I came across these little back and forths at Instapundit. It appears that they are in a huff over the "unpatriotic" thing again. (Via t a c i t u s). Poor babies, their sensibilities are offended by the suggestion that they are acting like a traitous fith column (which many are indeed doing). The examples are legion,
Rall (Red as a baboon's ass) commie revolutionary.
The Democratic Underground (also known as dimwits united).
I could give a rat's ass that they are offended. They offend me by being usefull idiots to America's enemies, I don't expect that to shut them up, which is what they are demanding. "I will scream Hitler, Nazi, baby killing warmonger as much as I like,....but don't you dare be mean to me!".
The complete hypocrisy of their position is as plain as the point on their cone shaped heads. "chickehawk, warblogger" is common enough, they demand the right to say coward, but get insulted over being called traiter. Double standards anyone?
People like Rall are like rats, parasites feeding off something far bigger and grander than their tiny little minds can concieve of. He'll never make anything on his own, he's not that smart, he simply exists at the sufferance of others. He spews hate as many of the others do, but has a skin as thin as a butterfly's wings. For the record do I think someone can disagree about military action and still love America?
But that's not what's happening here, our people are sacrificing their lives and idiots like these applaud because it damages Bush. Filthy traiter sounds just about right.
As does hanging.
Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 15, 2003 04:33 PM | TrackBackThis guy is from michigan, sorry Iraq has to deal with this complete moron. Left bed wetter
David Joseph Enders :
From Ann Arbor to Beirut
But I am glad he is out of michigan. Sorry We can't control all the nuts.
Thanks Lowell, that kid is an airhead with a death wish. Counting on terrorist restraint for his well being.
Daniel Pearl should ring a bell about this time don't you think? I'm sure he thought they wouldn't harm a journalist either. Great comfort to his widow.
Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 15, 2003 07:27 PM