the WTC Karmic Adjustment in the first place) is looking at us the wrong way, I sure as hell don't ever want to see what an actual attack on American soil looks like. Perhaps going after Saddam now is not such a bad idea, eh? Oh, no, let's appease him and give him time to devlop something really nasty.
"Furthermore, I do not think that the terrorists are crazy bad insane people. Truth be told, there are many legitimate reasons to hate the United States."
Fisk and Chomsky must be so proud. Apparently Phil has not noticed that there are also legitimate reasons to love America, and be proud to be a citizen of this country. You want to change things about the US, then go for it. Certainly the civil rights demonstrators (who were real activists, willing to die for their beliefs, BTW) did it. But dancing in the streets in joyful celebration with Arab murderers and chanting USA SUCKS is just not very useful for anything other than fomenting dissent and having people think you are an asshole.
"We like the Third World poor. It�s more profitable that way. Or as a great American statesman put it, the 9-11 bombings were the Chickens Coming Home to Roost."
I mean really, really proud. Philip is lobbying for the coveted Anti-American of the year award. He will have some stiff competition, but I actually think the guy has a chance. I'm not sure who the un-named great American Statesman is. Maybe Phil meant statesPERSON, and is referring to Cynthia McKinney. If we are really only interested in getting richer, wouldn't we want the third world to be something other than poor so they can buy our mass produced crappy consumables?
"This doesn�t make me feel safer as an American."
I'm sure this is just a typo. Phil actually meant "This doesn't make me feel any safer as an anti-American". Remember, unthinking criticism and critical thinking are not the same thing, and most Americans have figured that out. That is why anti-Americanism thinly disguised as an anti-war effort is playing so badly.
But if you give me a secular group that attacked property only and targeted multinationals that were working to privatize water in the Third World then, hey, you might see a Shropshire Cell in the Pittsburgh area but until then�
Well, it only makes sense that Phil would be a Tranzi, since he firmly subscribes to their worldview in all things that bash the good old US of A. It's statements like this that make me hope that Carnivore is up and running. Maybe if we all type "Shropshire cell in Pittsburgh" while talking about terrorists that will Google him to the top of the list. That would be sort of funny. In a mean kind of way.
"refuse to understand that the "terrorists" might have a legitimate point or two, then you can expect a world that hates the United States"
So we should base our foreing policy on whether or not people like us, regardless of what is in our country's best interest? And should we drop our support for the only democracy in the middle east so that the Palestinians will like us? And will al-Qaida like us after we let the arab world overrun Israel and wipe it off the face of the Earth?
However, Phil has made a valid point that many people hate the US, and demonstrated that many of those haters of America live right here. Unfortunately, even if we did everything exactly right (from Phil's perspective), there would still be a LOT of people who hate the United States. They might be different people, but I suspect it would be about the same number as hate us now. Because people will always be jealous of us, and want what we want, or only be happy if they pull us down to their level. Sorry, not interested in that. Appeasement DOES NOT WORK (and here's a link to some interesting audio files to prove it: best with high bandwidth). It never has, and it never will as long as every country looks out for their own private interests. This is what I have never understood, why does everyone get to do what is best for them except the US?
I mentioned below that I read primarily science fiction in my "leisure time", but also that I try not to develop my worldview from fantasy works of fiction. It seems to me that Phil sort of blurs the line between what is realistic and possible and what is just wishful thinking possible only in a perfect universe. Since Osama Bin Laden (who may have a terrorist cell in Pittsburgh for all we know) may have developed some of his worldview or least named al-Qaida from the Arabic translation of Asimov's Foundation series, perhaps he and Phil have more in common than we realize. Apparently they both yearn for the downfall of what they perceive to be a decadent empire. They have just made the small shift from a mythical decadent galactic empire to real "decadent" American empire.
12:32:24 PM