November 04, 2003
Interactive Childhood Memories

As a kid (or even as an adult), I'm sure you've done this. When you get a straw for your drink at a restaurant, you take the paper wrapper off at one end, leaving the straw in the remainder of the wrapper, and then use the straw to shoot the wrapper at your favorite target (sibling, mom or dad).

Well, when I was young, I always had the bad luck of getting a straw wrapper that was blown out at both ends or opening the wrong end. Either way, I always got 'The Misfiring Straw", while dad got a good straw. I can't say that he sabotaged my straws because I thought of that and would either switch straws with him or go get my own. It was just bad luck. And man, was dad accurate.

I once complained about this dilemma and this was dad's comment, "It's because of Jimmy Carter. All he does all day is sit in the Oval Office and poke holes in the ends of straws".

Just thought I'd share.

I know there is a Clinton joke in there somewhere (with all the blowing and poking comments), but I'll leave that to you all.

Posted by AnalogKid at November 04, 2003 01:55 AM | TrackBack

Damn, that trick almost got me expelled from Junior High School. Course it wasn't exactly paper.......

I swiped a box of straight pins from the home-ec room, made a spitball, pushed said pin through spitball, inserted in straw,...WhaLa..Instant Acme blowgun and dart.



I swear to Christ I didn't mean to get him in the neck.

I was aiming at his shoulder. But I was only 13. I got better at it.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 4, 2003 03:12 AM

Oh, that was one of those tiny milk straws, not a soda straw. For them I used brads.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 4, 2003 03:28 AM


Posted by: dr.dna on November 4, 2003 08:50 AM

Even if it is blown out twirl the end. This puts what I call as a ballistic tip on the end that stabilizes it in flight and gives it more range. Be careful of the people in the next table. Wow, a nut like me.

Posted by: John on November 4, 2003 02:22 PM

Gotcha John

Posted by: analog kid on November 4, 2003 10:25 PM
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