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July 31, 2004
Kerry get's his due
And the dimwits at the Democratic Underground can't handle it. The Marines were correct, and quite cold, saying exactly what they think. Somethow, that's SO UNFAIR!. Hat tip to LGF for the lead in the comments section.
This one, in particular is an outright lie. #52
I'm in the military, and there was no 8% pay raise last year. Where are you getting your facts? Some people forget, that the largest pay increase for the military in our history came under Jimmy Carter.
False, I was there dickhead, that was Reagan's pay hike, 1981. Carter sucked ass and so do you.
Those motherfuckers are going to have another "Commander-in-Chief" come January, and they better get used to it.
FUCK those guys.
This is just dumb.
MODemocrat (638 posts) Sat Jul-31-04 12:21 PM
Response to Reply #11
40. They've probably never met a Real Hero like John Kerry
No I guess not, the Iraqi combat ribbons are just for show. Jesus are all DU'ers this fucking dense?
This is just vile. What a cockroach.
PROUDNWLIBERAL (109 posts) Sat Jul-31-04 06:08 AM
Response to Original message
18. stupid people
Remember most of this people that go in the Marines weren't the brightest light bulb in high school. They would make good Nazis. Remember the snipers in Iraq are mostly Marines and they like killing children and killing people so they can't get into hospitals for medical care. I don't have a bit of sympathy for them---hope they're headed somewhere the rest of humanity doesn't want to go to---and they never come back. These are really sick individuals---my brother-in-law is an ex-Marine and is he ever Cheyned-up!
I hope this asshole talks alot, on TV, on radio, tell the country what a good democrat thinks. I hope too this shitstain dies in a fire.
Or just make death threats.
ItsMyParty (74 posts) Sat Jul-31-04 12:48 PM
Response to Original message
43. John should have put his arms around them and said
"fellas, you are such big burly heroes that I promise when I become CIC to deploy you to Iraq and put you on the front lines so you can eat sand (like real men) instead of that wussy sandwich. And I promise to force GWB to serve out his commitment to the serice which he fled decades ago and make him your leader on that some front line. Now what size bodybag to you prefer?".
Voltaire99 (1000+ posts) Sat Jul-31-04 02:43 PM
Response to Reply #1
49. LOL! This is what Kerry gets for pandering to the military
Ahem: it's no mystery. These people include many violent brainwashed killers, they consume troughs of right wing propaganda, they're xenophobic and racist, they reject nuance like anorexics reject digestion, and, surprise, surprise, they don't like Democrats.
Kerry is pursuing a foolish, self-destructive strategy with his GI Joe routine. The right wingers will never go for him. Meanwhile, he's alienating those of us in the anti-war movement who are tiring of watching him play soldier while Iraq bleeds.
Ok then, as long as we're clear on this. I know a fair number of democrats, we all do. If you believe in their party philosphy, and accept what that is, you can still be a good American, even if you're wrong. What you cannot do, can never do is to spit on the very idea of America and still claim the right to have a say. We aren't listening. You can hide behind camoflage and say all the pretty things, but this shows exactly what the foaming at the mouth fringe on the left thinks. They're vermin. Twitchy nosed hide from the light parasites. Notice that almost to a person, they deride Marines as stupid robotic fascists, so "OF COURSE" they support Bush. A few of them defended those Marines right to an opinion, a very few. That's the problem. That, and they're so stupid.
dArKeR (1000+ posts) Sat Jul-31-04 02:37 AM
Response to Original message
7. How can anyone support a coward and not a man who was wounded 3 times
An aWol coward drunk for 25 years? An aWol coward who never even flew solo but tells everyone he did? An aWol coward who couldn't pass a physical because he was a alcoholic/drug addict. A student who cheated to get D+, C-'s. A commander in thief who sent them out without body armor... Are marines that unaware?
The F-102 was a single seater brainac, how could he log hundreds of hours in a trainer and be assigned intercept missions?
They don't know history, the technology of war, the people who serve or their motivations. Because they don't have those motivations. How does a coward recognize bravery? The short answer, he can't. So it must be something else, it must be as venal and cold hearted as his own calculations. You don't have to listen to "baby killers", unless they tow the party line, but even they are not trusted. The only enlightening thing in this twisted string is the lie it puts to democrat spin that military people really just love Kerry.
They don't believe that themselves, and their hatred is showing. Yes, there are really two America's. But not divided in half. It's more like a ninety/ten split. One one side you have most democrats and republicans, the independents. On the other, well, we see that these guys aren't so far removed from the Klan, and like the Klan, they thrive only in the dark. The danger here is that the republicans don't court the extreme right, but that is Kerry's entire strategy. He's mainstreaming the lunatic fringe of his party.
I'm more covinced than ever that Bush will win at least forty states. The more these bugs talk, the bigger the win will be.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:28 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Note to Kerry
Size does matter.
Smallest convention bounce since the polls' inception? Great work, guys.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:24 PM | Comments (0)
Down like the punk he always was.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:38 PM | Comments (0)
Hey, look
I'm not the only nuclear geek in the blogosphere.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:19 PM | Comments (2)
What kind of Dumbass
Asks an atheist to give the invocation?
As the resident atheist here at RNS, this is just completely weird to me. When I've been asked to say grace in the past, I have politely declined, saying that I don't think I can do justice to the situation. In truth, I could stumble through and say something passable - but I think that is disrespectful to the people who do believe, and for some saying grace is a true article of faith. Similarly, I will bow my head during a prayer or invocation - again, out of respect for the people who truly do believe. I've always thought that people who refuse to bow their heads and stare stonily/defiantly ahead are assholes. However, I guess you could counter that I'm being disingenuous by not standing up to my atheist principles. Fact is, I don't have any desire to be an "activist" in this arena. I don't believe in a higher authority, but I respect the feelings and beliefs of those who do. Taking the opportunity to be a sanctimonious asshole is just small and petty.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:56 PM | Comments (6)
Is it a bad thing
when the Lebanese Daily Star and Der Spiegel are more critical of Michael Moore than our on media or the DNC?
Funny how the Germans, who know a bit about Nazi-era propaganda, see through Moore's antics better than our Bush-hating friends here at home. Now, if Harmonia (aka Jimmy the Red) wasn't banned, I'm sure we would get to hear how he shared a bratwurst with some Germans when he vacationed there during Oktoberfest, thereby proving the Michael Moore is the salt of the Earth and perfectly honest and trustworthy. However, Harm is banned, so I guess all we will hear from that corner is blessed silence.
The Der Spiegel analysis and translation is by David Kaspar over at his Medienkritik site - indispensable if you want to know what is going on in the German press.
Link via Instapundit.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:21 PM | Comments (0)
Anyone up to go to the range?
I've had a hell of a week and I'll be heading off to Montana on Monday.
Anyone up for a range session?
I pretty much don't care where I go.
I'll be checking my emails at noon and two Seattle local time.
Let me know.
I may be buying a new 22 rifle but nothing is written in stone.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:45 AM | Comments (2)
Michael Moore, a racist! The Lebanese Daily Star thinks so.
Michael Moore: anti-Bush, anti-Arab.
"Fahrenheit 9/11," for those who haven't seen it, is the ugly stepchild of mistimed comedy and sentimentalism. It has no discernible narrative; it botches the points it tries to score with smug self-righteousness; it contradicts itself ceaselessly; it fails to construct a homogenous argument; it is haphazard, narcissistic, self-promoting, slapdash, intellectually dishonest, and even racist. The only possible way to value the movie as a movie is to regard it as spoof propaganda - a parodic take on Frank Capra for the dumbed-down 21st century. But of course the film is no such thing; it is propaganda straight, with no chaser.
But the argument goes beyond just that. There is not a single 'good' Arab in the film, barring the charred bodies of Iraqi women and children who serve only as anti-Bush scarecrows. A long sequence in the central section of the film is intended symbolically to show how the Bushes and their men have metaphorically made a pact with the "Saudi devil," as Moore runs in succession two-dozen clips of George W. Bush, his father and their advisers shaking hands with brown men in keffiyehs.
I'm enjoying this way too much. He says he's the good guy, but he seems to have inadvertently shot the arabs in the back while aiming at Bush. Or so some of them believe. Well now, if you are a "good" democrat and abhor racism in all cases, how do you justify loving this blatently racist film? A fat white guy bashing arabs?
Just wondering.
Oh, and by the way, hide your children and small pets.
Mikey's spotted a desert cart.
You'd think with all his millions, Mikey could afford a 99 cent bottle of VO5. Hit the showers Mikey.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:49 AM | Comments (0)
Let's take a look now shall we?
The hand salute, an ancient military tradition. It's a gesture of respect, there is a proper way to salute, and then there's how Kerry does it.
A limp wristed half assed salute is like a dead fish handshake, you automatically dislike the guy who gives one. Maybe having been an SP where a proper salute was a matter of great concern, I'm nitpicking, but I think not. It's the hallmark of a lack of pride, a poor or slovenly troop, it's what you'd expect of a draftee, not a supposed volunteer. Not a regular, and certainly not an officer. It's just bad manners and disrespectful.
How is it supposed to be done?
The arm is a crisp 45 degree angle, the finger tips are to come to the forward tip of the visor of your cover above the right eye at the temple, or to the outer tip of your right eyebrow. It comes up sharply, is held for the apropriate time and brought down in one smooth crisp movement. You don't swivel your head, cup your hand, or otherwise detract from the gesture by making it look unserious. You don't do it like a limp wristed pantyboy who wants to hold mommy's hand. It's a warriors gesture.
How a person salutes says much about their personal habits, their bearing, their pride and the way they view their time in the service. Contrast that with a non veteran.
Maybe you see what I mean. It shows subliminal messages from the heart. You are one of the proud or you are not. I found most of these images on Yahoo News, the rest on Google. It becomes apparent that Kerry is playing games with us here, if he is unserious about something as basic as a proper salute, then who's kidding who about his point of view about servicemen and women. To salute an honor guard, a ceremony, or someone being recognized. But not as a campaign prop, it's cheap. It's tawdry, and it diss's us all. Saluting from a stage? To what? His own coronation?
His bank account is 5th Avenue, his soul is pure carnival huckster.
I found this Kerry Marine confrontation via Kdeweb, a commenter at Sondra's Many thank's Kimberly.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:51 AM | Comments (2)
Talk about Indian country!
A poll for the CanWest news service in June found that 40 percent of teenagers asked thought the United States was "evil," a number that rose to 64 percent in francophone Quebec.
I hereby propose an embargo of all stinky French cheese, I further propose that we dump as much Wisconson cheddar on the Canadian market as we can from cargo pallets out the back of a C-130 at twenty thousand feet. No parachutes, they cost money. Starting right over Quebec.
I wonder if 700lb. wheels of cheddar splash much? Take an umbrella Nukevet. I hear that French Candians sizzle like slugs under salt if something American touchs them in daylight.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:16 AM | Comments (0)
July 30, 2004
I'm in Love
OK, it's not Anime, but you have to love this image, and the blog it adorns.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:24 PM | Comments (4)
Sort of a Crappy Day
So, how do you go about getting out of the doldrums, getting a little energized and unwound? Well, in my case, I put 300 rounds through the Kimber UltraCarry. Sorry, no photos. But all of the rounds were fired from a holster draw like my life depended on it. Let's just say that today, had my life depended on it, I think I would have done OK
Posted by Nukevet at 11:06 PM | Comments (5)
She had it coming
Posted by Nukevet at 10:47 PM | Comments (3)
July Surprise?
Dammit, I wouldn't have leaked this until October.
As with everything - apply the 24 hour rule. You have to believe that this is probably a bogus story. But can you imagine the screeching from the left if it turns out to be true?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:32 PM | Comments (1)
Them's fightin' words
So, is Andrew Sullivan trying to compare John F. Kerry to Ronald Reagan?
Well, let's just remember that actions speak louder than words.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:29 PM | Comments (1)
Where, you might ask
Can you get a copy of SauceReader to try for yourself?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:01 PM | Comments (0)
Another @#$@#@ image upload test
Posted by Nukevet at 06:50 PM | Comments (5)
yet another image upload test
Posted by Nukevet at 06:37 PM | Comments (0)
Am I missing Something?
After months of hearing about the "16 words" from Bush - words that have been shown repeatedly to be factually correct and accurate, I think it's time we focused on a slightly shorter sentence. 11 words, to be exact:
"Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response." John F. Kerry in his acceptance speech last night.
Let me see if I have this right. I'm supposed to drop a President who is actively prosecuting the WoT in a preventive fashion for one who promises to act swiftly and certainly after we are attacked? The little Jihadis must be all atingle with this news.
Following Bush's approach, there is a chance that more Americans will die at home. After all, you can't play perfect defense, and it doesn't matter how many attacks you stop, all that matters is the one you didn't stop. But doesn't Kerry's approach assure that more Americans will die on US soil? Or, do we believe that the terrorists who murdered 3,000 people on September 11th, 2001 are now saying "oooooh, Kerry says we can expect a swift and sure response if we attack again, maybe we better stop."? Did we learn nothing from the Clinton years about treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue?
And, what heppens when the inevitable attack comes? Bush was excoriated for not preventing 9/11, even though such an attack had never occurred on American soil. Pearl Harbor was directed at a military population during a time of war (even though the US was not yet in the conflict). 9/11 targeted a civilian population on a sunny fall day in NYC. If, following Kerry's plan, more Americans are killed here at home - will he be criticized for failing to live up to his promise to protect us? Would the entire population of the US then agree that tough action is needed - especially if a Democrat was the one making the decisions? Sure, it's a rhetorical question - some people will never want us to use force, no matter what. But they would be in a vanishingly small(er) minority if another attack occurs on US soil.
Doesn't deviating from a policy of hunting these people down and killing/neutralizing them before they do the same to us to embrace a policy of responding only after we are attacked include the necessary step of, you know, being attacked? Doesn't that mean that the only way Kerry goes after terrorist groups is after more attacks and deaths at home? Is that acceptable?
Are the equations:
Bush ------> after terrorists now.
Kerry -----> terrorists attack ----->innocent people die ------> after terrorists?
I guess I know which one I choose.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:44 PM | Comments (0)
Another quiz
What is it, and is it real?
Answer here
Maybe this idea
Posted by Nukevet at 05:11 PM | Comments (2)
Michael Moore's not the only filmaker
taking a little literary license.
As for the first, more fundamental objection to the convention video, Thurlow says that Kerry's version of the events of March 13, 1969, is simply wrong. "His story is a total fabrication," Thurlow says. One of the Swift Boats did hit a mine that day, Thurlow says, but much of the rest of Kerry's story is inaccurate. "This thing about being under intense enemy fire is a falsehood...There was no fire off either bank [of the river]. This thing about getting Jim out of the river under a hail of bullets with these serious injuries is totally fabricated."
"We fired our weapons onto the bank to suppress any chance that there might be snipers that might try to pick off guys in the chaos," Thurlow says. "But I don't remember any fire from the banks." Thurlow also says he saw Kerry briefly toward the end of the day, and "he wasn't bleeding, and he wasn't hurt."
Posted by Nukevet at 04:46 PM | Comments (0)
Kerry's acceptance speech
I listened to Kerry's speech over the radio at work. One anecdote line stood out to me.
And when I was a young man, [dad] was in the State Department, stationed in Berlin when it and the world were divided between democracy and communism.
I have unforgettable memories of being a kid mesmerised by the British, French and American troops, each of them guarding their own part of the city, and Russians standing guard on that stark line separating East from West. On one occasion, I rode my bike into Soviet East Berlin, and when I proudly told my dad, he promptly grounded me.
But what I learned has stayed with me for a lifetime. I saw how different life was on different sides of the same city. I saw the fear in the eyes of people who were not free.
Hey John, you mean people like this?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:47 AM | Comments (0)
Mainstream Conspriacy
So, by now I'm sure you've heard that Pakistan has handed over Ahmed Khalfan Ghailini to us.
Now, I expect and could easily understand the freaks of the IMC set or the whackos in the DU to make up a conspiracy about the timing, but I was slightly surprised to see both the Koc IMC and Atrios do it.
But not really.
Kerry is going to lose so bad with these guys behind him.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:20 AM | Comments (1)
Sondra K's Cousin Joe on re-enlistment in the Army.
During a re-enlistment it is the only time a soldier gets to tell the Officer what to do, so most soldiers choose cool places to re-enlist. Nothing better than getting your Boss wet up to their necks, making them get back in their car and go back to work.
(Cousin) Joe
Now, hit this link and see the pic that accompanies it.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:06 AM | Comments (0)
Taking the field.
Kerry wants to play hero come to the rescue? He's playing up his service as if somehow, it immunizes him from the very real record he's made for himself. Fine, but I'm sure it's easy for him to round up some party hacks who are vets to beat the drums for him. This isn't a slam dunk for him when you actually look to see what vets really do think.
But a group of veterans will soon try to convince a nation how what is presented on the convention stage tonight -- may not be the full story: "Only 2 of John Kerry's 23 fellow Swift boat commanders from Coastal Division 11 support his candidacy today."
A new bombshell book written by the man who took over John Kerry's Swift Boat charges: Two of John Kerry's three Purple Heart decorations (#1 and #3) resulted from self-inflicted wounds, not suffered under enemy fire.
I just submitted my name to this list, I hope others do as well. I won't let a handful of vets run around and claim somehow that they speak for veterans, no, they don't. They speak for themselves, and I think they wear their asses for hats. I'm not alone in this.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:09 AM | Comments (0)
I did not make this up
Fat shoplifters on the rampage
Read said "several arrests have been made but some of these women are still at large."
From Drudge.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:25 AM | Comments (0)
Hitting a bullet with a bullet.
Arrow anti-missile defense system successfully tested in U.S.
Israel and the United States on Thursday held a successful test of the Arrow anti-ballistic missile system - the world's only operational missile killer system - off the coast of California.
Meet John Pike, of Global Security. Formerly associated with this group. Now, evryone qoutes him in the news as "the" expert on defense issues, I remember him differently. He was the talking head who gained widespread aclaim for his very vocal opposition to President Reagan's missile defense plan.
In 1972, we signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in recognition of our inability to construct workable anti-missile systems. We are no closer to a workable system today. It is surely too soon to junk the ABM Treaty and risk throwing away other arms-control agreements that will reduce the number of potentially accident-prone Russian nuclear weapons.
Mr Pike....
This is what happens when you approach science with your mind made up to protect favored policies rather than actually look at what can be done. He was wrong then, he's often wrong now. FAS supported the nuclear freeze, supported arms control only to the extent that it followed their agenda. Well Reagan, then Bush both through strength attains agreements with the Russians undreamed of in the seventies. None of that would had happened if anyone in power had listened to Pike.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:57 AM | Comments (2)
July 29, 2004
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy
And I hope it's really painful.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:03 PM | Comments (1)
My "home town" police
Posted by Nukevet at 11:01 PM | Comments (1)
Posted by Nukevet at 09:36 PM | Comments (3)
Revenge of the Morons
Gee, I wake up to find my RNS e-mail box jammed full of "Thanks for Registering" messages from all kinds of places. Strangely enough, they all seem to be in the UK. Apparently the person hijacking my e-mail likes to use the nick "Harley" while asking for all kinds of spammy goodness to come my way. Sure is nice that Thunderbird makes it so easy to identify messages as "spam", and eliminate them altogether. Of course, a better idea might be to bounce all of the spam to another e-mail addy - like the one of the person most likely to be doing this.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:12 PM | Comments (2)
Lileks has a question
If the only thing we have to fear is 4 more years of George W. Bush, then why does Boston look like this?
and this
and this
and this
Well, OK, I made that last one up. But you get my drift, right?
