I detest rap, hip hop music, never listen to any of it. So I have nothing to say about this other than my vote would go to the Sex Pistols as the worst band ever. However realizing that many younger people do like some of it I wonder, who do you guys and gals vote for as the worst?
Or, who do you like the best? I like many so I don't really have a favorite.
Music I never listen to:
1) rap, hip-hop (with very few exceptions)
2) britney, christina & co
3) heavy metal & any music that consists of really loud guitars accompanied by screaming and yelling
4) r'n'b & soul (ie. black people moaning about ooh baby ooh something)
5) boybands ala backstreet boys & co.
I listen to anything not listed here, according to my mood.
Posted by: dr.dna on August 14, 2003 02:06 PMTwo least favorite entertainers (not bands): Barry Manilow & Yanni. Rap and hip hop don't even register on my music radar. That's not music. It's belligerent whining set to a beat.
Posted by: Cait on August 14, 2003 02:36 PMLeast favorite - I think Cait has listed a couple of winners in this category. The band I have had the hardest time listening to EVER is Nine Inch Nails.
I like jazz, classical, and lots of different kinds of "rock". Not a big R&B; or soul fan.
Posted by: Nukevet on August 14, 2003 06:14 PMR&B;? Depends, sometimes yes but mostly not. My wife is fond of some of the deeper female singers like Pink, I listen to some of her stuff. Not what we used to call bubblegum pop music, not Brittainy or her clones.
Posted by: puggs on August 14, 2003 06:40 PMWithout a doubt The Doors led by that no-talent, pretentious shithead Morrison were the worst band ever to pick up instruments. Runners up are obviously Pearl Jam led by that no-talent, pretentious shithead Vedder and any band that decided that the way to make a quick buck would be to imitate above-mentioned Chomsky quoting fucktard.
Posted by: RachelCorriePancake on August 15, 2003 10:59 AM