November 14, 2003

AKA Stupid Hippie Bicyclists

I was wandering around the Portland IMC site and found an article on a new sensation sweeping the bicycling population of Portland called 'Zoobombing'.

Basically, there is a big hill by the Portland zoo and these dweebs derive great pleasure from rolling down it at as high a rate of speed as they can. Sounds innocent enough, except that it is illegal to do so as it creates a traffic hazard to vehicles and draws crowds of people to the suburban neighborhoods at night.

I find two things extremely funny about this.

Since these pedal pushers believe that all cars are a threat to bicyclists (even though it was their choice to ride a bike rather than drive), if this activilty was being done by people in cars, they'd be dead set against it. For safety reasons.

And that when the cops come and tell them to disperse and/or write citations for their activity and their bikes get impounded, they whine and call it 'theft'.

This is just too strange. I got tired of rolling down hills real fast on my bike at about the age of twelve.

Posted by AnalogKid at November 14, 2003 01:29 AM | TrackBack

You're supposed to use a bike?

(Hand slapping forehead)WHAP!.............No wonder I used to get so dizzy.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 14, 2003 02:06 AM
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