Posted by Nukevet at 03:42 PM | Comments (0)
testing image upload
Posted by Nukevet at 03:05 PM | Comments (0)
I've said it before and I'll say it again
If you have heard my guns have been taken, you will know I am dead.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin - Shooting of Oshkosh police officer results in knee jerk neighborhood gun grab
Following the shooting of an Oshkosh police officer Saturday night, area residents were forced from their homes, their lawful firearms being confiscated by police.
The Oshkosh Police Department's Special Weapons and Tactics Unit responded to the area, with a K-9 police dog in pursuit of the perpetrator who was reported to have fled on foot.
Citizens' guns were seized through searches of area homes. The police promised to return the firearms after forensic tests proved they were not involved in the crime. The injured officer's name was withheld, but media reports indicate his condition is not life-threatening.
"The message is: Hand over your guns, now!" said Corey Graff, executive director of Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. "This is a blatant case of guilty-until-proven-innocent and an abuse of police power."
Still, residents in the area are furious about the home invasions by police and what they see as theft of their property. Although early reports are unclear, they indicate a search warrant was issued for two homes, yet additional home owners also had firearms confiscated.
"We want the perpetrator of this crime caught and brought to justice just like everyone else," said Graff. "But that doesn't mean the police should trample citizens' 4th amendment protections, steal lawful private property and enter the home without reasonable suspicion or warrant."
One homeowner in the area said his guns were taken by police, guns that hadn't left his gun safe since last hunting season. Another victim of the police searches -- an elderly women -- reported waking up to officers' searching her home in the early morning hours.
The Oshkosh Northwestern reported, "Residents were not being allowed to return to their homes by press time."
Found @ Ravenwood's Universe
Posted by Nukevet at 09:56 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
Is the US still the source of all the evil in the world?
Iran starts atom tests in defiance of EU deal
Iran has broken the seals on nuclear equipment monitored by United Nations inspectors and is once again building and testing machines that could make fissile material for nuclear weapons.
Teheran�s move, revealed to The Daily Telegraph yesterday by western sources, breaks a deal with European countries under which Iran suspended �all uranium enrichment activity".
It will also exacerbate fears that the regional power is determined to make an atomic bomb within a few years.
I suppose so. At least according to the french. And the Democrats.
Found @ The Blogs of War
Posted by Nukevet at 09:51 AM | Comments (1)
It's been a while
Since I called Jimmeh Cahtah a jack ass...
Courtesy of Judy Woodruff and CNN
CARTER: Absolutely. We've had such a confused foreign policy with demands on other nations. We've alienated almost everyone who offered their support after 9/11, and now we have just a handful of little tiny countries supposedly helping us in Iraq. We need to marginally combine the effort of major allies and minor countries as well in combating terrorism around the world.
Carter is a f*cking jackass.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:34 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
The second coming of Jesus?
To the Dems, at least...
With John Kerry as president, global climate change and other threats to the health of our planet will begin to be reversed. With John Kerry as president, the alliances that bind the community of nations and that truly make our country and the world a safer place, will be strengthened once more.
Tereza Kerry
Recreating the Garden of Eden and brining about world peace.
Is there anything this guy can't do?
Oh yeah, have only one view on any topic.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:28 AM | Comments (0)
What kitten?
I have it on good authority that somewhere hidden in this picture, there is a cat. After hours of careful examination I find myself defeated. So is there a kitten? I would apreciate some help, do I need stronger lenses in my glasses?
Follow the link Cait, there may be some cat pictures that you haven't seen yet.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:12 AM | Comments (3)
July 28, 2004
The "Religion of Peace" at work and play
I know the Independent is a rag, but they have no reason to make this up. The atrocities commited by arab militias are well know, well documented. The US and Britain are reluctant to commit forces and it's easy to understand why. We're fully extended, without commiting what reserve forces we have left, it's just not practical for us at the moment. That said, where are the Europeans and Afrian nations?
The international community is increasing pressure on the Sudanese government to disarm the janjaweed, which has been accused of raping women and girls, and massacring villages that are non-Arab.
It isn't just Christians that islamicists hate apparently, and they are acting like the pillagers that they have always been. They are at war with America, the west, India, Asians and the SubSaharan Africans all at once, yet we're supposed to think they're really peaceful? They fight with whatever people are unfortunate enough to live close to them.
This next line is laughable.
The Sudanese government is jittery about threats of military intervention. The Foreign Minister, Mustafa Osman Ismail, has warned that Sudanese soldiers would fight if foreign troops are sent to Darfur.
Actually, they would attempt to fight. I would venture that one Marine Amphibious Brigade carries more fire power than the Sudanese Army has ever known. Not to mention the air support of a couple of Carrier Battle Groups. If Afican nations can halt this, with our diplomatic support, all the better. But if they fail, it may fall to us as it usually does. Just once couldn't the world act without our holding their hand to stop a genocide?
Just once?
What good is the UN if they won't deal with something as basic as this?
Posted by Nukevet at 11:57 PM | Comments (0)
The face of Iraq Moore didn't show you.
Iraqis Pay Tribute to U.S. Service Members
ARLINGTON, Va., May 27, 2004 � As the sound of "Taps" wailed from Army Sgt. Major Henry Sgrecci's bugle today, seven Iraqi citizens pressed their new prosthetic hands against their hearts at the Tomb of the Unknowns here to honor U.S. service members who have given their lives in Iraq.
The seven men, all Iraqi merchants, have been in the United States since mid- April to receive their new "bionic" hands to replace the ones amputated by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as punishment for trading in U.S. currency. In addition to providing them with new $50,000 prosthetic hands, U.S. doctors in Houston also removed the tattoos Saddam had imprinted on the merchants' foreheads to draw further attention to their misdeeds.
These men are Iraq's future, and no matter what anyone says to the contrary, Saddam's destruction was a good thing. No amount of whining will change that. No amount of "but we shouldn't have" will matter to people like this. They know who the evil man was, and if you believe it was Bush,....I feel sorry for you. They will have a chance now to live and build, how dare anyone say that they should never have had that chance.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:39 PM | Comments (0)
Punishment to fit the crime
Gerber Baby Food Found Laced with Ricin in Calif.
The FBI and the Food and Drug Administration have opened investigations into the incidents, and Irvine police alerted local markets to remove the food from their shelves.
I don't care what color he or they are, I don't care what level of education or economics they fall into. I don't care if he or they were born here or came from the lands outside. I don't care if death was the plan, or just terror. I want them to die, slowly, horribly, with as much fear and torment as we can inflict. I want justice as Old Testement as God's own fire.
I don't care who doesn't like it. These were babies poisoned, BABIES! It's only by the grace of God that none have died yet, but to even contemplate such a crime. There is no mercy for that, none at all.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:14 PM | Comments (2)
Taking a new hard look at your friends
Will some light creep into the EU's preceptions after this? I doubt it, but we'll see. Still it's encouraging for this reason, if the outcome depressed them, there is hope that they can see the arab position for what it is.
At a closed meeting held recently in New York, UN ambassadors from Arab and EU countries met and the Arabs made clear that they do not accept the initiative for the UN General Assembly to condemn anti-Semitism.
The blunt language used by the Arabs describing their opposition, and their plans to use diplomatic means to prevent the resolution from reaching a vote, shocked the Europeans, said a UN source.
According to UN sources, the Arab delegates were also critical of a UN seminar on anti-Semitism held last month. A senior Western diplomat said that among the Arabs who spoke with the Europeans was PLO observer Nasser al Kidwe, and he was particularly outspoken in his objections to a UN General Assembly resolution on anti-Semitism.
I found this via Instapundit. The arab position has never been peaceful coexistence, it's irradication. The "religion of peace" refuses to condemn religious hatred aimed at Jews. Not only refuses, but is downright angry at the mere consideration of the subject. Now is the time for the EU to reconsider their zealous backing of the arab position. Arafat laughs at reform, and the EU just looks impotent after this.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:48 PM | Comments (0)
Interesting, I wonder how the antiwar cooalition will swallow this?
Drudge on a forth coming book about Kerry in Vietnam.
"Kerry would revisit ambush locations for reenacting combat scenes where he would portray the hero, catching it all on film. Kerry would take movies of himself walking around in combat gear, sometimes dressed as an infantryman walking resolutely through the terrain. He even filmed mock interviews of himself narrating his exploits. A joke circulated among Swiftees was that Kerry left Vietnam early not because he received three Purple Hearts, but because he had recorded enough film of himself to take home for his planned political campaigns."
This doesn't mean he lacked physical courage, (we know he has none of the moral kind), but it does reveal alot about his personality. He's a grandstander, and not a pretty one to look at.
NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson in his new book RECKLESS DISREGARD, details one of the claimed Kerry reenactments for film:
"On February 28, 1969, now in charge of PCF 94, Kerry came under fire from an enemy location on the shore. The crew's gunner returned fire, hitting and wounding the lone gunman. Kerry directed the boat to charge the enemy position. Beaching his boat, Kerry jumped off, chased the wounded insurgent behind a thatched hutch, and killed him. Kerry and his crew returned within days, armed with a Super 8 video camera he had purchased at the post exchange at Cam Ranh Bay, and reenacted the skirmish on film."
Now, he ordered his boat to shore so he could leap off and run down and kill a wounded man crawling away. Justified? Well, it's a grey area, the VC had to be dealt with, but wether he HAD to shoot him is open to question. During an assault, in a pitched battle, while under fire, then yes, you shoot enemy wounded. It's not pretty, or glorious, but it's nescessary to protect your men. You can't leave a wounded enemy on your flank. It's basic and it's been standard practice by all militaries for a very long time.
However, this case is not in that vein as reported. Kerry knew it was just one wounded man, and they weren't under fire at that time. If the VC wasn't able to run, the threat was minimal, and we'll never know if he threatened Kerry or not behind the hoochie. But it's not a proud thing, not the stuff of PT109 legend. He killed a wounded man crawling away. He may have been right to do it, maybe not.
But he filmed it as a reenactment for future use. For what? It's more like putting down a stray dog than a courageous moment, he wasn't attacking a bunker, wasn't assaulting a position. He wasn't hunting Japanese landing barges in the Solomons while dodging Japanese destroyers.
This is sad, and more than a bit pathetic. I'm sure the antiwar people in his base won't look to hard at it though, it might raise questions about him they don't want to answer.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:15 PM | Comments (6)
OK, here we go again.
Touchscreen Vote Records Lost in Florida
Alright then, this is bad for two reasons. One in this day and age, who doesn't know you need to back up irreplaceable records? And two, tell me if this doesn't sound like the dems knowing Florida may be close are preparing to roll out the "we was robbed" dog and pony show again?
I work with touch screens everyday, and I can tell you a few things about them. I have seen time after time where someone will stand there, push the wrong button, then get pissed and tell me that they didn't do it, what's wrong with the stupid machine? Nothing, they pushed the wrong flippin button. But they will never admit it, and you just back up the screen and go forward again. Some will be honest and says oops, but far too many won't. This over a minor transaction.
I absolutely know for certain, the day sfter polling, that the left will be able to gather a few thousand half literate people who are just SURE that their vote wasn't counted correctly. If these proud democrats couldn't read a paper ballot, then I doubt they can use a touch screen without confusion either.
As to accuracy, I have never once seen a touch screen register an action not taken, not once. If the computer says they voted this way or that, they did. The protests to the contrary are ego pumping to soothe over the fact that they didn't do it right. I know a little about computers, but I know a lot about human nature, and this is leading to a predictible result. If this gets used as an excuse to allow people to revote, or have the tally changed by a liberal activist group or judge, then democracy is really in danger.
Because if you can have votes changed or thrown out because someone is unhappy with the result, how much less safe is any vote? Anywhere? People have on the margin always screwed up on ballots, are we gonna void every election ever held because of it? Scream "disenfranchised" and keep tweaking it till the PROPER result is gained? This is election fraud in the practice mode. The ACLU is about as nonpartisan as the Trial Lawyers Association, very difinitely an agenda here. I promise you if it were rural republicans rather than urban blacks who didn't get the result they liked, the ACLU would hand them a Kleenex and laugh all the way out the door.
The democrats are treading on very thin ice with this.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:27 PM | Comments (2)
Big Brother on the Left's Terms
And I thought that they were all for free speech.
A recent Sunday found Tina Kolm changing her morning routine. Instead of attending a Unitarian Universalist service, she was at the Lenexa Christian Center, paying close attention to a conservative minister's sermon about the importance of amending the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage.
Kolm is one of about 100 volunteers for the Mainstream Coalition, a group monitoring the political activities of local pastors and churches.
The coalition, based in suburban Kansas City, Kan., says it wants to make sure clergy adhere to federal tax guidelines restricting political activity by nonprofit groups, and it's taking such efforts to a new level.
The left freaks out when someone suggests monitoring muslims, but monitoring the speech of christians is A-OK.
Mayhap the left would find it even better if the IRS hired their own crew of monitors? One for every church. That would help Kerry create a few thousand jobs. They'd love it!
Posted by Nukevet at 10:08 AM | Comments (1)
Why hasn't the left learned this yet?
You run a small city that has a small problem with vagrants.
Soooo... becuase you're feeling guilty, you offer them free housing with air-conditioning, bathrooms, showers and laundry facilities.
What happens next?
You get a big problem with vagrants.
Found @ Interested Participant
Posted by Nukevet at 09:58 AM | Comments (2)
Politicizing the Iraq War Casualties
This is a picture of the "907 Boots" political displays.
Notice that I didn't call it a memorial.
Because it's not.
A memorial doesn't take place during a political convention.
Maybe the left should start with a moment of silence.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 AM | Comments (1)
Tell me
In you mind, would this be good or bad?
Do not be surprised to see three or four divisions of the Russian army in the Sunni triangle before year-end, with an announcement just prior to the US presidential election in November. Long rumored (or under negotiation), a Russian deployment of 40,000 soldiers was predicted on July 16 by the US intelligence site www.stratfor.com, and denied by the Russian Foreign Ministry on July 20. Nonetheless, the logic is compelling. Russian support for US occupation forces would make scorched earth of Senator John Kerry's attack on the Bush administration's foreign policy, namely its failure to form effective alliances.
And as a bonus question, would this make the lefties shut up for a bit?
Found @ Judicious Asininity
Posted by Nukevet at 07:31 AM | Comments (1)
July 27, 2004
The face off
Drudge has an advanced transcript from the Micheal Moore Bill O'Rielly interview on FOX tonight.
Moore isn't just a spinner, he's an idiot.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:57 PM | Comments (2)
If they believe him, support his actions...
Why are they so scared to be seen with him?
That is just the kind of combative talk that party officials are trying to avoid during this week's Democratic National Convention. Be positive, they are telling delegates. On the other hand, it is exactly the kind of talk that rank-and-file Democrats -- more fired up against an incumbent president than they have been in decades -- adore.
Look, if they like him and think he's so right, why run away from him in public? The answer is quite simple, to middle America, to moderate swing voters, Moore is an asshole. He's poison, and to let him use their convention as a sounding board is the kiss of death for Kerry. To the hard leftwing, he's an icon, they'll blow him endlessly, but not to thinking people.
To broom him out of sight is an open admission of that.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:44 PM | Comments (0)
The left really is blind and deaf.
I haven't heard of this lawsuit before and having read this account in the Village Voice, I hope this asshat looses. Not because he's muslim, or because he's an idiot, but because he's taking the enemy side.
Lights out for a Muslim electrician's job after he argues over trade center attack
Indeed, he heard a lot of yelling and cursing, he said, much of it aimed at Muslims. Although some were strangers to him, Pjetrovic knew most of the others well, and he chimed in with his own thoughts about the tragedy and the government's reaction.
"I said it was too soon to know who was to blame," Pjetrovic recalled. "I said remember the Oklahoma City bombing, with the media so quick to blame Muslims. I said, 'You don't know who did this. Could have been CIA, the Jews, the Chinese, the Russians.'" True Muslims couldn't have done it, he said, because the acts violated precepts against suicide and harming innocent people or fellow Muslims. As for President Bush, Pjetrovic called him "a coward" for not immediately returning to Washington that day. One co-worker angrily walked out during the exchange, but later returned to shake Pjetrovic's hand. "He said, 'I am sorry I got hot. I have worked for three days.' "
Alright then, he's an antisemetic piece of trash, and as the story continues, it becomes clear he was in your face about it. So his employer fired him for being disruptive, and a potential security risk, having used company computers to download weapons information. The thing that makes no sense is that he became a practicing muslim over the events in Bosnia, over Serb atrocities, yet when muslims attack America, he can't even bother to defend his country in words, after it was the US that ended the Serb rampage.
That the Voice thinks it's all just a little misunderstanding is willful blindness, the left is so busy being multiethnic that they can't see what it is they are defending. If he wasn't muslim, they wouldn't bother, if he were Jewish and the firm was muslim owned, they wouldn't notice, if he were simply white and spouting militia lines they'd want him jailed. This has nothing to do with what is right, but what is PC.
This guy's a douchbag and while he may have a right to be, he doesn't have a right to be paid for it. That a leading leftwing voice thinks he does, says everthing you want to know about them.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:48 PM | Comments (5)
Posted by Nukevet at 07:39 PM | Comments (0)
They got him
I speak of MOOREWATCH.
It seems that poor wittle Mikey faked a newspaper headline in F9/11.
Not only that, but the text below the headline was actually an op-ed piece, not an actual article.
Head here to get the full story.
That ten grand is going to buy a lot of server space for MOOREWATCH.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:40 AM | Comments (1)
Sully, meet your new ass
Some of you may have ventured over to Andrew Sullivan's sight the other day and seen his post about Kerry being "The Conservative Choice".
Yada, yada, yada.
Sorry Sully, but it seems that you have descended into madness. Hopefully temporary. But you might want to get that checked out.
Anyway, head on over the the JunkYardBlog and watch Mr. Preston rip him a new ass.
Snippet to follow:
If you want a President who has no idea how to fundamentally change the Middle East so that it stops sending monsters over here to kill us, and who furthermore doesn't even want to come up with an idea because it would be too risky to put himself on the record, John Kerry is your man. If you want someone who has yet to put forth a single rationale for his presidency other than "I'm not the other guy," Kerry is your man. If you want to return to anti-terror policies that have already been tried an failed, Kerry is your man. A classically conservative person wouldn't want to change the Middle East no matter how dangerous it has become, and a classically conservative person wouldn't take the risk of putting his policies on the record, since doing so would only invite scrutiny and criticism.
Ooooh, that is almost mean enough to be classified as a hate crime!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:33 AM | Comments (1)
A Pledge
I found this over at Drumwaster's Rants.
