May 27, 2003
Day 4

Wednesday, May 21st, 2003

Oh boy, another day at Indymedia. I think this day was the best of the week. Today we start with a stinky one.

Oregon Poetry Anthology Censored � Duane Poncy has collected the finest collection of anti-war poetry Oregon had to offer. Now he is at the stage of looking for a publisher for this steaming bucket of bile, and whenever he gets a rejection letter, he whips out the mainstay of the left. Censorship. Hilarity ensues.

The DLC Blasts Activists, Time to Fight Back � Voice for Change posts a supposed leaked internal memo from the Democratic Leadership Council which claims that the thought of activists as the heart and soul of the Democratic Party is a myth. And boy are they peeved about being treated like the children they are.

Brink of Radicalism � Sonking returns with one big ass paragraph to let us know he is unhappy with the crap that he and his friends pull being considered terrorism.

Arundhati Roy explains it all for you � Znet reposts a steamy pile from Roy called �Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy�. I�d tell you more, but I doubt I need to.

No more Clear Channels! � Global Exchange sent this to Portland IMC to let them know about a rally on May 29th in front of a Clear Channel station in town. The comments are the gem in this one.

Shopping, the End of the World and Bush � Saul Landau lays out an essay on why Bush is responsible for all the evils in the world. Yes, all of them.

International Squat Symbol � Immy J asks what the symbol for squatters looks like. He is told by a commenter, and then other commenter whips out his paranoia and it gets funny from there on.

This is how they spell democracy � No author listed. Probably because he realized he is an idiot. Do you remember the photo shopped pic with the words �Fuck Iraq� spelled out on the deck of an aircraft carrier? Well, these dingbats want to know how much the pic cost, believing the letters were actually formed by personnel on-board.

Today in India 40 million went on strike against privatization � George Lee lets us know how wise the Indian people are for going on strike to help their government keep control of state assets. Because socialism is such a good idea.

Fanatics in the White House � Arianna Huffington, coming in a close second for dipshit of the day, strikes out in vapid stupidity at the �fanatics� in the Bush cabinet. A must read. Bring the Pepto.

The Liar in Speech, the Bush Lesion begins to Pus � Lloyd Hart may just win the award for largest hemorrhoid of the week with this one. It starts out with the �stealing the election� crap that was discounted literally years ago. He then swings over to the �high crimes and misdemeanors� fantasies with out batting an eye. By the end you can almost picture him chewing his fingertips to the bone with the frothing mouth of a syphilitic.

Posted by AnalogKid at May 27, 2003 03:40 AM | TrackBack
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