Naaaaw, we don't have any of those, either.
Posted by nukevet at April 10, 2003 01:49 PM | TrackBack*sigh*
Not again, how many times has Fox news reported WMD's?
Posted by: harmonia on April 11, 2003 03:17 AMAnother one bites the dust:
Posted by: harmonia on April 11, 2003 04:20 AMBTW this is rather funny:
Posted by: harmonia on April 11, 2003 08:07 AMNot "the" smoking gun perhaps, but come on harm, you were willing to give Blix years, why do we have to find evidence in days? Give it some time before you decide that it's a fraud. A few weeks anyway. We still don't hold all of Iraq yet.
I tried going to the site above but it's overloaded and closed down for 24 hours. I'll peek back later.
Don't tell me you also find the Iraqi information Minister an object of fun? It would break my furry little heart if we agreed on something. :-)
Posted by: puggs on April 11, 2003 03:55 PM