From Dean Esmay:
I will refuse to call him traitor, loser, liar, incompetent. He will be my President, my Commander In Chief, the Chief Executive of a great nation, elected by the will of a majority of the electors in these 50 great United States. So even if he does things I disagree with in conducting foreign policy, I will say, "I respectfully disagree with the President's directions, but I will do my best to express my dissent respectfully and hope that I am mistaken and that he has made the proper decisions after all."
That's my pledge. How many of you will take a similar one?
I will.
But my pledge might be slightly hollow. You see, if Kerry wins, I think that I might be blogging less and working more. He has already promised to raise my taxes and to make up for the difference, I'll need to work at least 10 hours more per week.
That, and I'll be buying so damn many firearms, ammunition and supplies that I'll need more money.
Because the world knows that Kerry is a big pussy. No matter how pissed off the left gets at everyone saying this, it will remain true.
The islamofascists will be quite happy that a wuss like Kerry is in office and I will bet that there will be a major terror attack within his first year.
Oh, and another prediction...
Kerry will reinstate the draft and blame it on Bush within his first year in office.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:19 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
They just figured this out?
After how many years?
SEIU chief says Dems lack fresh ideas
BOSTON, July 26 - Breaking sharply with the enforced harmony of the Democratic National Convention, the president of the largest AFL-CIO union said Monday that both organized labor and the Democratic Party might be better off in the long run if Sen. John F. Kerry loses the election.
I'm trying to get this through the heads of the Teamsters I work with.
I'm not having to work too hard. Kerry is doing most of my job for me.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:15 AM | Comments (0)
Let's all hope
That Kerry's run for the White House goes about as far as his pitch at Fenway.
And in case you haven't heard, he was booed. Remember when Cheney was Booed? Front page and top of the hour news. I had to go through over a dozen blogs before I heard of it.
John Little over @ the Blogs of War has a comical view on the topic.
The limp wristed bastard wasn't even on the mound and he still bounced it to the plate.
And then he blamed the guy catching.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:02 AM | Comments (0)
Hot pepper horror.
Remember when jalapenos were considered the bad boy on the block? I do, I remember when they were new to the midwest and when we would try and out tough each other with the numbers eaten. I'm out of that game now, the medications I'm on preclude such experimentation these days. I prefer to not bleed internally thank you. But there was a time.....
Anyway Tim Blair has a post on hot sauce horror stories and the comments are by some of the best and brightest, Andrea Harris, Lileks are there. You have got to read these stories, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, I won't waste your time when you could be reading them, so go please. Just make sure you're sitting down when you read them.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:05 AM | Comments (1)
July 26, 2004
I can't even begin to caption this......
Posted by Nukevet at 10:04 PM | Comments (5)
Michael Moore Must be SO Proud
At the impact his 'documentary' is having, that is.
From Army Spc. Joe Roche:
Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11, is making the rounds here at U.S. bases in Kuwait. Some soldiers have received it already and are passing is around. The impact is devastating.
Here we are, soldiers of the 1st Armored Division, just days from finally returning home after over a year serving in Iraq, and Moore's film is shocking and crushing soldiers, making them feel ashamed. Moore has abused the First Amendment and is hurting us worse than the enemy has.
One small quibble here - how can Moore hurt them worse than the enemy when it has become pretty obvious to that he actually is the enemy?
Yep, very proud indeed.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:42 PM | Comments (2)
Hiding their true colors
The Dems don't want the public to know who else supports them..
When John Kerry glances around the convention hall in Boston this week, his eye will be drawn to brightly lit television network signs � ABC News, NBC, CNN, CBS, and banners for Hearst-Argyle and Belo.
Missing from the lineup is Al-Jazeera, the controversial Arab-language TV network that often is first to carry news involving al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.
The Qatar-based network, which has 16 staff members assigned to the convention, was directed by convention officials to remove its sign. If it had remained, Al-Jazeera's sign would have been seen by millions of television fans looming over the shoulder of convention speakers.
Convention spokeswoman Peggy Wilhide said Al-Jazeera was not singled out and the concern was aesthetic. "Frankly, we're not providing a forum for companies to advertise," Wilhide said. "We're trying to create the kind of atmosphere we want to best present John Kerry and the Democratic Party."
They want to present Kerry and themselves as 'centrist', when, in reality, he and they are a group of socialists who think that America would be better off with france's economic and foreign policies and in permenant negotiations with islamofascists who will have their 'political wing' talk to us as their 'military wing' attack us.
Haven't they figured out that none of that works?
Found @ Right Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 08:26 PM | Comments (3)
Ending an old arguement.
I recieved a comment to an older post today for approval. It was concerning Iraqi atrocities under Huessein. In the comments a disagreement over wether the Germans really resisted after WWII, the opposing view by harm and the new comment says no, that such resistence never occurred. This link was cited as proof. An opinion piece written by a former National Security Council staffer in the Clinton White House. Nope, no hidden agenda there, and I would be greatly interested to know how being a terrorism anylist make him an expert on German history.
This article is from real historians. It also completely contradicts the no resistence meme offered by those who say Iraq is somehow completely different from the flow of history. In an effort to justify their opposition to the war, some have taken to rewriting history, apparently counting on others not bothering to look it up. Well the AnalogKid was right, and harm was wrong, again. When you read history, be sure you actually do. Movies and opinion essays are pap mostly. And really, does anyone really believe that Germans are any less aggresive or that they didn't have fanatics? That they were transformed by the surrender into peaceloving Greens? The fact is there WAS resistence to the occupation, as there is in Iraq. Does that mean we should have just let the Iraqi's alone, and by extension the Nazi's?
As I've learned so often in real life, a great deal of what happened then, and now never makes the papers. For whatever reason, that's why history is so important. And why, you can't count on opinion pieces to learn about it, too much can be left out for the convienence of the author.
Link found at The Command Post.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:26 PM | Comments (3)
Boy, they sure are "Peaceful" aren't they?
Two Protest Groups Clash Near DNC Center
A brief scuffle broke out on the Common between some of the peace demonstrators and a man carrying a graphic anti-abortion sign. Witnesses said the man was pushed to the ground and his shirt was torn, but he was unhurt.
A group of peace protesters roughed up a guy by himself because they didn't like his sign? Didn't agree with his issue?
I'm sorry but this is so twisted, true to their nature, but twisted. My opinion of protesters generally is pretty low, it's always seemed less about changing minds than about feeling good by throwing a public tantrum. But some consistency is called for, can you seriously demand the right to peaceful protest, then beat to the ground someone who you bump into who has a different message that you don't like?
Is that how it works?
I see that ANSWER is there,
"This is just the beginning of a week of protests," said Larry Holmes, spokesman for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, the coalition of activist groups that staged the march.
So nice of the pro-Stalinist's to be there.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:54 PM | Comments (0)
Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them:
A fair and balanced look at our socialist troll
Lot's more where that came from, Harm. But it's a plant, you say? Even though Eric specifically asks you when American soldiers killed all of the Iraqi children? Not you, you say?
Well then, let's go to the video tape (for all images, click for larger):
Hmmmm, a poster from the same IP address, using several different names. Now, why would anyone do that unless they were just trying to start trouble. Oh, and look - one of the names used is "Harmonia", while the other, which you claim emphatically you NEVER used, is "." - how curious, eh? Someone hijacked your "Harmonia" persona, and that's really not you? Well, then, how about this?
Now here I must admit a mistake. last night I said I found over 25 posts using the "." persona - it's actually only seven (I got it confused with the / one, which has a lot more comments). However, interestingly enough, "." posts from 3 different IP addresses - one of which just happens to trace to Digital Equipment Corp and the Compaq domain - didn't compaq and HP merge there, Jimmy boy? Still not you, you say? Then how about the coupe de grace?
Hmmmmm, here we have a "Harmonia" post in which you used your real work e-mail addy, which just happens to come from the same IP addy as the "." post above. How curious, eh? I didn't include all of the text of this post, where you argue how much worse off Iraq is since the occupation than it ever was under Saddam.
Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? A proven liar on multiple counts, and all you can do is complain that New Zealand's reputation has been besmirched because I suggested an anti-semite should see if the government of New Zealand would give him the same visa it gave to suspected terrorists? Pathetic to the point of being sad - that is if I wasn't so busy laughing my ass of.
One other thing about MT 3.0 - it lets me see just how much you HAVE abused our comments here - posting under almost a dozen different aliases, all traceable right back to you. You have never had any desire to "debate", just to troll.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:09 PM | Comments (7)
Still Looking
For the Mad Mullah's "Coalition of the Willing".
"What we've found in a number of places are hands chained to a steering wheel," he said. "Up in Irbil, we found a foot roped into the car, unable to escape. Their children were kidnapped and held � they were forced. We've seen faces blown off and been able to identify the perpetrator."
Apparently, the 72 Virgins thing ain't doing it anymore for recuitment.
Next pitch.... 144 Virgins and a bag of chips.
Found @ Drumwaster's
Posted by Nukevet at 08:49 AM | Comments (0)
He said what!?!
The left keeps calling Bush an idiot, but look at what he has figured out that they haven't...
I believe, and I'd like your help. And as I do, I'm going to ask African American voters to consider some questions.
Does the Democrat party take African American voters for granted? (Applause.) It's a fair question. I know plenty of politicians assume they have your vote. But do they earn it and do they deserve it? (Applause.) Is it a good thing for the African American community to be represented mainly by one political party? That's a legitimate question. (Applause.) How is it possible to gain political leverage if the party is never forced to compete? (Applause.) Have the traditional solutions of the Democrat party truly served the African American community? ...
Does blocking the faith-based initiative help neighborhoods where the only social service provider could be a church? Does the status quo in education really, really help the children of this country? (Applause.)
Does class warfare - has class warfare or higher taxes ever created decent jobs in the inner city? Are you satisfied with the same answers on crime, excuses for drugs and blindness to the problem of the family? (Applause.)
Those are legitimate questions that I hope people ask as this election approaches.
That was Bush speaking at a meetinbg of The Urban League. You know, the 'African-American' group that doesn't imply that Bush hooked James Byrd to the back of the truck
Found @ Ipse Dixit, who actually heard this speech live on the radio and has some things to say about it.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:36 AM | Comments (2)
More FYI
I'm in!
(loud website alert)
Mollbot and Dave, check your e-mails.
You comin' Doc?
Posted by Nukevet at 08:32 AM | Comments (1)
Range Report
So I finally got to go to the range yesterday. Standard report to follow.
A 10 shot group from the Bushmaster @ 100yds. Actually, 3 small groups and a flyer (click for bigger)
And I don't know if you've heard about this already, but Og at Neanderpundit is having a "Postal Match" (iron sights, sporter rifle only, 22 long rifle. Fifty feet, offhand only, standing, sling allowed but no rests).
Sadly, I don't have an iron-sighted 22 rifle anymore, unless I de-scope and rebarrel my 10/22, which I not really wanting to do right before a shooting vacation (re-boresighting and all), so I figured I'd just triple the distance and go freestanding with the 3x scope. Yeah, I know I can't enter it even if I sextuple the distance, but it was a fun exercise.
Here's the target anyway (click for bigger)
#1 UL, #2 UR, #3 LL, #4 LR. Since I didn't think to try this until almost the end of the day, the range actually closed before I could finish the target. Oh well.
Now go get some shooting done and send it on in to the Neanderpundit. Think of my #2 target as a good goal, because this is the entry list so far.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 AM | Comments (0)
But of course
Posted by Nukevet at 03:39 AM | Comments (0)
July 25, 2004
Kerry - taking the war on Terrorism seriously!
Received this list via e-mail. Check out the votes for yourself - they are all a part of the public record. Great to see a candidate who did eveything possible to cripple the intelligence community at home, while dumping more and more of our money into the UN.
He voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle
He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank
He voted to kill every Aircraft carrier laid down since 1988
He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system
He voted to Kill the F-15 strike eagle
He voted to Kill the Block 60 F-16
He voted to Kill the P-3 Orion upgrade
He voted to Kill the B-1
He voted to Kill the B-2
He voted to Kill the Patriot anti Missile system
He voted to Kill the FA-18
He voted to Kill the B-2
He voted to Kill the F 117
In short, he voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988 to include the battle armor for our troops. With Kerry as President our Army will be made up of naked men running around with sticks and clubs.
He also voted to kill all antiterrorism activities of every agency of the US Government, and to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%, to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%, and cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.
But then he voted to increase OUR funding for U.N operations by 800%!
Posted by Nukevet at 08:03 PM | Comments (4)
Funny how people who were actually subjugated to a totalitarian regime
aren't afraid to denounce propoganda for what it really is.
"People are very sensitive to aggressive propaganda, especially when it pretends to be an objective documentary or a work of art."
Posted by Nukevet at 07:59 PM | Comments (25)
Can I play too?
Interesting. Most of this I knew, but the Starship Troopers bit is cool.
In 1959 (the year you were born) |
Dwight Eisenhower is president of the US Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba Alaska is admitted as the 49th state Lee Petty wins the first Daytona 500 stock car race Tibet's Dalai Lama escapes to India Hawaii admitted as the 50th state Soviet premiere Krushchev begins unprecedented visit to US The Barbie doll debuts John McEnroe, Kyle MacLachlan, Tom Arnold, Perry Farrell, Kevin Spacey, and Weird Al Yankovic are born A plane crash kills Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and The Big Bopper - becomes known as "The Day The Music Died" Los Angeles Dodgers win the World Series Baltimore Colts win the NFL championship Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein is published The Twilight Zone debuts on TV |
An eventful year. Damn, I feel old now. Maybe it was really 1859, it's hard to remember now. Seriously though, history isn't so far removed from our lives. My dad was born in 1930, mom in 1936, my grandmothers in 1889, and 1896. Four generations counting my children spanning the days when mail was delivered on horseback and gaslights were common,...to satillite phones and probes entering Saturn's rings.
What wonders will my childrens grandkids see?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:35 PM | Comments (0)
When is a subject just too "controversial" for American theaters?
When the subject isn't politically correct. Make a movie bashing a republican president, bashing our troops as metalheads who like inflicting pain, make up theories which have been discredited and the American Film Institute will bow and scrape before you. But make a film depicting the evils of American governments in the hands of the left? You'd never know it existed, because the AFI decided it was just too controversial for them to screen.
From Instapundit. How fair is the film? I have no idea, but that is hardly the point when even the left admits Moore's film is entirely unfair, it's about a point of view. The plain fact is, the American movie industry, it's assorted film fests and publicists are virtually paid up members of one political party in this country. We compensate by controling the majority of talk radio. The difference is, when Air America launched, conservatives didn't try to strangle it by blacklisting it. We will let it fail by itself, it doesn't need our help. Conservative documentaries can only be seen in venues controled by the left, and guess what?
Disrespecting Bush is OK, but Clinton? Well that's just plain too much, and they won't have it. I personally thought Reno was a nazi, and taking a boy whose mother drowned getting him here and just handing him back to be Fidel's little propaganda toy was pure evil. The democrats being assholes to the highly conservative Cuban Americans with Elian paying the price for their fun. But Americans too young to remember won't have to think about it will they, since that view is officially censored from play.
The left has many sins, the worst of them is do what I say, not what I do. Hubris is why they always end up shooting themselves in the foot. They do things like this, and wonder why so many Americans think they are hypocritical jerks. If they were honest in their priciples and not just playing at propaganda, they'd let all such films in, but they don't, do they?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:03 PM | Comments (4)
If you're a betting man (er, person)
Police sources say that when they entered the Hacking apartment earlier in the week, it appeared to have been cleaned. But investigators detected a substantial amount of blood and blood drippings using the forensic chemical luminol (search), which can make traces of blood glow blue-green in the dark even if it has been cleaned up, sources say. Police say they believe the blood is Lori�s and that she was attacked in her apartment. Toxicology results that can confirm whether it is Lori�s blood are still pending.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:38 PM | Comments (1)
Man of the people,
Sen. John Kerry spoke about the plight of the American worker when he traveled to Detroit earlier this week, a safe message for the blue-collar workers who build cars there.
So it was a little strange that the campaign picked as its press-pass logo for its Motor City tour the gleaming showcase car of a foreign auto company � Rolls-Royce � that makes cars priced far outside the financial reach of any middle-class voter.
Yeah, I know Puggs already commented on it. But it's hotter than hell, our AC is out, I leave for a major meeting in a week and I haven't even started getting my lectures together, and I figured we needed to point out just how hypocritical and out of touch Kerry is with the people he wants to represent. What kind of moron shows up to an AMERICAN auto factory to talk about jobs in a friggin Rolls Royce?
Did I mention that it's f#cking hot. And that the AC is broken?
The American Mind reminds us that fact often mimics fiction.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:46 PM | Comments (1)
Too Darn Hot
So I wasn't able to go to the range today. Something involving family members being big enough idiots to require a hosptial visit kind of took up most of the afternoon.
But before I received the call in the 'family bat-phone', I bough tmy ammo for the day, so Sunday is on for sure.
Since I don't have any targets to show off, Ill leave you with the latest meme of little to no importance that I found @ Right Thoughts.
What Happened in the year you were born.
Mine is in the extended entry.
In 1972 (the year you were born) |
Richard Nixon is president of the US President Nixon approves NASA's space shuttle, a reusable spacecraft, at a cost of $5.5 billion Nixon arrives in China for an 8 day visit, which he calls a "journey for peace" While campaigning for the presidency Alabama Governor George C. Wallace is shot and seriously wounded Five men are arrested in the Watergate office complex in DC for breaking into the offices of the Democratic National Committee Hurricane Agnes strikes the East Coast causing 117 deaths First scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) os introduced for $395 Shaquille O'Neal, Jennifer Garner, The Rock, The Notorious B.I.G., Cameron Diaz, Eminem, and Alyssa Milano are born Oakland Athletics win the World Series Dallas Cowboys win Superbowl VI Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup The Godfather is the top grossing film Pink Floyd debuts "The Dark Side of the Moon" during a performance at London's Rainbow Theater "You've Got a Friend"by Carole King wins a Grammy for song of the year The Price is Right premieres on CBS |
Posted by Nukevet at 07:57 AM | Comments (1)
July 24, 2004
Loosing the advantage are we Kim?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and South Korea finalized a long-delayed deal on Friday to move the American military headquarters and all U.S. troops out of the heart of the capital Seoul, the Pentagon said.
The one thing that gave the Norks a decided edge on the border is their massed artillery. Vulnerable to air yes, but that takes time. If Kim work up one morning and decided today would be a good day to have a war, the initial barrage would cause large casualties before we could suppress it with counter battery and air. That will no longer be an option after the move. He'll have to come to us, and if our arms can devastate an opponent of the offensive, as in Iraq, how much more so when we fight on defense?
The attacker historically always has higher casualties, except for us. But the Norks lack our 21st century edge, so their casualties to try and close with us could be, rather extreme. Soviet era artillery is a huge danger if massed and fixed to fire on known targets. But this move negates that. Wheeled artillery is what we refer to as a "target rich enviroment" on the road. They would have to take on our M1A2's with T-55's and T-72's.
That worked out so well for the Republican Guards divisions didn't it? Kim can hurt the South badly, but if he looses the chance to cripple us with a sucker punch, he looses any chance to win. I expect that after the move, Kim will be a touch more receptive to suggestion.
If not, if he's really crazy, then he's on the list anyway.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:09 PM | Comments (0)
Still playing in the minors.
