August 12, 2003
Can courage be taught?

No, I doubt that it can, it can be learned, but not taught. Given knowledge is one thing, 2+2, the capitol of Texas, the distance to the Moon. But courage is different, a partly emotional response, but largely an unthinking one. Fight or flight is something that you just do. The thinking is never that clear. I don't believe wholely in genetics, experience and the lessons you draw on your own determine wether you are capable of courage. It has nothing to do with physical size, it's what's in your heart. This article is what makes me go there today.

You can't give something to someone unless they are prepared to accept it. Experience clears those decks.

Posted by Mark Edwards at August 12, 2003 01:39 PM | TrackBack

I think it can be taught... everything I know about courage I learned from my parents, relatives, teachers, and Scout leaders. Maybe what you mean is that you can't FORCE a person to learn courage... but it can't be learned in a vacuum. You mush have examples to see and follow.

Posted by: Mollbot on August 12, 2003 10:45 PM

And you absolutely MUSH use the preview button if you suck at typing!

Posted by: Mollbot on August 12, 2003 11:44 PM

Been there, done that.

I guess you're right Mollbot, I do mean you have to be a willing student. But many are unwilling. Wether it's cowardice, selfishness, or just apathy, some learn early on to risk nothing in the hope that they'll be passed by.

Posted by: puggs on August 13, 2003 02:10 AM

I agree with Mollbot, too. I think it can be learned, if you have someone to emulate. Of course, some people just find that courage lives deep within, and that is springs forth at the right moment. Others find that they are doomed to a completely cowardly existance. The only ones I disdain are the ones who mock those having courage they lack as "cavemen", "baby-killers", etc.

Posted by: Nukevet on August 13, 2003 03:26 PM
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