July 22, 2003
Burn in Hell

While DNA tests results aren't in yet, this looks very near certain.

"We are certain that Odai and Qusai were killed today," said Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez at a news conference in Baghdad. "The bodies were in such a condition where you could identify them."

Expect two things if this is true, one, the resistence in Iraq will be shaken badly, two, the presidents numbers will start to swing back upwards.

The deaths of the sons could have a major impact on the Iraqi resistance, which has been mounting about a dozen attacks a day against U.S. occupation troops. The guerrillas are thought to be former military officers and Baath Party leaders loyal to Saddam and his family � especially the sons, who played primary roles in the military and feared security services.


"This will contribute significantly to reducing attacks on coalition soldiers," said Ahmad Chalabi, a delegate from the Coalition Provisional Authority, speaking at the United Nations


"I believe very firmly this will have an effect. This will prove to the Iraqi people that these two members of the Iraqi regime will never come to power again," Sanchez said.

Hours after the raid in Mosul, gunfire erupted throughout Baghdad, making travel very dangerous. The shooting was believed to be celebratory as news of the killing of the sons spread through the capital.

One other thing you can expect, asshats will immediately try to paint this as a bad thing. Months of bitching that we don't have Saddam or his sons will not suddenly turn to congratulations on a fine job by the 101st. They also will completely overlook any celerbrations on the deaths of the Goat Brothers by the Iraqi's. Also, Saddam will be rattled about as badly as his wretchedly sickened soul could be. Don't be surprised if he trips up and finds himself in a similar situation soon. After the reports of childrens mass graves, I hope they died in agony. Screaming for the mercy they never understood.

The highest Judge has them now, rot in Hell you bastards.........

UPDATE..... Additional.


July 22, 2003
Release Number: 03-07-68



Statement from US Central Command:

On Tuesday, July 22, forces associated with the 101st Airborne Division and Special Operations Forces conducted an operation against suspected regime figures at a residence in Mosul, Iraq. The site is currently being exploited. Four Iraqis were killed in the operation. We have confirmed that two of the dead were Saddam�s sons Uday and Qusay.

Drudge provided the document.

The dam may have broken, expect positive results from this.


The Guardian of all sources now thinks it's just about over for Huessein. When even they recognize the signifigance of this, it makes the quagmire arguement look just a tad premature.

Posted by Mark Edwards at July 22, 2003 04:05 PM | TrackBack

I fully expect the freakos of doom on the left to twist the hell out of this or die trying. By the end of the week somebody on Indymedia will be screaming that we'd killed these two sadistic fucks months ago and then put the bodies on ice so we could bring them out if W's approval numbers started to fall. I triple guarantee you that somebody will accuse W of bringing out the dead bodies of the "Wonder Twins" in order to 'take the focus off his lies in the State of the Union.' "Bush lied - people died!"

Hey, if I can think up this shit, so can the moonbats. Standby for the storm of the stupid...

Posted by: Mike the Marine on July 22, 2003 05:30 PM

It's already starting. I'll have a post on it pretty quick.

Posted by: puggs on July 22, 2003 05:49 PM

I think I know what you're talking about puggs. Misha has it up at the Rott (actually it was Oki who put it up but, same effect)


The Indymedia freakshow is up and running. Not quite how I predicted, but just as inane and stupid.

Posted by: Mike the Marine on July 22, 2003 08:21 PM

Jesus, the loonies are out and about. You know they shouldn't write about a subject they know nothing about. When a always been a civilian asshat speaks of what the military should or should not do in combat, the hair stands up on the back of my neck. I'm sure you know what I mean Mike. They drag in something seen and half remembered from a movie, toss in some comicbook fantasy and bingo, instant what they shoulda done, served up fresh and steaming.

Posted by: puggs on July 22, 2003 09:41 PM

Excellent piece here Mr.Puggs, but this got me wondering,
'said Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez at a news conference in Baghdad.'
How in hell did such a 'racist' nation such as America let this guy become a general? Wasn't Powell enough?

Posted by: analog kid on July 22, 2003 09:47 PM
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