"It's a bone-headed play by Team Kerry."
"That's an insult to the auto worker, it's an insult to the American worker, it's an insult to mainstream America," said Sam Burwell from Corunna, Mich., a third-generation auto worker for General Motors. "It also shows who he's really in touch with: his European, elitist French friends and not Americans like me. A Rolls-Royce, for cryin' out loud."
He cares about the worker,....yeah, suuuuuure he does. If he gets his way and enacts protectionist policies, watch prices go way up. How much extra should you pay for stuff? If you live in Nantucket it doesn't matter, that's a concern for the hired help.
If you think that isn't how he views you, you're kidding yourself.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:48 PM | Comments (0)
Brains, brains...
Well, hello there, little boy, don't be shy,
Step right up; I'm a reasonable guy!
Don't be frightened by the look in my eye,
I'm just your average evil meteor from out of the sky.
Well, I'm just shy and scared of this place--
I'm just a fish out of water from outer space.
You can see that the trip has left me tired and drained,
So why don't you be a pal -- and bring me some brains?
Go down to your neighbor's place.
See the dull expression on his face?
You'd doing him a favor if you brought him to me,
He ain't using his brain, he's just watching TV.
Go down to Mr. McGee's,
He hasn't had a thought since '43,
His brain is the portrait of atrophy,
He ain't using it, why not give it to me!
Social parody as good as any from Rinn & Stimpy. If you've seen it, you couldn't get that damn song out of your head either.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:24 PM | Comments (0)
It's Mine, Bitches!
If you're looking for me,
You better check under the sea,
'cause that is where you'll find me,
Underneath the sea, lab,
Underneath the water,
Sea lab, at the bottom of the sea
Posted by Nukevet at 06:47 AM | Comments (2)
July 23, 2004
Don't you just hate it when a consiracy theory meets a sudden, gruesome end?
But never fear - the AP is "evaluating" the newly found records.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:38 PM | Comments (2)
Weekend reading material
From the Blogs of War, a pdf file of the September 11th Commission Report. Both in complete form and by section.
If you don't have time for all that, you can go here and just search the report database.
Grabbed a cold beer and a comfy seat. It isn't all that exciting, but it could be called interesting.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:48 PM | Comments (0)
Kids say the darndest things
Overheard from the neighbors backyard...
The Set-Up:
2 kids in a pool, oldest sister swimming and splashing too much for the younger brother to do whatever he was doing.
So he yells "Can you try swimming without moving your arms or legs!"
I wanted to yell back over the fence 'That's called drowning!'
But I abstained. Mostly because I couldn't stop laughing long engough to raise my voice to that level.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:39 PM | Comments (1)
Two near certain results, and one faint hope.
Flight 93, LGF covers this AP controversy.
But the AP�s headline for their report is blatantly wrong: Panel: Flight 93 Crashed Without Struggle. Their own story makes it very clear there was a desperate life-or-death struggle, that resulted in the crash. Why the hell would they use such a headline?
The spin is so completely obvious as to be useless. The passengers were talking to the ground on their cells, they knew about the two planes striking the Towers. They also knew their hijackers had made no contact to anyone for demands. They knew what was going to happen. So, they could sit in their seats and just let death take them, or, they could fight. The chances of survival in such a brawl would be very remote, and they knew that too.
They chose to fight, if you're going to die, at least die on your feet as men. Spitting in the eye of your killer. I have no doubt they were fighting desparately on the slim hope they could wrest control and live, but failing that, these bastards would kill no more people than the ones in the plane. The Capital Buildng, the White House, some great target was plannned. How many more would be dead today if the passengers had not fought? We'll never know for sure, but the fact that when the situation was desparate, the outcome a certainty, they made a choice that elevated them to heroism. They stared death in the face, and took a swing at him. They walk with angels now, and we are so proud of them, so very proud.
They say when times are worst, that that's when you can take the measure of a people. They lived, and died, as Americans. That's something to be proud of.
The AP can't sully that, much as they may try.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:03 PM | Comments (0)
Looney Andy Rooney asked the questions
Posted by Nukevet at 04:23 PM | Comments (1)
More rangetime
And again, just to let anyone who might want to join in the fun know, I'll be at The Renton Fish and Game rifle range tomorrow in the afternoon. And probably Sunday too.
Send me an e-mail if you'd like to join me there or if you have another range in mind.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:46 AM | Comments (2)
To Dogtulosba!
Pin the Castle on my collar. I�ve done my training for the team. You can call me an engineer soldier. The warrior spirit has been my dream. Essayons, whether in war or peace we will bear our red and our white. Essayons. We serve America and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Essayons. Essayons.
He has graduated from Sapper School. Head on over and congratulate him.
And it looks like he's back in town. At least for a little bit.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:41 AM | Comments (0)
It's all Bush's Fault!
From the 'Stop the NRA' website.
In 5 legislative days, these banned guns -- including Uzis, AK-47s, and Tec-9s -- will be coming back to our neighborhoods, courtesy of President Bush, unless the Assault Weapons Ban is renewed
You bet your ass.
The left is now trying to blame the upcoming non-renewal of the AWB on Bush. They say that when Bush said he supports the AWB and that he would sign it if it was put on his desk, he actually MEANT that he would lobby for it to be pushed through Congress.
What a bunch of pussies.
If you don't think you can stomach actually stopping by their site, here is some of the manure they're spreading....
With some commentary by yours truly
In most states, 18-year-olds will be able to walk into gun stores and buy new American-made AK-47s.
After filling out federal paperwork and an NICS background check. Just like today.
In many states, it will be possible to bring concealed TEC-9 assault pistols, loaded with thirty rounds of ammunition, into bars, churches and sports arenas, and even public schools or universities.
No matter what Michael Moore tells you, You try to conceal something 9 inches by 11 inches by 2 inches in your pants. No fair letting Sandy Berger make an attempt.
In many states kids as young as 13 will be able to buy brand new American-made AK-47s at gun shows and through the classifieds.
Huh? 13 year olds at gun shows. Folks, watching Bowling for Columbine on a 24 hour loop isn't such a good idea. I don't know anyone who would sell a 13 year old a gun out of his garage, let alone at a gun show.
New assault weapons will be advertised over the internet.
Imagine that! Using the internet for commercial enterprise! Why hasn't anyone thought of that before!
New rapid-fire ammunition magazines that allow guns to fire up to 100 rounds without reloading will be mass-produced and sold on a cash-and-carry basis to anyone, with no questions or background checks
I already covered this one. Just where do they not do background checks in these people's world?
So there you have it, frightwigging and lies. Like we should expect anything more from the gun grabbers.
Now follow their advice and call your Senators and Representatives.
And thank them for not falling for this crap.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:00 AM | Comments (2)
Whatcha gots to hide, Johnny Boy
This won't give him a 'bounce' in the polls either.
Shortly after news broke that former Clinton administration National Security Advisor Samuel "Sandy" Berger was being investigated by the Justice Department for illegally removing highly classified documents from the National Archives, the presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) removed its anti-terror plan from its web site.
Republicans have suggested that the information contained in the documents was used to formulate Kerry's policy, but are limited in proving those charges because the material is still classified. The sudden disappearance of the policy from the campaign web site that coincided with Berger's dismissal supports Republicans' contention that the purloined data formed the basis of at least part of the Democratic candidate's homeland security program.
Key portions of the policy removed from the web site included the following three passages:
-- Increase Port Security and Accelerate Border Security. Currently, 95% of all non-North American U.S. trade moves by sea, concentrated mostly in a handful of ports. John Kerry believes improvements in port security must be made, while recognizing that global prosperity and America's economic power depends on an efficient system. Kerry's plan would develop standards for security at ports and other loading facilities for containers and assure facilities can meet basic standards. To improve security in commerce, John Kerry believes we should accelerate the timetable for the action plans agreed to in the U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico "smart border" accords as well as implement security measures for cross-border bridges. Finally John Kerry will pursue modest safety standards for privately held infrastructure and will help owners find economical ways to pay for increased security.
-- Secure Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Weapons Facilities and Chemical Facilities. John Kerry will appoint an Energy Secretary who takes nuclear plant security seriously and ensures meticulous follow-up to any security violations. He would also order an immediate review of engagement orders and weaponry for plant guards, and ensure attack simulation drills be as realistic as possible. A Kerry Administration would ensure that security of our nuclear weapons facilities is a U.S. government responsibility -- not cede it to private contractors as the Bush Administration considered doing. A Kerry Administration will tighten security at chemical facilities across the nation that produce or store chemicals, focusing first on facilities in major urban areas where millions of Americans live within the circle of vulnerability.
-- Tighten Aviation Security and Combat Threats to Civilian Aircraft. John Kerry will close loopholes in existing regulations on cargo carried by passenger flights and increase the reliability of new screening procedures. Kerry will increase perimeter inspections of U.S. airports and work with international aviation authorities to make sure the same standards are in place at all international airports. He will work with our allies to crackdown on the sale of shoulder-fired missiles that could be used in an attack on civilian aircraft, and are sold on the black market.
The Kerry campaign did not respond to a Talon News inquiry about the removal of the link from the web site.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:47 AM | Comments (0)
Two Americas
And I'm not talking about the crap Edwards was spewing.
One America drives hybrids and complains about the price of gas. The Other America drives SUVs and can�t believe anyone would pay $3 for a cup of coffee.
One America discusses the environment while sipping cappuccinos. The other discusses the environment while eating deer sausage.
One America is shocked and outraged by naked prisoners at Abu Ghraib because it shows what Americans are capable of. The Other America is more shocked over the beheading of Nick Berg and Paul Johnson, because is shows what our enemies are capable of.
And there are 13 more where those came from.
Found @ Drumwaster's
Posted by Nukevet at 07:48 AM | Comments (2)
You open it
Teddy Kennedy must be afraid of something.
Five staffers were forced to evacuate the office of Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) yesterday after aides to Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) forwarded them a package that they thought could have been potentially hazardous.
What a pussy. He votes the way he does and then makes other folks open the packages from his angry constituents.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:45 AM | Comments (0)
A series of articles worth a peek
From the Economist, the first article, and if you care to, follow the links to the rest. It's about our exceptionalism, and what it means to us and to the rest of the world. The article is upbeat, and remarkably friendly in tone.
On this view, America is not exceptional because it is powerful; America is powerful because it is exceptional. And because what makes America different also keeps it rich and powerful, an administration that encourages American wealth and power will tend to encourage intrinsic exceptionalism. Walter Russell Mead of the Council on Foreign Relations dubs this impulse �American revivalism�. It is not an explicit ideology but a pattern of beliefs, attitudes and instincts.
Another in the series says this.
In 1929, Jay Lovestone, the head of the American communist party, was summoned to Moscow. Stalin demanded to know why the worldwide communist revolution had advanced not one step in the largest capitalist country. Lovestone replied that America lacked the preconditions for communism, such as feudalism and aristocracy. No less an authority than Friedrich Engels had said the same thing, talking of �the special American conditions...which make bourgeois conditions look like a beau id�al to them.� So had an Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci, and a British socialist, H.G. Wells, who had both argued that America's unique origins had produced a distinctive value system and unusual politics.
Interesting, it would seem that we may be the antibody to some of the worst of Europe's excesses. It would explain why even in the depths of the Great Depression, we neither went communist or facist. Not even close.
This is too about as good a definition of American as any.
Yet European and American patriotism are different. Patriotic Europeans take pride in a nation, a tract of land or a language they are born into. You cannot become un-French. In contrast, patriotic Americans have a dual loyalty: both to their country and to the ideas it embodies. �He loved his country,� said Lincoln of Henry Clay, �partly because it was his own country, but mostly because it was a free country.� As the English writer G.K. Chesterton said in 1922, America is the only country based on a creed, enshrined in its constitution and declaration of independence. People become American by adopting the creed, regardless of their own place of birth, parentage or language. And you can become un-American�by rejecting the creed.
Emphasis mine, but you get the idea. America is a concept more than merely a country. Something alien to most people in the world I suspect. But then, so are we. I agree with the general thrust of the series. That foriegn concerns about our agenda or motives are based far more in their insecurities and inability to comprehend us than in any actual facts. Two hundred years to watch us, and mostly, they still don't understand.
So they are afraid. Not rational when there are real boogeymen in the world, but since we seem immune to their politics, maybe that's the main source of their fear. They can't change us. If the Economist got the demographic predictions correct, by 2050, we'll outnumber Europe and be half of China's population, and we'll still be exceptional.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:28 AM | Comments (0)
As Bobby Fischer looks for anti-Semitic asylum
perhaps he should consider New Zealand.
Yeah, New Zealand. That's the ticket.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:27 AM | Comments (4)
What he lacked the guts to show you.
Blowing Smoke, Cox & Forkum has it about right, but in following some of the links, I read this take on it from LGF.
And then, the question occurred to me: why would someone who clearly understands the power of images choose not to show the most powerful images of our time?
Because Moore knew that if he showed those images, which have been mostly absent from media for almost 3 years, he ran the risk of awakening the anger and feelings of intense danger we all experienced that day.
And that was a risk he could not run�because it could very well spoil the tone of the rest of the film, and expose him for the smirking, unserious buffoon he is.
This is the key, Moore won't show you those images, because it might remind you of why the Taliban were crushed, why Huessein had to put down. Bin Laden and AQ are the spear point, but radical islam and all it's bases of strength are the enemy. So what did Moore want to censor from his own film?
Michael Moore doesn't want you to remember that this is about vastly more than wild conspiracies or the ravings of a beached whale who has openly referred to his fellow citizens as stupid, mindless. He knows that his arguement is hollow when compared to what has come before. That's why he won't let you see it.
How many of our fellow citizens have to die for the Bush haters to GET IT THROUGH THEIR THICK FUCKING SKULLS THAT THIS IS WAR! We didn't start it, and masturbating your fantasies to the theory that it's all made up and will just go quietly away if Bush is gone,.... Those people sicken me with their willingly stupid blindness.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:43 AM | Comments (7)
July 22, 2004
This is what he calls "leadership"?
Kerry lectures us about needing leadership on security, while his "informal" security advisor is under investigation?
Anyone who believes that Kerry is going to take the task of protecting the US seriously is delusional. But, I guess that becomes a self-repairing problem. Kerry screws around like Clinton, treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue. Thousands more US citizens die on American soil. Leftists actively fighting for the defeat of America finally figure out what they're supporting.
Once, JUST ONCE, I would like to come away from a Kerry speech feeling like he took the war on terrorism seriously.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:03 PM | Comments (6)
Setting your sights too low
EU Increases Pressure on Arafat for Reform
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - The European Union's top diplomat increased pressure on Palestinian President Yasser Arafat Thursday by hinting the EU would reconsider relations with him if his prime minister quit in a leadership struggle.
The EU still doesn't get it. Arafat isn't hostage to forces beyond his control, he's the promary source of the corruption. He by all accounts runs the West Bank like a mafia Don. So this even if it succeeds is little more than window dressing. Arafat's only real goal is to stay in power to continue his cruesade against the Jews of Israel. Say what you like about Sharon, but if he looses an election, he's gone. Nobody, but nobody will believe that of Arafat.
He's the problem, and pretending that giving him a shower with a new suit will make him presentably civilized is ignoring reality. The hollow point retirement he's earned is overdue, and Palestine will never be either peaceful or democratic as long as people make excuses for him.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:40 PM | Comments (0)
I want to see the naked pillow fight.
As for the toilet in the front yard.......?
Posted by Nukevet at 03:57 PM | Comments (0)
I have gotten a couple e-mails from readers about our new Typekey comment registration thingamajig. Most have expressed unhappiness with it, to put it politely.
Just as an FYI, I was hesitant at first, but I'm sold on it.
Here at RNS, we were getting superspammed, even after installing the MTBlacklist software. I was having to go back into our older posts to delete crap out of there on a daily basis. If I had a day where I couldn't log in, there'd be at least a dozen spam comments. And that was just in my posts. I'm sure that the Doc and Puggs had the same issue.
Nowadays, with the Typekey system, the spammers still try to drop them in the post comments, but it screens them and leaves them waiting for me in a bucket to flush.
I am still deleting over a dozen per day.
Every day.
Even more on the weekends (for some strange reason).
I don't know who we pissed off, but they're very unhappy with us (and think we have small penises).
Please, continue to let me know if you are having trouble with Typekey.
Or, you don't even really have to register.
When someone posts a comment in one of my posts, Typekey drops it into my mailbox awaiting approval. I do my best to check in every couple hours to approve folks who have not registered or forgot to sign in. I have hit the "Approve" key of every non-spam comment so far and plan to continue to do so.
I forget to sign in most times myself. And I have to approve my own comments.
Please, don't be angry with us. We just want to keep out server from crapping out again and keep the discussions flowing.
And if you find a spammer, you have our full approval to take out your frustrations upon them.
Thanks, AK
Posted by Nukevet at 10:26 AM | Comments (1)
More Unilateralism
Weren't we discussing countries becoming arrogant here a couple days ago?
French Consulate Demands Respect
In a sign that relations between Washington and Paris remain a bit testy, a notice on the front door of the French Consulate in New York warns Americans applying for a visa to check their attitude before entering.
"Visas for France are not a right. Persons applying for visas are requested to show due respect for Consular personnel. Failure to do so will result in the denial of the application and denied entry into any of the EU countries," says the sign posted in English at the French Consulate at 10 East 74th St., referring to the European Union.
They had to add all the other countries of the EU into the threat because no sane person would want to go to their crap hole of a country.
Did they ask the Swiss if this was OK? How about the Spanish? Maybe they asked Germany and Belgium?
What a bunch of stuck up prissies.
Found @ Some Poor Schmuck
Posted by Nukevet at 09:57 AM | Comments (5)
Just who are the 'Brownshirts' exactly?
It is short, but sweet. Go now and read the Op-Ed piece from guest Orbusmax writer Nicolas G. Jenkins about the squelching of his political speech here in Seattle.
The short, sad life of my Reagan/Bush bumper sticker
It was bad enough that some yahoo took my sticker. What's worse was that it only survived on my bumper for three hours. At most. I put it there at 3:30 pm. By 6:30, after driving all of one mile and parking my car on a very public street for about an hour, it was gone. So sometime between 5:30 and 6:30, some self-appointed guardian of All Things Fit for Public Viewing decided that my expression of Right Pride wasn't so fit. Three hours. John Kerry takes longer to flip flop.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:51 AM | Comments (2)
He's got the lock
Doc wrote about this the other day, and gave a link to what I thought was a satire site. But sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.
The Associated Press reported Monday that the head of the communist movement in Nicaragua and Sandinista Leader Tomas Borge announced his support for Sen. John Kerry's (D-MA) presidential bid.
The endorsement is not the first friendly relationship between the Massachusetts senator and the Sandinistas. In 1985, Kerry and Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) led a delegation that met with Sandinista strongman Daniel Ortega, despite the Reagan administration's efforts to undermine Nicaragua's communist leader.
I wonder if Ortega was one of those 'foreign leaders' Kerry was bragging about a few months back?
Posted by Nukevet at 09:45 AM | Comments (0)
As if he wasn't already there
"Baghdad Jim" McDermott camps out in the deep end.
