August 14, 2003
Enough, severe cursing to follow....

What the journalists said about their statements,

WASHINGTON � They wanted their message to be clear: It�s possible to support the troops and not support the war they�re fighting.

Several family members of U.S. troops in Iraq spoke out Wednesday against what they see as shortsighted policy on the part of the Bush administration.

What they actually said,

Warning, salty veterans type discourse to follow............

Bring Them Home Now is a campaign by Military Families Speak Out, which Lessin said was started in 2002 and boasts 600 families, and Veterans For Peace, which has hundreds of chapters in America, said member Stan Goff.

Goff, a 26-year Army veteran and former special forces member, was particularly scathing of the administration and its motivations.

�These are rich men in expensive suits conducting statecraft not to protect the U.S., but to protect the profits of Halliburton and Bechtel,� two contractors with a large stake in the rebuilding of Iraq.

�Then they turn around and accuse us of being unpatriotic,� Goff said. �That is truly Orwellian.�

Nuh uh Goff, I'm calling you a cocksucker, a lefty suckhead without enough voltage running through your head to fire up a lightning bugs ass. After all the shit over the build up and the war, the aftermath, he still thinks it's about construction contracts? Why not drag in the black helicopters and the illuminati as well dickcheese? Let us not forget the alien prescence at Area 51.............All part of the VRWC to put a couple of mill in the pockets of the good ol boys.....


Look dicksmoker, did you finish your time in a VA mental ward? Grieveing families, fearing families OK. I can allow them the right to speak their mind, they have motive. I think they're wrong, but oh well. Not you Goff, you pay full fare. Think being a vet excludes you from being unpatriotic? How patriotic was Oswald you fuckwad? Or the Oklahoma City bomber, he was a vet too. No one has more respect for service than I do, but you aren't given a free pass to ram your head up your ass forever after because you did your twenty........UNDERSTAND!

You want to have a rational arguement, than start by being rational, start by finishing a public statement not designed to point out your mental defects.

I'm having a bad night, so Goff gets the payoff. And I meant every single fucking word of it. Turn in yer nuts Goff, ...oh ,....never mind.



Boil sucking asswit.

Posted by Mark Edwards at August 14, 2003 04:05 AM | TrackBack

You know this jerkoff is the extreme fringe. There's others out there, too, and I've learned to accept the fact that some idiot is going to give them a microphone. Then some rube reporter is going to get "their story" printed. I try to not let it get to me. Otherwise, I'd go crazy.

Posted by: Interested-Participant on August 14, 2003 07:05 PM

holy hell puggs.
anyway, I read today the pentagon wants to cut soldiers' pay in iraq.

i know it's sfgate, but i've read it elsewhere as well.

I do believe a good amount of this is protecting certain corporate interests,(not all, just some) nothing to do with illuminati or ufos, i think that's a bit of a stretch on your part. I understand your anger, but wish you'd be more rational in your arguement other than mere insults, we all know you are better than that.

Posted by: bsti on August 15, 2003 03:47 AM

Hehe Puggsly, that almost made my eyes bleed.

Everyone gets to blow off steam every once in a while.............

Posted by: Nukevet on August 15, 2003 10:50 AM

I was indeed having a very bad night and as Nukevet said I was blowing off steam. I can argue fact's in a calm and reasoned way, what really makes me angry, makes me nuts is the oppurtunistic piggy backing of the fringe veterans group on what was supposed to be a call by concerned veterans families.

I don't share their politics no, but I understand their need to express grief and fear. I supported the right of veterans families to speak out against Clinton after Somalia, these people have the same rights. Their right to say what they think is secure with me. But what should have been a dialog between families and veterans is turned into a dog and pony show.

If the fathers and mothers who spoke out against Clinton had brought along some rightwing fringe groups to give them a platform and step all over the issue at hand, I would have been just as angry.

Time and place are important to me. It wasn't the right place.

Posted by: puggs on August 15, 2003 01:51 PM
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