If he could control the murderous bastards within his own government that choose to blow up innocent people, he wouldn't be in this mess. Surely all of the Warblog Watchers will be taking Dr. Weevil up on his offer of free airfare. The original Shropshire challenge was intended to provide airfare to Iraq to serve in a human shield brigade. I'm sure we could change the destination to Ramallah, with a continuation to Baghdad if necessary.
4:26:20 PM
No, No, No, I meant the OTHER Adolph Hitler
The German beaurocrat who is quoted as comparing Bush's policies to those of Adolph Hitler is now claiming she was misquoted. It's great to know that this good old standby of saying anything you want and then blaming the press for carelessness is alive and well in countries other than the US. Lots of good old boilerplate to spread around:
"The unbelievably loaded reporting in the election campaign has begun to damage the good relations with the United States
Yeah, that and the fact that you refuse to support us on Iraq, and threatened to withhold evidence against Massoui because he might get the death penalty.
"I don't have to answer for the reporting ... but I believe that relations between our countries are good despite the unbelievably emotion-charged discussion over the Iraq conflict."
No, you don't have to answer for the reporting, especially if its correct. What you should have the balls to do is answer for yourself; don't say it if you don't mean it.
But the newspaper that reported the remarks stands by its story:
The chief editor of the Schwaebisches Tagblatt said Friday he stood by the remarks as reported, insisting that several witnesses had confirmed Daeubler-Gmelin's choice of words. The editor, Christoph Mueller, also said his reporter had checked the wording with Daeubler-Gmelin herself when she telephoned to clarify her remarks.
Let's just hope it jumps up to bite our "friend" Gerhard Schroeder in the ass in the upcoming elections.
4:13:59 PM
American RealPolitik
Rocks! Look at the cartoons (this one of Kofi is really nice), read the commentary. Definitely worth a daily read.
3:55:51 PM
Some people
Just shouldn't have children. I love the way CNN uses the word "allegedly" when describing the beating the 4 year old took from her mother. The mother is now at large, and apparently her family is being less than cooperative in helping police find her. If she does this in public, think about what must happen to these kids (mom has 3 in all) in the privacy of their own home.
Go here to view the video. Then decide for yourself whether or not there's any "allegedly" about it.
The Reverend Jesse Jackson was here in Baton Rouge, to talk to some of our "younger generation". Sounds like lots of the same rhetoric and pump 'em up pep rally stuff. However there are a couple of points in his message to students at Southern University and LSU that are telling:
"To turn our back on Al Quaida who struck us September 11th and now shift to Sadaam Hussein is in fact to spread terrorism and not to contain it," says Jackson.
Hmmmmmm. So going after Saddam makes us the terrorists. Unless, of course, there were a Democrat in the White House, it which case it would be a continuing heroic struggle against terrorism. Except for the fact that if Gore were in office, we probably would have already surrendered to the Taleban (after killing a couple of camels in a cruise missle attack, and then declaring the war unwinnable), and my wife would be shopping for burqas.
I also liked this bit:
Reverend Jackson also encouraged students to stay in school and vote when they turn 18. He told LSU Lab students in the Capitol's Senate Chamber Room he would rather see them deal strong blows at the polls then on a battlefield in Iraq.
Isn't this what has the black caucus so upset? The fact that a group of people dealt "strong blows" to some candidates they felt did not represent their views? But Jesse says that it's OK afterall. Who'd a thunk it?
This story, from another Baton Rouge news source, shows that some of Jackon's message is very helpful and positive. If only he would drop the jingoism and victemology.
9:43:15 AM
Whatever happened to school discipline?
Man, I would hate to be a teacher in grade school. It's bad enough dealing with adults in a graduate program (and I use adults to refer to physical age, not emotional and intellectual maturity). I think the teacher was wrong to tape the little girl's mouth shut (should have sent her to the principles office, etc). But to have the teacher be physically assaulted by the mother is a wee bit extreme, too. If the mother had spent half of the energy in disciplining her own child that she expended roughing up a kindergarten teacher, this whole affair would probably never have happened.
9:28:02 AM
Hey, I work for a "Quasi-Parental Hug Factory"
Here's a nice essay on how universities have morphed from a bastions of free speech to hovels of "say anything you want, as long as it doesn't offend any ethnic or religious group". Jews and Americans, however, seem to be exempt from the "offend clause". From Instapundit.