"They want to have the government able to reach into our lives, no matter what we are doing, no matter what you read in the library," said Rep. Jim McDermott (D.-Wash.). "Do not buy a ticket to Fahrenheit 9/11 on the Internet, because they will get your Internet records. They are going to get everything about your life, and they will continue to do it until we finally wind up with martial law."
How sad that he just refuses to take his meds.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:40 AM | Comments (0)
July 21, 2004
Molon labe
I don't remember where I first saw this - I just stuck it in my "link to this later" folder without noting where I found it. It might have been over at Spoons, but I couldn't find the post I would have stolen borrowed it from.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:04 PM | Comments (1)
Separated at birth?
You Decide
Posted by Nukevet at 10:45 PM | Comments (1)
Stupid Troll Tricks
Using your own phone number to make threatening/harrassing calls. That's pretty dense - almost like using your official work e-mail while picking fights on other people's blogs. Nope, not too bright at all.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:24 PM | Comments (0)
Ahhhh, yes
Those "sophisticated Europeans."
On another note - don't you think it must just kill them to know that an American is close to doing what no-one else has ever done - win the Tour de France 6 times in a row.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:01 PM | Comments (0)
It's not hypocrisy
Posted by Nukevet at 08:21 PM | Comments (0)
And awaiting confirmation.
Official denies nuclear arms found in Iraq
Washington Post--
Iraqi security reportedly discovered three missiles carrying nuclear heads concealed in a concrete trench northwest of Baghdad, official sources said Wednesday.
The official daily al-Sabah quoted the sources as saying the missiles were discovered in trenches near the city of Tikrit, the hometown of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
�The three missiles were discovered by chance when the Iraqi security forces captured former Baath party official Khoder al-Douri who revealed during interrogation the location of the missiles saying they carried nuclear heads,� the sources said.
al-Sabah --
The official sources at the ministry of interior and the national security advisor department have refrained commenting on the news of seizing three missiles of nuclear heads in the course of arresting Khudir al- Dori the former leader at the dissolved Baath party.Notably, Iraqi political sources on anonymity affirmed that the detaining of al- Dori by the Iraqi security departments resulted in the seize of three nuclear heads missiles .The sources indicated that Khudir al- Dori occupied top party and security posts during ex-regime. Al-Dori death announced after the collapse of the regime and counterfeiting death certificate issued for him. He was arrested in the site situated between Oja and Al-Dor .The sources were quoted as saying that these nuclear missiles were found in tunnel underground at six meters length were covered carefully to mislead sensitive scientific apparatuses detecting for these weapons.
Let's hope for the best.
Found @ Blogs of War
Posted by Nukevet at 07:37 PM | Comments (7)
I really, really do not like this bubble head.
July 19 - September 11 either made me love this country or it made me realize how much I already did. I think it�s the latter. Seeing "Fahrenheit 9/11" made me think deeply about love of country�how it molds us, drives and emboldens us and how it can sometimes make us so angry we want to shout out to the world: "No, this is wrong." Many things have been said about the movie, and of course about its director, Michael Moore. But I don�t think I�ve heard anyone comment on Moore�s love for America. It seemed evident to me that the film was born from that love.
To which, I have to ask who sold her crack?
Many on the American left loathe America (they love the Constitution and their vision of what America could be) and have contempt for the average American. That is why most of the Left has such admiration for Michael Moore, who has said, among so much more, the following:
Americans "are possibly the dumbest people on the planet . . . in thrall to conniving, thieving, smug (expletive)" (London Daily Mirror).
"Should such an ignorant people lead the world?" (open letter to the German people in Die Zeit).
Elsewhere he speaks of America as bringing immeasurable misery and sadness to the world and as essentially deserving attacks on it.
This part both enlightens, and offends.
But I don�t think he loves us�the people who make up this land. The huddled masses. The millions of citizens who just want a peaceful, safe life. Those who want to put their kids through school and see them grow up; who want to take vacations to other countries without fearing for their lives because so much of the world hates us.
Right, the sheep, and the idle rich. Clue bat to the empty headed Patti, 95% of your countrymen will never "vacation" overseas. Why, because we don't have your money, so spare me the just one of the masses whine. You aren't one of us, I never hated my country as you admit to having done once, and I venture the number who did is far far smaller than you will willingly accept. Living in a wealthy enclave where the price of gas or milk is of no concern, where the children of other Americans enlist, and where "feelings" matter over the realities of war and survival.
In essence, the war and Bush make her feel bad, sniff. Given her own self reported history, I'm shocked she hasn't cut her wrists already. She has managed to put down in print what is so wrong with the left in America without realizing it. She writes for Newsweek, has coffee table liberal views, sympathies with radical leftist ones, yet thinks she is representative of the middle class. Got a six figure salary do we Patti? In real life that puts you in the top five percent, hardly middle class, and sure as Hell not grass roots.
Look, this whole sappy pile is just revoltingly sugary. Last time I checked Moore's film made 93,000,000 dollars, I'm sure he's happy, but Dodgerball has made more. Moore's only hope to sway the election is to get swing voters to both go see the movie, and to be convinced by his dog and pony slide show. That Patti thinks it's important tells me she hasn't really left her hate Amerika past behind, she's just traded her sandals and beads for silk and a Volvo and learned to talk in Oprah speak.
Not an improvement.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:38 PM | Comments (0)
Glass houses and those who throw bricks from them
HITTING UP THE CHURCHES: The Bush campaign is seeking to enlist thousands of religious congregations around the country in distributing campaign information and registering voters, according to an e-mail message sent to many members of the clergy and others in Pennsylvania. Liberal groups charged that the effort invited violations of the separation of church and state and jeopardized the tax-exempt status of churches that cooperated. Some socially conservative church leaders also said they would advise pastors against participating in such a partisan effort.
Before God can deliver us we must undeceive ourselves.� Augustine of Hippo
I'm religious, but not a church goer. I know many on both side of the political isle are not, fair enough. But democrats do not get to have it both ways. You cannot condemn Bush's very public faith as exclusive or devisive, then turn right around and pass the collection plate at the lefts churchs without looking the hypocrit. So spare me the whining over "Dubya's" preaching, your side has played that game far too long.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:17 PM | Comments (0)
AWOL, 16 words, people died, yada, yada, yada
So, as the "evidence" against Bush continues to evaporate, the credibility of the left continues to erode. Bush was incessantly bashed for his "16 words" - words that have now been shown to be accurate and appropriate - as British intelligence maintained all along. Joe Wilson was lionized - and has now been unmasked as a liar and political opportunist of the basest sort. Bush's 16 words get endless play, while the Wilson affair struggles to see the light of day. Bush is excoriated for telling the truth, Wilson is adored for telling lies - all is OK, as long as you tell the right KIND of lies. Bush went AWOL - tons of analysis about Bush's medical records, where was he and when, speculation, derision, refusal to accept eyewitnesses accounts over partisan attacks, and an absolute conniption about names being blacked out in medical records - which is a patient confidentiality issue mandated by law. Through all of this, there is not enough evidence that Bush can provide to overcome the left's acceptance of one retired officers saying "I don't recall ever seeing him on base" as proof positive that Bush went AWOL. Never mind the honorable discharge. But now, Burger walks off with classified documents stuck in his pants, and we're expected to accept that it is just an "honest mistake". Hey, Bill Clinton, the guy that asked Berger to review the documents, says that Sandy is an alright guy of the highest integrity, so that should be good enough for us, right? Bill Clinton being such a pillar of honesty and integrity himself. And all the while, the Democrats try to make the discussion about the timing of the leak, working mightily to shift attention away from the fact that a serious crime may have been committed. Well, not all liberals - some even suggest that it was the Democrats themselves who leaked the story. As for timing - anyone remember when the Bush DUI story broke? 30 year old non-issues are being given far more hysteriacl coverage than contemporaneous events that are arguably far more serious (ok, maybe not so arguably. It's nauseating to see the level to which civil discourse has fallen - but not as unsightly as the level to which the media will go to protect Kerry. Imagine, just IMAGINE, what would have happened to Bush if it turned out that one of his cabinet members had walked off with documents relating to the 9/11 commission hearings. Imagine how much hateful conjecture there would be over what was contained in those "inadvertantly discarded" pages if it was the Bush team that got caught in such an act. We are at a point in history where a President who believes in saying what he means and doing what he says is challenged by a candidate who says anything to score politial capital - even vilifying his military "brothers" in Viet Nam and actively working to ensure that we were defeated in that conflict. John Kerry talks about Iraq being a quagmire, and then follows up with how he would do everything that Bush has done, only faster, cheaper, better. Of course, Kerry criticizes the war effort while actively obstructing it. But somehow we're supposed to believe that he will protect us better than Bush, that he will prosecute the war on terror better, that he will get France to like us better. I don't give a rat's patoot if France likes us. What I care about is that our CIC make decisions based on what is best for the US, and that acts quickly and decisively when warranted - not one that will grovel before the UN and check which way the political wind is blowing before he makes any decision. Kerry talks about the Iraq quagmire - strange words from a man who did everything in his power to create the original. All I can say is - choose carefully in November, and be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.
Slings and Arrows looks at the timelines.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:54 PM | Comments (0)
the future belongs to the bold
Not to the timid. The bold...The timid....and the outright cowardly.
A possible breakthrough, the document adds, deals with a solid-state directed energy beam systems, operating at 100-kilowatt levels. "If the generation of large quantities of heat could be managed, the Air Force could develop highly effective, cheap, high power energy weapons."
For example, Air Force researchers are looking at ways to collect or generate large quantities of energy on orbit in order to rely on space-based platforms for more missions and provide a greater degree of true global presence. "This would change many equations about traditional ideas of rapid response," the document explains.
This article ties together the naysayers. But, really, it smacks of the learned men in the 19th century who said ships could never be made from iron and steel, because they don't float. All the arguements they raise run into this problem, don't they think for one second that the Phd's working on these projects have considered things like EMP and satillite vulnerability? These are long term projects, some will be dropped, some peter out, but some,.. some will ahcieve fruition. Then the game is really going to begin anew.
Besides, I remember the Union for Concerned Scientists, they backed the nuclear freeze movement. They were wrong then, and having a degree was never a condition for membership, so their credentials aren't always so up to snuff either. Noam Chomsky for instance may be a learned linguist, but how does that translate into expertise on US policy? That's where the UCS falls.
The thing to remember is this, when an old learned scientist tells you something can be done, he is almost certainly correct. When he tells you something cannot be done, he is almost certainly wrong. I don't remember who said that, but it's been true for all history, so beware the guy who says it's impossible.
He's betting on horses and buggy's, and the road of history is littered with his type. He's betting on small and modest gain, and America has never done that. We dream the big dreams here.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:56 AM | Comments (0)
"kill the hippy"!
I will never buy any Ben & Jerry's ice cream, unless....I get to dip Ben here in it and leave him staked out on an ant hill. Maybe he should take heed of the greatest hippy thinker of them all.
Or, just tell Vyvian wear he lives.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:21 AM | Comments (3)
no, he posed no threat, after all, he only gassed people like this
Chiman Saeedpour, a 17-year-old Iranian survivor of one of Iraq's largest chemical attacks, poses in front of a picture depicting her after the June 28, 1987, chemical weapons attack by Saddam Hussein's forces against civilians in the northwestern Iranian town of Sardasht.
Just putting a human face on what has become an academic arguement to some. To argue that we should have just let him alone because not every i was dotted and every t crossed, is to turn your back on what was being done in his name. Choices bear consequences, I can live with being in support of the war because it ended forever Saddam's bloodlust. Those that did not support it must face up to a simple fact, acts like this one would have continued, passing on to Saddam's demon spawn. Iraq will have a democracy, shakey, and fragile, but as it grows, it will get stronger. Irag is already a far better place, as viewed by most of it's population.
So if you say we should have stayed our hand, look at her eyes when you say it. Tell her that her life is worthless and should have been sacrificed because it was just not right to go to war to remove Huessein, it wasn't moral. Look into her eyes and see the consequence of YOUR choice. She's a child, and that monster made children the primary target of his regime.
No one's hands are clean, least of all those who advocate peace at such a cost as this. Peace at this cost isn't peace, it's sanctioned murder. So live with your choice.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:37 AM | Comments (2)
Alrighty then
Conspiracy theorists rejoice, a juicy scandal involving missing national security documents, high government officials, a former presidential advisor and current adviser to a man who would be president. Better yet, it involves secret papers dealing with Bin Laden and efforts to deal with him, some of which are still missing. the rub?
It's not republicans who are involved, but democrats.
Meaning, that the usual suspects who would instantly create wild theories about oil companies and nefarious dealings will fall as silent as a tomb over this. It was all a misunderstanding, just an accident, and he just had a brain fart or something, nothing to see here, move along.
Sorry, but that's not good enough. Not nearly enough from the same crowd that has demanded, DEMANDED absolute prefection in all matters of security from our current president, has assigned him base motives when they couldn't think of anything else to say. Well now the other shoe has dropped hasn't it? It's matter of Berger being a criminal stealing memos to cover his former bosses ass, or he's utterly incompetent in documents security, and being a former National Security Advisor, that is unforgiveable. So, he's a thief, or a dumbass.
Which is it?
Posted by Nukevet at 06:55 AM | Comments (1)
July 20, 2004
Up the sleeve
A couple weeks back, there was a lot of hoopla from the right about dropping the issue of exemption of Americans to be party to the International Criminal Court.
If this passes and gets signed, I'll drop most of my objections.
U.S. House wants aid cut to countries that hand Americans to war crime courts
U.S. economic aid could only flow to countries that have agreed not to surrender Americans to a world court for prosecution of war crimes, under a measure the U.S. House of Representatives approved Thursday.
The 241-166 vote by the Republican-controlled chamber expanded the current prohibition on military aid to such countries.
The target of the amendment was the International Criminal Court, which began operating last year in The Hague, Netherlands. It is a permanent court that is supposed to enter cases involving genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity when the countries involved cannot work out a solution on their own.
"If these countries want to receive money from the United States, it's simple" - sign an agreement not to turn over Americans, said Representative George Nethercutt, a Washington state Republican, the provision's sponsor.
Nethercutt has been a pretty good Rep. He is challenging Washington Senator Patty Murray (aka 'al-Qiada Patty') for her seat in the upcoming election.
Let's hope he sends 'The Tennis Shoe Senator' back to the private sector.
Found @ Right Thinking
Posted by Nukevet at 08:56 PM | Comments (16)
France may send strong messages
France says Sharon is unwelcome now
But Israel sends stronger ones
Israel has completed military rehearsals for a pre-emptive strike against Iran�s nuclear power facility at Bushehr, Israeli officials told the London-based Sunday Times.
Such a strike is likely if Russia supplies Iran with fuel rods for enriching uranium. The rods, currently stored at a Russian port, are expected to be delivered late next year after a dispute over financial terms is resolved.
An Israeli defense source in Tel Aviv, who confirmed that the military rehearsals had taken place, told the paper: �Israel will on no account permit Iranian reactors - especially the one being built in Bushehr with Russian help - to go critical.�
Found @ Blog of War
Posted by Nukevet at 09:21 AM | Comments (3)
"Arafat, dead within 6 weeks"
I know he said not to quote him, but this is something I wouldn't mind hearing confirmed by the wire services.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:54 AM | Comments (0)
I have spoken about a man named Brian Suits in the past, here at RNS.
Mustang Army Officer, former CavScout, former artillery forward observer and Seattle radio talk show host.
I have even posted a pic so you know who I'm talking about.
(click for bigger)
FYI: He's the guy on the right. Striking his best GI Joe pose with fellow talk show host, Kirby Wilber.
But until now, I have not been able to post his words.
Here is a short report about some of the things Lt. Suits has experienced in Iraq.
Since he left for Iraq in February, he has been reporting in to his home radio station (KVI 570) on a weekly basis. And I have been trying to bribe the station to put these interviews on the web or on CD so that they can be shared, but to no avail. Yet.
Brian is currently one of the guys that goes to towns, both in and outside of the green zone, and helps them set up elections for town councils and territorial leaders.
He had a close call a couple weeks back with an 82mm mortar. Let's all hope that he stays safe and gets home soon.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:41 AM | Comments (0)
The Soundboard: Grunge Edition
So the Analog Wife is watching VH1's "I Love the 90's" show (which was a really stupid idea, but that is an entire post in and of itself) and I can hear the sound in the family room, where I post from.
They get to 1991 and then to whole "Grunge Explosion".
Bad thing.
You see, if you were over 21 (or 18) and in Seattle in the late 80's and early 90's, there was an entire genre of music that you were able to get real close to and ingrained into your head before it took off and flew out of your grasp and into the world of record sales uber alles.
House parties and clubs and practice rooms and festivals and anywhere you could plug in a PA there was some great music. Hell, Cameron Crowe even made a movie about it.
Alice in Chains was my favorite band that 'made it big' (aka band whose name you'll recognize) (Layne Staley RIP). Soundgarden follows a very close second. I never really got into liking Nirvana. Too much slop. Pearl Jam was OK. Their live stuff was exceptional. I remember a free concert they played with Cyprus Hill opening at Magnuson Park on Sand Point Naval Reservation....Nicole and Sandy and Lydia (oh my!).
But anyway, the scene soon started to cannibalize itself. Even Madonna got into the biz with her own label and a band whose name I can't remember.
And then it died. Well actually, it is still here, we just don't want to share anymore. Modest Mouse is out with their new album and song (Those guys have been around for over a decade and deserve their success after loading in and out of some real dives for a dozen years. Congrats guys), and that is probably all you'll hear from the Seattle club scene for another decade.
As I've said before, most of my music is locked up in storage. And almost half of it is in vynil format. I have a bare minimum of what could be described as a music collection on the CD rack. Add to that the fact that I still lend my CD's out and sometimes don't get them back on time.
In other words, my music collection is hurting right now. But I want to post something.
So, in rememberance of a time when it was actually cool to be from Seattle and Pearl Jam actually rocked (your milage may vary) I present....
State of Love and Trust - Pearl Jam
(from the Singles sountrack)
Posted by Nukevet at 07:33 AM | Comments (0)
Bowling for Kerry
Actually, no. Let's not.
Let's all stop by Drudge and see how 'Kerry works for America'.
Drudge brought the funny.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:23 AM | Comments (0)
Down his pants!?
President Clinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation after admitting he removed highly classified terrorism documents from a secure reading room during preparations for the Sept. 11 commission hearings, The Associated Press has learned. Berger's home and office were searched earlier this year by FBI agents armed with warrants. Some drafts of a sensitive after-action report on the Clinton administration's handling of al-Qaida terror threats during the December 1999 millennium celebration are still missing.
Berger and his lawyer said Monday night he knowingly removed handwritten notes he had taken from classified anti-terror documents he reviewed at the National Archives by sticking them in his jacket and pants. He also inadvertently took copies of actual classified documents in a leather portfolio, they said.
I have never stuffed anything down my pants 'inadvertently". I haven't even stuffed anything down anyone elses pants 'inadvertently'. I have 'put the banana in the tail pipe' (in the Axel Foley sense), but I really don't enjoy papercuts, on any body part, and have never been drunk enough to stuff a large diversity of foreign objects in my pants. Even on purpose.
