November 20, 2003
New example of an old idea

I'm sure you've heard about the 'Affirmative Action Bake Sale' events that have been held by College Republican groups from various colleges and universities around the country.

And about how the braindead, kool-aid drinking, proponents of liberal racism have used violence to break up these events.

The CRs now have a new example of how Affirmative Action is a racist system.

With as simple a contest as a bean bag toss game, the NT College Republicans hope to define the biases that group members believe are associated with affirmative action today at an Equal Opportunity Carnival.

This carnival is expected to highlight the bean bag tossing game, composed of three sets of rules.

The first, called the Pre-Affirmative Action Rules, will position Caucasians closest to the target, followed by Asians, Hispanics and blacks. The second set, called the Affirmative Action Rules, will reverse these positions placing the minorities nearer to the target, with blacks closest, followed by Hispanics, Asians, then Caucasians. According to Petersen, the third set of rules, or the Equal Opportunity Rules, will position all individuals at the same distance from the target.

How much do you want to bet that having these throwable objects readily available will mean assaults on CR targets somewhere?

Posted by AnalogKid at November 20, 2003 12:51 AM | TrackBack
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