I love this story (www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/Topstory2/1906120) about the Democrats in the Texas Senate running and hiding because they were going to get their asses kicked in a redistricting vote.
It seems that since there was no way they were going to win this vote, so they conspired to leave the state and go into hiding until the session is over on Thursday. They even packed extra clothes. You see, if 1/3 of the house is not present, no vote can take place. But, if they are absent during session, the house majority leader can call the Texas Rangers out to arrest them. But only if they are within state lines.
So, being a map geek, I whipped out my atlas and took a peek. Oh my. Seems like the good doctor Nukevet could help out. He'd have to drive a little while, but still. My best guess is that they either took FM 79 to Hwy 20 to Shreveport. But more than likely though they took FM 280 to Hwy 10 and are hunkered down in Lafayette.
Good hunting doc. As long a neither of these towns have too many local sniveling bitches wandering around, you should have an easy go of it.
Posted by AnalogKid at May 13, 2003 05:49 AM | TrackBackNevermind, seems they wanted to cry in their near-beer in Oklahoma.
Posted by: analog kid on May 13, 2003 06:39 PM