But then again, this guy is from the Clinton Administration. There was a lot of things dealing with 'stuffing' and 'down' and 'pants' from that time, so I'm sure that some of it must have 'rubbed off' on Berger.
Eeew. OK. I apologize for that image.
Found @ The Captain's Quarters Blog via TheJunkYardBlog
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 AM | Comments (0)
Let the bitch slapping commence
Got the itch to slap someone?
Well then, head on over to The Grouchy Old Cripple's place.
He's got some folks lined up and ready.
Of course, you'll have to take slappy seconds.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:08 AM | Comments (0)
July 19, 2004
Yahoo, sigh, let's talk.
I went to Yahoo's blog listing, and while I know the number is endless, I've never heard of about 98% of the ones they list. This however, was very funny.
About the War (and How America Is Losing) - provides a critical view of the ''war on terrorism''.
Well, I can see his arguement went far.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:48 PM | Comments (0)
Speaking of things on fire....
From this
to this
Another "artist" with a flagging career trying to get a little bump by being edgy and controversial. As Puggs noted below, all it got Linda was a warning not to let the door hit her in the ass on the way out. And it's an ample ass to have to watch out for.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:54 PM | Comments (1)
Is this right?
California fire blamed on flaming hawk.
The wildfire began when a red-tailed hawk hit power lines and caught fire, said Jim Dellamonica, a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
Birds perch on power lines all of the time, and don't burst into flames, right? So why should a red-tailed hawk be any different?
Posted by Nukevet at 09:50 PM | Comments (3)
No, not in this world, or the next.
Ron Reagan, the late president's 46-year-old son, plans to use the global platform of the Democratic National Convention to endorse embryonic stem-cell experiments, an area of research that some think his father would have opposed but which his mother supports.
I didn't really have an opinion strongly on stem cell research before June, I do now. The source of the stem cells is well known, largely, from aborted fetus's misscarriages and still births. It raises the most moral of questions. What price will you pay to save yourself?
The victims of brain diseases deserve our sympathy, but this kind of research in my mind is unacceptible. You most all know I have severe arthritis of the spine, everyday is a battle with pain on a level that never seems to lessen. But what would I give to be cured, be normal again? Not this, not on the tissue of an infant. Disease sufferers will tell you that they suffer the physical or emotional pains of Hell. They flatter themselves.
Let me tell you of Hell.
Hell is fear, as your wife delivers your infant son in the back of a Squad in the hospital parking lot. Hell is uncertainty as you stumble, pushing away helping hands as you move as fast as you can to follow your wife as she's wheeled to delivery for a doctors care. Hell is watching her cry and fighting back the tears yourself, because the world has spiraled down out of control and you wait, as you make certain she'll be alright so you can rush down to your premature son's side. Hell, is rushing into the ER with your mother and father in law in tow, to be stopped outside your son's room to be told that he didn't make it.
Hell is holding your dead infant son cradled in your arms and sobbing for God to take you instead. It's a torement so profound, so searing as to make all other grief's in your life seem small by comparison. I will be forever haunted by Garret's face, which is the face of our other two children. If I could have traded my life for his, I would have. To have a doctor approach and ask the question of wether they can have his body for research...
He would be a dead man.
They can't have my son, he's been sent to God as he was sent to us, and I don't care a damn for the logic or needs of others when our flesh and blood is nothing more than spare parts. An adult can choose to be a donor, I have off and on made that choice. But I'm an adult.
What price would be acceptible for me to be cured? Not that one, if I have to stay as I am for the rest of my life, I wouldn't change it if I had to rob a grieving family to do it. I couldn't do it, not having gone through what we have.
Hell is often an over used word, but not in this context. Hell, isn't always on a battlefield, sometimes it's in the halls of an Emergency Room, as you stand, gently place your child down on the table in the care of a weeping nurse, then haltingly turn, force your shoulders back against the cracks and pops and walk out to face your wife as you go to the elevators. Hell is that short journey when you see, but do not see anything past the tunnel vision that has overtaken you. You hear nothing, accept nothing, focus purely on one goal. To get to my wife's side as quickly as I could.
My time with my wife is private, but you see, I could no more support or condone this research than I could have not walked back to my lady. I wasn't sure I could finish this, it was difficult. Maybe more than anyone wanted to hear. But choices have a consequence, and not always an apparent one. A donors gift is honored, but when the thing becomes a harvest rather than a gift, it's little different than canabolism. A part of us died too that morning, and I'm not in a mood to be charitable.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:30 PM | Comments (0)
So why take the job?
In a bizarre performance notable for its bridge-burning comments, Ronstadt inflamed more than her Aladdin audience on Saturday by taking potshots at Las Vegas and dedicating "Desperado" to "Fahrenheit 9/11" filmmaker Michael Moore.
When her show was over, the Aladdin had her checked out of her room and escorted off the premises.
Many walked out during the show, one concertgoer tossed a cocktail on her poster, others defaced her posters and the box office was "a mob scene" of people seeking refunds, according to an Aladdin spokeswoman.
"It's amazing how ugly it got," said Tyri Squyres, director of public relations at the Aladdin.
She apparently got what she asked for.
When her show was over, the Aladdin had her checked out of her room and escorted off the premises.
Many walked out during the show, one concertgoer tossed a cocktail on her poster, others defaced her posters and the box office was "a mob scene" of people seeking refunds, according to an Aladdin spokeswoman.
In an interview with the R-J's Mike Weatherford before the show, Ronstadt said with a laugh: "I keep hoping that if I'm annoying enough to them, they won't hire me back."
So I repeat, why take the job she demanded so many concessions to agree to preform for? Childish badgirl behavior or what? Nothing new from preformers, but this was pretty unnecessary.
From drudge.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:15 PM | Comments (3)
Posted by Nukevet at 06:43 PM | Comments (1)
So, What do John Kerry
And Saturn's moon Iapetus have in common?
Posted by Nukevet at 01:13 PM | Comments (2)
Range Report: Update Mauser
So maybe I didn't get such a good deal on the Mauser.
While I was able to tweak the barrel band retainers so that they stay on, I am having second thoughts about firing full power ammo through it after some of the things that happened today. While I read and trust the H.P. White report that was linked by Kim duToit in this GGP, I like my face. It may not be the most handsome face, but it looks better now than it would with a Mauser bolt sticking out of the right cheek.
That, and I couldn't hit squat. I'd aim at the bullseye, it would hit 9 inches high at 11 o'clock. I'd then aim at the bottom right corner of the target, and it would hit 18 inches high at 11 o'clock (right next to my previous hit), etc. for 30 rounds until I gave up trying.
So here's the plan:
I'm going to inspect the barrel and reciever again for any malformations, cracks or bulges. Pending a thumbs up at the conclusion of the inpsection, I'm going to buy a chamber insert and convert it from 7.62x51 to 7.62x39.
If the caliber conversion is succesful, I'll be adding on this scope base and long eye relief scope.
If it doesn't pass inspection, it better look damn good on my wall.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:24 AM | Comments (3)
More hypocrisy on the left
Those on the left want America to stop being the world's policeman. We are not allowed to bring democracy to foreign lands. Nor are we allowed to remove murderous dicators without express permission from a corrupt body of representatives from around the world.
And yet, they get all pissy when we refuse to tell the rest of the world how to have sex and children.
I realize that the base of this argument is the abortion debate. And again, let me state that I could care less. Not my body, not my kid, and in this case, not even my country. My opinon doesn't matter one whit.
But if the left wants to bitch and moan about the national debt, they need only look and see that we just saved $34 Million by not giving it to the UN Population Fund.
Just think how much we could save by not giving any money to the UN. And then you can think about how quickly they would shrivel and die.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:59 AM | Comments (2)
Stupidity in a land down under
Please help! I am confused.
Michael Richardson, formerly of New South Wales, Australia, stabbed his wife to death, then, suffocated his two children until they too were dead.
He then took a gun and committed suicide, saving his fellow citizens from having to hear his sob story as to why he killed his entire household.
Please help me! I'm confused.
The gun actually stopped a multiple murderer! And the MP wants more laws to aide their registration!
Found @ Ravenwood's Universe
Posted by Nukevet at 06:51 AM | Comments (1)
An Invitation
The Dems and others on the left made a big deal out of Bush not going to speak to the NAACP, even going so far as to call him a wussy and a baby.
Kerry went and spoke to the NAACP and then implied that he would talk to any group that invited him to do so.
So the Gun Owners of America did exactly that.
Do you think he'll take them up on it?
Or will he flip-flop and 'wuss out'?
Found @ Right Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 06:46 AM | Comments (0)
They don't like us, but they need us
Maybe that is why they don't like us?
Last year about this time, we got news that the Canadian Navy was 'going to take a year off' on the war on terror.
Gee, the press sure has a short memory.
Here is a new report saying that the Canadian Navy will be taking ANOTHER year off.
The Canadian navy will sit out the war on terrorism for one year in an effort to give exhausted sailors a chance to recuperate. HMCS Toronto left the Arabian Sea and the American George Washington Carrier Strike Group July 4 with a broken Sea King helicopter on deck.
And the navy has quietly decided against dispatching a replacement ship until spring 2005 at the earliest.
Notice how the article doesn't state that the US Navy has been patrolling their waters for them since this time last year because they have mothballed so many of their ships.
And don't forget that their Air Force is being drastically cut back and may be nonexistant by 2013.
So again, I would like to say "You're Welcome" to each and every Canadian for their worry free world view, their socialized medicine and their legalized pot.
Have a party boys and girls. We'll keep you safe. For a while.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:25 AM | Comments (2)
No reason
Who needs a motive? A swimsuit gallery, have at. For the ladies, a mens model gallery. I'm an equal oppurtunity panderer. It's all in fun, and I said a while back I'd find some cheesecake, the beef is cause I value our female readers.
Besides, I never said I was a "GOOD" bear. Naughty bears have better hours.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:09 AM | Comments (0)
He could have said p*ssy
Dems Attack Arnold's 'Girlie-Men' Remark
LOS ANGELES � A spokesman for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (search) said Sunday that the governor would not apologize for calling lawmakers "girlie men," despite criticisms from Democrats that the remark was sexist and homophobic.
I don't know about all that, but it's certainly highly descriptive isn't it? I hadn't heard about this until now, but come on now, compared to what dems say about republicans, this is pretty mild, almost a compliment when you consider their metrosexual demographic. And yes, I'm laughing my ass off over this. I'm about as butch as a man can be and not crack the sidewalk when I go out. So I have little to no sympathy for hurt feelings among the puffed and primped democrats who are intimidated by Arnie. Kind of like watching PeeWee Herman get indigant, it just gets funnier the madder he gets.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:44 AM | Comments (1)
Don't cha just love this?
LOS ANGELES � At anti-war rallies, thousands exercise their freedom of association and expression, but, if you're anti-left or pro-Bush, speech is not so free.
"You should be ashamed, you fascist," protesters jeered at demonstrators who opposed their anti-war message.
A handful of young conservatives founded Protest Warrior (search) last year. With an in-your-face style the group tries to provide a balance at demonstrations promoting a liberal, anti-war agenda.
"We were met with some violence," said Kafir Alfia (search) of Protest Warrior. "A lot of yelling and name calling. 'Nazi' and 'fascist' are very popular."
Leftist event organizers have tried to kick Protest Warrior out of their marches, but police refused, saying protesters can't censor what signs show up at their protest.
Censorship, from the left? I'M SHOCKED I TELL YOU, SIMPLY SHOCKED... Sucks when you have to live by the ideals you demand of others, don't it?
Posted by Nukevet at 03:35 AM | Comments (0)
Seems I'm not alone in smelling a rat here.
I posted on this, and found a similar post through Instapundit. From Silent Running.
New Zealand Jewish Council president David Zwartz, also Israel's honorary counsel in New Zealand, claimed the Government's handling of the issue had added weight to the community's belief it was "anti-Israel". He was not calling the Government anti-Semitic, but said the gravestone attacks attacks were linked to the Government's criticisms.
Foreign Affairs Minister Phil Goff angrily rejected all of Mr Zwartz' claims. Attempts to blame the Government for the "deplorable" grave attacks were ill- founded and would not justify silence in the face of criminal action, Mr Goff said.
This would be the same Phil Goff who personally visited Yasser Arafat and shook him by the hand, smiling broadly as he did so. The public are invited to draw their own conclusions about the veracity of any denials of racism from a man capable of such an act.
I have drawn my conclusion.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:12 AM | Comments (11)
July 18, 2004
Range Report: Mauser
Do everything well enough that you don't have to do it twice, my dad once said. And I followed his advice today. When I screw up, I screw up well.
First, I forgot my 308 and 223 ammo on the counter at home. Second, I took over 20 rounds to sight in my $85 Spanish 308 Mauser.
"But wait a minute, Phil, I thought you said that you forgot your 308 ammo at home" you say. I did. Thing is though, I had a can of 100 rounds of linked 308 in the storage box in the back of my truck. Don't ask me why. I won't tell you.
And no, there isn't a pintel mount in the back of my truck. Yet.
Anyway, here is the target from the Spanish Mauser...
First pair went very high (the lowest point on the rear sight is 300yds). Changed aiming points and the next two went not so high. All seemed to be going well.
Yeah. Right.
Third pair went way low (WTF?). It was at this time I noticed that both of my barrels bands had come loose and were dangling at the end of the barrel and were being retained by the front sight. The guy who owned this before me did some work on the stock and must have sanded too much off. Oh well, I'll look for a new stock.
Problem solved (temporarily). Fourth and fifth pair, not so low. So I said screw it, made some adjustments and rechecked the barrel bands (worked themselves halfway off) and sent out a five shot group.
Me likee.
One more adjustment and put all but one of th rest in the black. I figured that the group wasn't bad for MG ball ammo.
I'll make sure to grab my 150gr Rem Core-Lokt for my time at the range tomorrow. Report to follow.
And Colt, I haven't named a gun in a while (see Mollbot or The Baron du Toit for that). But since this is a Spanish Mauser I'll nickname this one La Mouse (Mauser = mouser = mouse + spanish translation = La Mouse).
Posted by Nukevet at 06:35 AM | Comments (5)
July 17, 2004
Proof that the left is full of whiny bitches
Like we needed any more proof of this.
Jefferson County G-O-P chairman Jack Richardson the Fourth says he didn't know the bumper sticker's origins, but agreed with its message.
Let's see, the left has compared Bush to Hitler and his administration to the leadership of the Third Reich.
They've called him both an idiot manchild and an evil genius in the same paragraph.
Their candidate called a group of celebrites who spent 4 hours calling Bush names that the newspapers couldn't print (even if he would release the transcript) "The Heart and Soul of America".
The left measures their devotion to the cause by how much they hate the President. Actually, they refuse to call him 'The President'. They are convinced that he 'stole' the election, even though there is absolutely no proof of this that they can come up with.
Currently, there is a film celebrated by the left that says Bush is controlled by the Saudis. I guess the Israelis just didn't have enough bucks since they were the ones who were pulling Bush's strings last year.
They openly blame him for both September 11th, which gave us the sympathy of the world, and for making us the most hated nation on the planet.
They teach their children to hate Bush and respect a real criminal, Chirac.
They call anyone who would vote Republican a racist and a bigot and the inhabitants of the middle America (aka: flyover country) uncivilized and uneducated rednecks.
But because somebody printed up a bumpersticker that say that OBL would rather have Kerry in office than Bush, and a GOP chairman agrees with the sentiment, we're the bad guys.
What a bunch of whiny bitches.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:18 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
Kicking B.. B...Benny in the Jet's
Elton attacks 'censorship' in US, via Drudge.
Elton John has said stars are scared to speak out against war in Iraq because of "bullying tactics" used by the US government to hinder free speech.
"There's an atmosphere of fear in America right now that is deadly. Everyone is too career-conscious," he told New York magazine, Interview.
Elton, you've been drinking again haven't you? What, praytell, actions by the US government have created said atmosphere of fear? What film has been banned? What artist jailed? Where are the goons beating dissenters? Could it be, that maybe your "career-conscious" friends are simply aware that insulting the people who buy your product is dumb? That isn't censorship, it's free choice, get over it you little priss.
Sir Elton said performers could be "frightened by the current administration's bullying tactics",
"Could be"? Christ, if only that were true, Moore would be cowering in a basement in Cannes, sucking his thumb and waiting for the trunk monkey to sneak in with a lead pipe.
The singer likened the current "fear factor" to McCarthyism in the 1950s.
"There was a moment about a year ago when you couldn't say a word about anything in this country for fear of your career being shot down by people saying you are un-American," he told the magazine.
Censorship by the government, and people expressing their opinion of your actions in mass IS NOT THE SAME THING ELTON! It'[ free speech, which everyone has, even people who think your friends are cockroaches. Go figure, free speech for critics of critics is now officially deemed censorship by the left. You dish it out, then bend over Elton, you're familiar with that I'm sure.
The singer said things were different in the 1960s.
They sure were, riots in all major cities, assassinations of three national leaders, large casualities in a war, drugs as a substitute for higher learning and a general sense of civilization crashing to a halt. Not to mention, the Kennedy's illegal wiretaps on Dr. King, Hoover's escapades and wide spread anarchy spread far and wide by people like,... well, like you Elton. Civil liberties are actually far better in this war than they were in past ones, no detention camps for arab citizens are there? No suspension of Writs, no deportations in mass. No one is fleeing or running underground, unless you count AQ cells. You have a skewed view of the sixties, if you forget all that.
Missing your wayward youth are you?
"People like Bob Dylan, Nina Simone, The Beatles and Pete Seeger were constantly writing and talking about what was going on.
And of Course, Michael Moore, Barbra Striesand, Tim Robbins, the Dixie Chix, Gore Vidol, Whoopi Goldberg, and virtually a who's who of the head in their ass Hollywood left have all remained silent and meekly submissive haven't they?
Well that kind of makes you look like a moron Elton, maybe you should think before you speak. The left hasn't shut up since this started, and you can count the number of A and B list conservative entertainers who have dared to speak out against the kneejerk reactionary left in Hollywood with the fingers of one hand.
So who is suppressing who Elton? Got any brownshirts in your wardrobe?
"That's not happening now. As of this spring, there have been virtually no anti-war concerts - or anti-war songs that catch on, for that matter," he said.
Oh! it's the governments fault that your friends can't make a dent in patriotic feelings with songs that suck. Silly me, never mind then.
He voiced concern that it appeared acceptable to speak out if you were pro-Bush, using the example of country singer Toby Keith, but not if you were critical of the President, as in the case of country rock band, the Dixie Chicks.
"On the one hand, you have someone like Toby Keith, who has come out and been very supportive of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq - which is OK because America is a democracy and Toby Keith is entitled to say what he thinks and feels.
Again, you are confused Elton, being popular might mean that your audience likes what you say, do ya think? That last line is chilling, it inferrs pretty plainly that you think the opposite, that Toby should be muzzeled. Well, let's recap then, if you are for the war, and supportive of the president, you're a McCarthite censor. If you are against the war, and bash the president, no matter how offensively, you are censored if the PUBLIC stops paying you to do it.....is that about the way you see it Elton?
So much for an education being useful for you.
"But, on the other hand, the Dixie Chicks got shot down in flames last year for criticising the president. They were treated like they were being un-American, when in fact they have every right to say whatever they want about him because he's freely elected, and therefore accountable."
The Chix paid the price of offending their base audience, which is, you know, the little people who pay bills and look for some entertainment with the few dollars they have free for such things. You don't get a right to our money Elton, it isn't a divine welfare check for you to take then insult the people who give it. The government never said anything about the Chix, never investigated, never deposed anyone, never uttered one press release over their boorish behavior.
The public expressed it's opinion. Get over it it, your own words,
which is OK because America is a democracy
exactly, fans, or critics have a right to their opinion as well Sir Elton John. Buy a cup, or stay home and shut up, there is no free ride. The mere fact that the anti-war movement has been such a resounding failure is proof that it isn't broadly popular, or effective in it's message. Blaming the government for your own inability to overcome public rejection is lazy, and cheaply let's you off the hook for being on the wrong side of history.
You are entertainers, you know how to gather a crowd. If they see the man behind the curtain and turn away in disgust, who's fault is that Elton? We pay you to amuse, and when you think you can endoctrinate us you forget your place on the pecking order.
A circus clown.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:57 PM | Comments (2)
Right Wing Duck
Hehe, I like this guy.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:08 PM | Comments (1)
Saturday Funnies
First off, The Grouchy Old Cripple (in Atlanta) has a comparison of prices of sheets of paper pertaining to toilet tissue and finds a bargain.
Next, Vinny at Insignificant Thoughts makes a powerful statement involving Maalox and Michael Moore.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:37 AM | Comments (0)
Looney for President
I am and always have been considered a little 'off'. But this guy makes me look mainstream and downright normal.
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Michael Badnarik believes that the federal income tax has no legal authority and that people are justified in refusing to file a tax return until such time as the IRS provides them with an explanation of its authority to collect the tax. He hadn't filed income tax returns for several years. He moved from California to Texas because of Texas' more liberal gun laws, but he refused to obtain a Texas driver's license because the state requires drivers to provide their fingerprints and Social Security numbers. He has been ticketed several times for driving without a license; sometimes he has gotten off for various technical legal reasons, but on three occasions he has been convicted and paid a fine. He also refused to use postal ZIP codes, seeing them as "federal territories".
If you can make The Kid look normal, you might want to run a check.
Found @ Drumwaster's Rants
Posted by Nukevet at 07:25 AM | Comments (2)
July 16, 2004
Descent into madness.
Bobby Fischer's Pathetic Endgame
Paranoia, hubris, and hatred�the unraveling of the greatest chess player ever---by Rene Chun
But even the Fischer apologists had to throw up their hands when he took to the Philippine airwaves on September 11, 2001. In an interview broadcast this time by Bombo Radyo, a small public-radio station in Baguio City, Fischer revealed views so loathsome that it was impossible to indulge him any longer. Just hours after the most devastating attack on the United States in history, in which thousands had died, Fischer could barely contain his delight. "This is all wonderful news," he announced. "I applaud the act. The U.S. and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians, just slaughtering them for years. Robbing them and slaughtering them. Nobody gave a shit. Now it's coming back to the U.S. Fuck the U.S. I want to see the U.S. wiped out."
Fischer added that the events of September 11 provided the ideal opportunity to stage a long-overdue coup d'�tat. He envisioned, he said, a "Seven Days in May scenario," with the country taken over by the military; he also hoped to see all its synagogues closed, and hundreds of thousands of Jews executed. "Ultimately the white man should leave the United States and the black people should go back to Africa," he said. "The white people should go back to Europe, and the country should be returned to the American Indians. This is the future I would like to see for the so-called United States." Before signing off Fischer cried out, "Death to the U.S.!"
So much for a legend.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:20 PM | Comments (0)
Rage? Over this?
I fail to see the grounds for this kind of over reaction.
AN informal Israeli apology is not enough to fix the diplomatic row over two suspected Israeli spies, New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark has raged.
Ms Clark refused to back down after imposing diplomatic sanctions on Israel, saying she had "no doubt whatsoever" that two Israelis jailed for passport fraud were acting for Israeli intelligence agencies.
Look, for the uninformed, intelligence agencies play these kinds of games with both friendly and unfriendly governments and have for decades. It's something that is done simply to provide blind cover for other activities. When discovered, the people are usually exchanged, or traded for concessions, it's how it's done. Among friendly countries, it rarely makes the papers. Even during the cold war, Soviet agents were treated better than these two Israeli's have been.
So why the high level of vitirol against Israeli's when New Zealand has been notably footdragging in the war on terror? From the same article, maybe this explains it.
As feelings ran high in New Zealand yesterday, vandals smashed 16 historic headstones on Jewish graves at a Wellington cemetery and painted swastikas on the ground.
I have no fondness for Kiwi socialists from their past history. They openly aggitated against US interests during the cold war, and I have a long memory. So they can stuff their outrage up their collective hiney, if they don't cut a deal and stop screeching about Israel (read; the Jews), then they risk a lot more than Israel's anger.
They have powerful friends, and we have tempers too.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:25 PM | Comments (2)
Announcements and questions
#1 I will be going to the range again this weekend. Both days (gotta break-in the new rifle). You are welcome to join me by sending an e-mail and letting me know you would like to come along. Any experience level. Experienced to not so experienced to only seen them on TV, feel free to come along.
As of now, I am planning on going to the Renton Fish & Game rifle range, but if you have somewhere else in mind, also feel free to let me know.
#2. I will be going on vacation the first two weeks of August. To Montana.
I plan on shooting every single gotdam day while I'm there. I am going to be contacting some Montana bloggers to see if I can get me some company at the various ranges available, but I would like to put the question out to any and all who may have shot at any of the ranges I have left in the extended entry.
Manhattan Wildlife Range in Bozeman
Butte Gun Club in Butte (of course)
North Valley Sportsman Club in Columbia Falls
Great Falls Trap & Skeet Club
Montana Outfitters (also in Great Falls)
Posted by Nukevet at 08:59 AM | Comments (1)
Caption Contest
My addition
"Fight The Man! Oh wait, I am The Man."
Posted by Nukevet at 08:54 AM | Comments (6)
Different Ideas
And now we turn to the wannabe white Oprah, Rosie O'Donnell.
Little Miss Rosie decided to rant to the news cameras during a stop on a gay-friendly cruise.
Yoda says "Fool of herself she did make".
"It will be the first time, except for Prohibition, that bigotry has been added to the Constitution,"
Alcohol prohibition was BIGOTRY?
Oh wait. I forgot.Rosie is Irish.
Now it all becomes clear.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:42 AM | Comments (1)
More of those WMD
The UN, Al-Tuwaitha, and nukes
Site C is a relatively small site as compared to the rest of the reservation, but the amount of material stored there is not insignificant. In addition to the nearly two tons of low-enriched uranium secured by the US, Site C was home to an additional 500 tons of yellowcake uranium,* This is a conservative estimate as initially reported by Coalition personnel from the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Ironically, this initial figure is backed up by, of all organizations, Greenpeace.
Only 500 tons! Why, that ain't nothing!
Found @ Judicious Asininity
Speaking of Yellowcake, you might want to stop by The JunkYardBlog to see more on the Wilson/Plame lies
Posted by Nukevet at 07:33 AM | Comments (0)
More Kerry BS
You've read the Kerry lie "We've got more African Americans in jail than we do in college"
Well try this one on...
Umm, Kerry, did you inhale before you said that?
Found @ Right Thoughts
Posted by Nukevet at 07:27 AM | Comments (0)
A little too late
I'm sure you remember the report of the wounded 23yr old Iraq War veteran being called 'murderer' and 'baby killer' while he was marching in the 4th of July parade.
After a week and a half of trying to deny and/or downplay the incident, the Mayor of Bainbridge Island has finally issued apology.
No apology has been issued by anyone of the name callers or by the parade MC yet.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:04 AM | Comments (0)
July 15, 2004
Longing for the good old days?
Let America be America Again.
This pretty much sums it up.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:59 PM | Comments (0)
Surprise #2
Over the weekend, I spoke of a couple of surprises.
The first was the purchase of an SKS by Mollbot.
The second is my new Spanish M-16 in 308Win
A Spanish "Guardia Civil" Mauser M1916, actually.
Hey, I had to buy it. It was $85! (pre 8.9% Washington State sales tax)
The barrel is nice and shiny and the stock has already been sanded and oiled the way I like it. The bolt locks up tight, the trigger is crisp and serial numbers match. And it's now mine.
A range report will be filed this weekend.
You can read more about the Spanish 1916 over at Kim's place
You can see some better pics than I can take over at GunWorld.
If you want to purchase one for yourself for only $119, you can go to Samco (scroll down almost all the way).
Posted by Nukevet at 06:30 PM | Comments (4)
So, should Kerry have to address the Klan then?
That's the logic of this piece. The NAACP has been a wholey owned very leftwing arm of the democratic party for quite some time. They have consistently lied and distorted republican records for years. They and Kerry expect Bush to show up to give a speech so these clowns can boo him on national TV? They want Bush to hand them footage like that? Dream on boys, After Juli gets done spit shining Kerry's ass, he might want to rethink how truely useful his mindless devotion to the the democrats has been. It's certainly made him rich though hasn't it?
Things won't improve for black Americans till they start rejecting the poverty pimps in their leadership. Kerry's solutions,
Last month in Columbus, Ohio, Kerry chatted with two sisters who brought out iced tea and talked about the struggles of raising their kids in a tough economy. The normal intimacy of a front-porch chat was somewhat disrupted by the glare of the flood lights brought in by the campaign and more than a dozen national journalists and staff who watched from the lawn.
Pretty pictures and pretty words, but not a lick of substance beyond that.
The president "has many friends who belong to the NAACP and respects their proud history of championing civil rights," White House communications director Dan Bartlett said. "Differences of opinion and opposing views are of course part of the national debate. Yet the current leadership of the NAACP has clearly crossed the line in partisanship and civility, making it impossible to have a constructive dialogue."
"Despite the current leadership's intolerant views, President Bush will continue to reach out to members of the NAACP and African-Americans from across the country," he said. Bush addresses the Urban League, another civil rights group, next week.
Bush has two blacks in his inner circle, Powell and Rice. Yet Kerry is the sensitive one? Since the NAACP seems to love the party of Jim Crowe so much, they can have it. The party of Lincoln has better things to do.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:15 PM | Comments (0)
Posted by Nukevet at 01:54 PM | Comments (0)
Commies, commies
Pretty much a textbook definition of useful idiots. I wonder if Rachel Corrie knew that the ISM "administration" is hoping a few foreign volunteers get injured/killed for publicity?
ISM was founded by Israeli and Palestinian peace campaigners and leading members of the Palestinian Communist Party. It is run by Communist Party activist George Rishmawi and party politburo member Mustafa Barghouti.
Rishmawi said the ISM�s main purpose is to increase international awareness of Palestinian suffering through the involvement of foreign activists, who pay their own way to the West Bank, where they are trained in various methods of nonviolent direct action.
�When Palestinians get shot by Israeli soldiers, no one is interested anymore,� Rishmawi said. �But if some of these foreign volunteers get shot or even killed, then the international media will sit up and take notice.� {emphasis added}
Posted by Nukevet at 01:07 PM | Comments (0)
Another reason for California to fall into the Pacific
California Looks to Sky for Help With Energy
�Harnessing the sun�s energy and putting that to good use sounds good, but when you boil it down,� it is not that practical, said Tim Coyle, vice president of the California Building Industry Association.
Last month, the California state Senate passed a bill requiring builders to install on new homes solar photovoltaic energy systems, which are solar cells that capture the energy of the sun. According to the plan, new homes would generate much of their own energy. When the cells generate more energy than the homes can use, the surplus would be sent to the grid. At night, these homes would take power from the grid because the cells would not be generating any energy.
Did you get all of that?
If you build a new house, your building costs have almost doubled because you have to buy and install enough sloar panels to power your home in the daytime.
And if your solar panels make more energy that you use, the State of California will take it off your hands AND NOT PAY YOU FOR IT!
I guess you could call than an energy plan.
But I wouldn't.
Found @ Right Thinking
UPDATE: Commenter Lynxx Pherrett has finally decided to return with evidence of my incorrect assumption of electricity producing homeowners not getting paid for their power generation (Note to Lynxx, it would have better had you just provided this in your first comment instead of coming in and pissing on the carpet. If I remember correctly, your comment had to be apporved to be shown. Piss here again and it won't be. I'm blogging as a form of civility lessons, maybe you should do the same).
In conclusion, I still think it is wrong to make people building new homes pay an extra $20,000- $30,000 in electicity generating equipment in order to get the permit to build.
I also think that, in the future, the state will completely take over their power supply. In doing so, they will outlaw the storing of electricity beyond what your house could use in a week and possibly even go so far as to call your power generation a public necessity and stop paying you for it altogether.
They already tell the fed to piss off when it comes to the Second Amendment. Electricity is not a constitutionally protected right.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:48 AM | Comments (6)
Killing the 'Bush Lied' meme
To follow up on this post from yesterday dealing with the Senate Intelligence Report, I present you with Lord Butler's report. Or at least a pertinent section of it.
a. Had the strategic intention of resuming the pursuit of prohibited weapons programmes, including if possible its nuclear weapons programme, when United Nations inspection regimes were relaxed and sanctions were eroded or lifted.
b. In support of that goal, was carrying out illicit research and development, and procurement, activities, to seek to sustain its indigenous capabilities.
c. Was developing ballistic missiles with a range longer than permitted under relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.
Oh, you mean those WMD!
Found @ Ipse Dixit
Posted by Nukevet at 07:39 AM | Comments (10)
"I'm a southerner! I really, really am!"
From Rich Lowry @ The Corner on NRO
"Last week, Sen. John Edwards flew to Iowa to lay out his plan to revive rural America. He talked about growing up in tiny Robbins, N.C., where his father was a mill worker. But I wondered: How much of a country boy is Johnny Edwards today? So I turned on my tape recorder in Ottumwa, and asked the ex-trial lawyer, now senator-turned-presidential-candidate, some questions.
Q. Have you done any farming yourself?
A. No I shouldn't say never: When I was a young kid, we'd go sometimes to pull tobacco and stuff. But I've never done any serious farming.
Q. Would you call yourself a NASCAR fan?
A. I would call myself somebody who's interested in NASCAR, yeah.
Q. You don't follow the weekly races?
A. No, but I don't follow anything except politicking.
Q. Do you hunt?
A. I used to hunt a lot. Haven't hunted in years.
Q. Fish?
A. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I haven't fished in years either. Just (whispers) no time.
Q. Do you own a gun?
A. Not today. I have in the past.
I continued the interview in Washington, after "Tar Heel Thursday," Edwards' weekly meeting with constituents who happen to be in Our Nation's Capital.
Q. Are you a country music fan?
A. (Laughs) I have in the past been a country music fan.
Q. You said you had a gun in the past. How long ago was that?
A. When I was growing up. I haven't had a gun in - you mean personally? - in years. I'd have to figure out when.
Q. What kind of gun was it?
A. Get out of here (laughs).
Q. People want to know these things.
A. Yeah, I know. You want to know these things. (Laughter from his staff as Edwards departs to return to the Senate)."
Found @ Spot On
Posted by Nukevet at 07:34 AM | Comments (0)
You might be a racist...
Don't go looking for Spike Lee at any NASCAR events this summer.
The ornery movie director and Knicks fanatic nurses a paranoid fantasy about the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing circuit.
"I just imagine hearing some country-and-Western song over a loudspeaker at NASCAR: 'Hang them n-- up high! Hang them n-- up high!' I'm not going to no NASCAR," Lee vows in the August issue of Playboy.
Found @ Vinny's copy what he wrote.
Can you imagine if a white director said, �I can�t imagine going to a rap concert. All those niggers would probably shoot me.�
Posted by Nukevet at 07:31 AM | Comments (0)
For the record
I'm also putting it here to safeguard the info in a CYA manuver just in case blogsnot fails him (that and I've read it 4 or 5 times and it gets funnier every time).
Kerry lie #1
"Don�t tell us disenfranchising a million African Americans and stealing their votes is the best we can do."
The problem? The US Civil Rights Commission, despite months of investigation, noted only 26 people with "disenfranchisement" complaints, most of which were found to be specious. (.pdf file can be found here).
Let's see here... A million, or 26? A million, or 26? Well, John Fonda Kerry is only off by 999,973 people, but if that's the way he runs his numbers there's no chance in hell he'll be able to run the economy. I can see that first SOTU address... "MY PERSONAL KNOW-HOW AND ACTION RAISED TEN GAZILLION DOLLARS!" Uh, nope.
Kerry lie #2 (the big one)
"We've got more African Americans in jail than we do in college. That's unacceptable"
In fact, it seems that there are more than twice as many African Americans in college than in jail.
U.S. Census Bureau (2000): African Americans in college: 2,224,181
U.S. DoJ Office of Justice Programs: "Prison and Jail Inmates at MidYear 2003" (p.11): "Table 13. Number of inmates in state or federal prisons or local jails" -- Black Americans in jail: 899,200.
Those nearly 900,000 incarcerated African Americans still represent a tragic waste of lives and potential. But fortunately, things are not nearly as gloomy as John Kerry wants to believe they are.
Keep digging Johnny Boy. We'll see you in November.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:21 AM | Comments (0)
July 14, 2004
Whiny Babies
So, the 'Bush was AWOL' crowd is all up in arms because some of his military records were destroyed by the Pentagon three years before he stepped into office.
I've even heard the local left wing talk radio hosts here in Seattle suggest a conspiracy that involves over two-dozen people.
Yet Kerry has not released his complete military records.
But if you bring that subject up, you are 'questioning his patriotism'. Nevermind that Kerry said "Bring It On" a few months back when referring to the comparison of his military record and Bush's.
So now 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth' hires a private detective to look into the Kerry military term and the left flips out and starts talking about "The GOP is trying to dig up dirt"
They seem to have forgotten that the Dems leaked a DUI conviction, that they had dug up months before, just a few days before the 2000 national election.
But Bush is EEVVIILL, so that dirt was OK.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:55 PM | Comments (0)
Doesn't this make you want some of that socialized medicine?
Man loses license after telling doctor about drinking
Not drinking and driving. Just drinking.
A man who told his doctors that he drinks more than a six-pack of beer per day is now fighting to get his driver's license back because the physicians apparently reported him to the state.
Keith Emerich, 44, said Tuesday that he disclosed his drinking habit in February to doctors who were treating him at a hospital for an irregular heartbeat.
Emerich received a notice from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in April that his license was being revoked effective May 6 for medical reasons related to substance abuse.
Like a skosh or two of scotch after dinner? Lose your license.
Regularly go drinking with 'the boys' on the weekend? Lose your license.
That is where this leads.
Found @ Ravenwood's Universe
Posted by Nukevet at 07:44 PM | Comments (0)
I wanna cash this check so bad
In recent weeks, prominent Iranian figures have issued statements against the West, both within the government and in the newspapers close to the regime. These statements include threats to U.S. and European interests and targets throughout the world. The following is a collection of recent threats.
In an editorial, the July 6, 2004 edition of Kayhanstated: "The entire Islamic Middle East is now a volatile and tangled trap, and will be set off by the smallest bit of silliness � and will reap many victims of the sinful adventurers� Indeed, the White House's 80 years of exclusive rule are likely to become 80 seconds of Hell that will burn to ashes everything that has been built.
I think that the new democratic and capitalist Iraq may need some parking.
On glass.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:49 AM | Comments (0)
Oh, those WMD
To go along with the over one and a half tons of nuclear material the US has shipped OUT of Iraq in the last year or so comes this snippet straight out of the Senate Intelligence Report.
While the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded on Friday that Saddam Hussein didn't have much in the way of weapons of mass destruction, its conclusions on Iraq's nuclear weapons program weren't quite the clean bill of health that the media have suggested they were.
For instance, according to the report's "Overall Conclusions" section, "Iraq was procuring dual use equipment that had potential nuclear applications."
What's more, the Committee found that "Iraq had kept its cadre of nuclear weapons personnel trained and in positions that could keep their skills intact for eventual use in a reconstituted nuclear program."
To be sure, the Committee managed to come up with alternative explanations for these developments, such as labeling Saddam's nuclear team "former nuclear scientists" who just happened to be working at "former nuclear facilities" while carrying out work unrelated to any weapons program.
Oh, those WMD.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:42 AM | Comments (7)
What bias?
By now, I'm sure you've heard about the soon-to-be-released Moore style documentary covering the subject of Fox News = White House mouthpiece.
Then please explain to me why Fox's poll on the subject of the gay marriage amendment is almost exactly the same as CBS's?
CBS News. 5/20-23. MoE 3%.
Favor Legal Marriage 28
Favor Civil Unions 29
No Legal Recognition 40
Fox News. 5/18-19. MoE 3%.
Favor Legal Marriage 25
Favor Legal Partnership 26
No Legal Recognition 40
Hmm, you'd think that the mouthpiece of George Bush would have skewed the poll to be more in line with GWB.
Somebody must have forgot to 'Do the Skew'.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:31 AM | Comments (0)
Have I mentioned that Sharon Kicks Ass lately?
Because he does.
Sharon orders Israeli barrier construction continued
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Sunday ordered construction continued on a barrier between Israel and the West Bank despite a nonbinding world court ruling that it was "contrary to international law."
Put your middle finger in the air, wave at the UN like you just don't care!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:27 AM | Comments (0)
I missed it
I heard about it in advance. I even heard the post ride report on the hourly news on the radio. But blogging it completely slipped my mind when I couldn't find a link to it.
So I would like to thank The Poor Schmuck for finding one.
Thousands of patriotic hogs were spotted zooming down the I-5 corridor in western Washington Sunday. It wasn't just a joyride, it was a rally for our troops overseas. The 40-mile fundraising ride benefited Fort Lewis' family support group.
The event was organized by Tacoma's Destination Harley Davidson, but even the organizers had no clue so many bikers would turn out.
No kidding. They had planned for around 1000 bikes.
2500 showed up. They raised $21,000.
Go Destination H-D!
Posted by Nukevet at 09:16 AM | Comments (0)
This'll make Kerry popular in the northwest
Kerry proposes $100 million for new Forest Restoration Corps
Democrat John Kerry would cut $100 million in annual government subsidies to the timber industry to pay for a new Forest Restoration Corps that would invest in the long-term health of national forests, his campaign said Tuesday.
Shifting spending from commercial logging operations on federal lands would allow for creation of new jobs while restoring forests, streams and rangelands that have been mismanaged or severely damaged by wildfires, campaign aides told The Associated Press.
Oh yeah, that's just what the forest needs. Public ownership.
If Kerry's enviro-whacko advisor would pull his head out of his ass, he'd realize that private forests are healthier than the public ones.
Profit, of course.
Private firms treat their forests like a crop. And you don't want a sick crop or one that is susceptible to fire, so you invest in keeping them healthy.
And, of course, this is just another government jobs programs that Dems love to create as it also potentially adds to their voter base.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:05 AM | Comments (0)
For He, but not for thee
Awww, poor wittle Boy Wonder Edwards. Caught in his first hypocrisy.
Senator Edwards talks about the need to provide health care for all, but that didn't stop him from using a clever tax dodge to avoid paying $591,000 into the Medicare system. While making his fortune as a trial lawyer in 1995, he formed what is known as a "subchapter S" corporation, with himself as the sole shareholder.
Instead of taking his $26.9 million in earnings directly in the following four years, he paid himself a salary of $360,000 a year and took the rest as corporate dividends. Since salary is subject to 2.9% Medicare tax but dividends aren't, that meant he shielded more than 90% of his income. That's not necessarily illegal, but dodging such a large chunk of employment tax skates perilously close to the line.
Everyone must pay their fair share for the greater good. Unless you're Kerry or Edwards.
We're still waiting for the release of T'reza's tax records.
Found @ Ipse Dixit
Posted by Nukevet at 08:39 AM | Comments (0)
July 13, 2004
13 days
Action Alert
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
1023 15th St. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-408-0061
There are less than 15 legislative days before the federal Assault Weapons Ban expires!
The current ban on military-style assault weapons is set to expire on September 13, 2004 unless Congress and the President act.
Help us keep these deadly weapons off the streets.
We need your help to generate as many calls and emails as possible to your members of Congress.
So get to it!
Go to their website, get all the information they are handing out AND CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND TELL THEM TO LET THE BAN EXPIRE!
And when you hear the left talk about Republicans using scare tactics to get Americans to vote for them in the up coming elections, point them to posts like this.
Between the assault weapon boogeyman, the environmental frightwigging, the class warfare and the GOP = KKK crap the Democrats spew, I think we know which party is really trying to scare the general public.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:38 PM | Comments (2)
hated on the right, and a growing disdain from the left.
Don't ya love it when the left chases it's own tail?
If you want truly entertaining insights into the realities of American imperialism, check out Errol Morris's superb documentary, The Fog of War. As for Michael Moore, ask yourself this question: would you buy a used car from this man?
OK, so he's made about 80 million in the US now, which is a nice chunk in the bank, but Gibson's film is into the hundreds of millions, and I don't know anyone who has gone to see it. That this will effect the election one way or another is a joke, but it pads Mikey's bank account nicely doesn't it?
It seems too that Mikey's cover as a man of the people is blown.
In the international online media, the pudgy filmmaker from Flint, Michigan, is often seen as all too American. He is more than occasionally described as a stereotypical "ugly American" -- overbearing to people of different cultures, oblivious to nuance, unsophisticated in politics and arrogant in temperament.
He has his own choir of drooling fans, but come on, even the WP and the Guardian see him for what he is. How much of a sap do you have to be to believe him on anything?
Posted by Nukevet at 06:34 PM | Comments (2)
Hmmm, interesting.
Drudge posted this poll.
..............Kerry/ Edwards ............Bush/ Cheney
Likely Voters
2004 Jul 9-11 ..41 ......................... 56
Registered Voters
2004 Jul 9-11 ..44 ......................... 51
A fifteen point lead? That's great, but this early hardly grounds to start partying yet. A lot of time left for things to happen. Still, it has to be making KOS sweat a little bit. We haven't even had the conventions yet, but it shows a potential blowout for George exists. Edwards hasn't raised Kerry's numbers at all. the economy shows no signs of a slump and Iraq is stable, at least for now.
I don't believe the conventional wisdom that this election will be a squeaker. When Bush wins, there will be no excuses left for the leftwing.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:39 PM | Comments (0)
in it for the long haul
I disagree sometimes with Professor Reynolds, I know he's a law professor, I know he has libertarian leanings, and I know my education falls off the radar when compared to his. I see a blind spot however in his thinking here.
The U.S. Senate is scheduled to hold a bellwether vote on a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage this week, an exercise fueled more by cultural symbolism than political reality, since members on both sides generally expect the measure won't get the two-thirds majority needed for passage. . . .
While many lawmakers in both parties oppose gay nuptials, there is no clear consensus whether a constitutional amendment is needed or whether a crisis exists requiring such drastic action.
In other words, a pointless exercise driven by social conservatives to fire up their base. But I wonder if people are thinking this through. If the amendment fails, as expected, isn't that going to be read as a defeat for the anti-gay-marriage folks, and as implicit permission for states to go ahead? It seems to me that it will be (which is fine with me, since I'm okay on gay marriage), but that makes me wonder why anti-gay-marriage folks are doing this. Am I missing something, or are they being played for suckers?
I think he's failing to understand something about social conservatives. It's likely they will loose this battle, and I believe they know that. Their goals are broader than a single battle, and if in pursuing this, they loose, but still garner a signifigant majority, (but short of two thirds), that's hardly a serious setback. He uses the word "suckers" but that's lazy, because not having two thirds, but still a majority will win you elections. That may be the higher objective.
I'm hardly a pure social conservative, but I have some sympathies for them. In this case, no I don't like gay marriage, and no I won't change my mind on it. I've nothing against gays, they can do whatever, but this is a case where they wish to take something from me. Gay marriage cheapens real marriage and for that reason alone I'll never be fine with it. The same with poligamy or bigamy. Choices that people make are their own, that doesn't mean they must recieve cultural sanction and approval. Tolerance is the better goal, I would never hurt someone for being different than me, never cause them harm, never refuse them homes or a good life. Just don't ask me to hand them a gold star. I wouldn't do it for anyone else, I see nothing special about this group to justify deluting a four thousand year old tradition. Least of all for social trendiness.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:41 PM | Comments (0)
July 12, 2004
Alright, who let the irradiated Tomcat outside?
Now our dogs have TWO reasons to chase these things. Would it be a sat? Or a cqurril?
Posted by Nukevet at 08:41 PM | Comments (0)
Reuters...you suck
Bush Argues He Has Made America Safer
How"s that for a loaded line? Imply that he's making justifications, imply that he's wrong up front. Wouldn't want anyone to get confused about what opinion they want you to draw or anything.
As examples, the same story's headlines from others.
Remarks by President Bush on the War on Terror
Bush Defends Iraq War in Speech
Bush Stresses Resolve to Fight Terror, Cites Libya Disarmament
Reuters isn't alone of course, there are many papers overseas who put spin in headlines, as well as some here. But when you editorialize from the headline and the news report, rather than the opinion page, you do no one any great service. Most people can assurdedly read as well as I can, and make their own judgements on fairness, but a little less pious sanctity from the press may soften the urge to slap them every once in a while.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:13 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
some say, "the French used to be respectable once"..
I harbour doubts that it was ever true now.
The woman, with her 13-month-old baby in a stroller, was attacked in a suburban train north of Paris around 9:30 a.m. on Friday, by six young men who, according to press reports, appeared to be of African and North African origin. Some wielded knives.
Other reports say that the men overturned the stroller with the baby in it. The bystanders, did nothing.
Guedj said that, according to the young woman, about 20 people in the train were �capable of seeing� what was happening.
Is there no Honor at all left in France, no humanity? I would have stepped in, even alone, I would have tore into them. I've that kind of temper, and win or loose, some of them would be in ICU right now. I detest a bully, a mob with the white hot rage of a mother bear guarding her cubs. You don't let something like this go unchallenged.
If you cannot fight for the life of a woman, of her child, then what possible good are you as a man? She and the baby survived by whim, and they could as easily have died that way. Now what does that say about Gaulic Honor?
It has indeed turned out to be a hoax, link from harm. We will hardly ever agree on anything, but a hoax is a hoax. I stand by my claim in the comments that the French really need to address anti-semetism, but I retract in part my angry condemnation of their society in general.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:57 PM | Comments (4)
When does a right to protest simply become the right to harass?
The five protesters were on their way from Austin to President Bush's ranch to protest the war in Iraq in May 2003 when they were arrested and put in jail overnight.
Do protesters have the right to go to harass you at your home? Not the White House, which is a national treasure, but your private home? I say no, and I don't care if Kerry were in his place, you should not have the right to destroy that sanctity. You should leave a public figure somewhere other than a military base where they can go and simply relax without the chanting and bleating of the counter culture. Public figure or not, that's basic human decency.
Leave them alone, when they are home. There's always tomorrow when they will be available to screech at again.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:46 PM | Comments (1)
Oh hell, why not blame him for MLK too?
The black community may have it's problems, but they sure as Hell can't be solved by listening to cracked conspiracy theories served up in rap music.
Full disclosure; I hate rap, I think it sucks, badly, and with the enthusiasm of a twenty dollar whore on fleet week. That said, I still think that living in a glad handing fantasy that because you don't like republicans, that they simply HAVE TO BE THE ONE TO BLAME FOR EVERY CRIME YOU CAN FREAKIN THINK OF, is plain stupid. It's also the lazy way to deal with life. Fighting terror is so hard overseas, and the bad guys ain't white,....I know! Let's just blame it on Bush.
The type of controversy that surrounds "Why" can end up helping an artist, and Jadakiss knows it. "They're censoring me all over the place, and that's good," he says. "That means it's reaching out to everybody. When I made the song, I wrote it to be political, controversial, and to stir some things up.
"Somebody has to take the forefront and sacrifice," he adds. "That's what I do -- I sacrifice myself."
A. it's for the money of increased sales because he knows that his wacked opinion will piss people off.
B. a martyr complex,...
Well since Mikey (the round) Moore is still rich, famous, and breathing, this is sheer bullshit on a cosmic scale. His crew can "think"? I doubt it, whoring, smoking dope and drinking while drifting through life does not a Socrates make. The guns and gangsta lifestyle served To Pac so well, didn't it?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:17 PM | Comments (0)
You can't make this stuff up
Spotlight Continues To Shine On Edwards
Crowd Turns Out To See Senator Go To Church, Including Convicted Peeper
From Drudge, I know a candidate from any party has no control over who shows up to an event, but excuse me, this is still funny. If Bush's detracters can use edited camera footage to pull a single frame to give him the worst possible look, then I can laugh at this. It has no reality on wether either man is good or bad, but if you want to throw darts, get ready to take some hits.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:59 PM | Comments (0)
The Soundboard: Kerry-Edwards Edition
A lot has been said about Kerry and Edwards overdoing the affection, looking as if they're about to lock lips.
So, in tribute, I give to you....
Lyrics below
I know you wanna be my bedroom thang,
But you're much too young.
You're the finest thing i've ever seen.
You just wanna have fun.
I need someone who can scratch my back.
I need someone who can carry my pack.
I need someone to be with me at night.
You're gonna make me feel alright.
Don't you bother me with petty lies,
I know you ran away from home.
This might come to you as some surprise,
I wish you'd leave me alone.
I need someone to scratch my back.
I need someone to carry my pack.
I need someone to be with me at night.
You're gonna make me feel alright.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:24 AM | Comments (0)
They're outraged!
If you haven't seen the 'Liberal Outrage Fatigue' story from The Onion, go now and read it.
Then come back and go to the Kos IMC and read about how THEY'RE OUTRAGED ABOUT THE SPOOF STORY!
The funniest comedy team on the plant, during any point in history, could not write something this funny!
Posted by Nukevet at 08:38 AM | Comments (2)
Take the money back
Remember Bush's $15 Billion to fight AIDS? Let's just tell the world to forget about it.
As the man in charge of the Bush administration's $15-billion plan to treat millions of HIV-infected people in underdeveloped nations, Randall Tobias might expect a hero's welcome at the International AIDS Conference opening today in Thailand.
Instead, the U.S. global AIDS coordinator is likely to be greeted by the protests of activists opposed both to the administration's policies and to Tobias.
How can you be opposed to the US giving away $15 Billion free US dollars to fight a disease that kills (if you're not a US citizen)?
That's like being opposed opposed to sunlight.
If they do protest us giving away FREE MONEY, then why should we give it to them? I think there are 150,000 or so men and women in Afghanistan and Iraq who deserve a pay bonus.
That'll really piss the protesters off.
Story and like sentiment found @ Some Poor Schmuck.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:21 AM | Comments (0)
I Found It
I found it in the May 2002 edition of American Police Beat Magazine.
The Top Ten Signs You're Going To Need Backup
1. The suspect is wearing a welding mask and wielding a flame thrower
2. The disturbance you were called to is a wedding party for a family of Samoan Sumo Wrestlers
3. You get caught up in a shootout with ailiens using photon torpedo pistols
4. The home team won the championship
5. The KKK got a permit to march down Martin Luther King Blvd during Martin Luther King Day celebrations.
6. Environmental extremists release 200,000 lemurs from a fur coats factory in your area
7. The Chief has taken the Mayor hostage
8. You respond to a report of a bar brawl between the superstars of the NBA and NFL
9. Tonya Harding
10. The Cable TV is out in your town
Posted by Nukevet at 08:19 AM | Comments (3)
Range Report
Went to the range again yesterday. Didn't do quite as well as I did Saturday, but still had a good time.
That is 30 rounds, shot in two groups, one 16rnd group and one 14rnd group, with a 10 minute break taken when a gentleman showed up with a pair of Garands he'd gotten from the CMP.
All I can say is, Very Nice! (click for bigger)
Posted by Nukevet at 08:00 AM | Comments (4)
July 11, 2004
Surprise #1
In my earlier post from today, I spoke of a couple of surprises.
Well, here is the first one.....
When Mollbot and I went to pick up our ammo for the day, we fell prey to what I like to call "The Forward Gun Rack" (A rack of rifles that you have to walk past to get to the ammunition).
Mollbot has a nice post with more pics over at Morpholine. And to any naysayers about the make of the rifle, lets just say that ir was nearly a steal.
And so was mine. But I can't tell you about it yet (stupid NICS delay, can't tell a 32yr old living person from a guy who died in 1982.)
Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 PM | Comments (0)
Click, Click, Click.........
One by one,the "Bush lied" dominoes fall. Interesting that the analysis was done in the WaPo, eh? You know, that huge propaganda arm of the VRWC? Speaking of propaganda, I'm sure Al Franken will be all over this story, what with him being so concerned by liars. Of course, Franken addressing the Wilson/Plame debacle will have to wait until after they finish airing the Michael Moore expose'.
Wilson last year launched a public firestorm with his accusations that the administration had manipulated intelligence to build a case for war. He has said that his trip to Niger should have laid to rest any notion that Iraq sought uranium there and has said his findings were ignored by the White House.
Wilson's assertions -- both about what he found in Niger and what the Bush administration did with the information -- were undermined yesterday in a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report.
The panel found that Wilson's report, rather than debunking intelligence about purported uranium sales to Iraq, as he has said, bolstered the case for most intelligence analysts. And contrary to Wilson's assertions and even the government's previous statements, the CIA did not tell the White House it had qualms about the reliability of the Africa intelligence that made its way into 16 fateful words in President Bush's January 2003 State of the Union address.
Yesterday's report said that whether Iraq sought to buy lightly enriched "yellowcake" uranium from Niger is one of the few bits of prewar intelligence that remains an open question. Much of the rest of the intelligence suggesting a buildup of weapons of mass destruction was unfounded, the report said.
The report turns a harsh spotlight on what Wilson has said about his role in gathering prewar intelligence, most pointedly by asserting that his wife, CIA employee Valerie Plame, recommended him.
Plame's role could be significant in an ongoing investigation into whether a crime was committed when her name and employment were disclosed to reporters last summer.
Lots more here at Polipundit.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:38 PM | Comments (5)
counting the cost
This is the logo of the Ohio Faternal Order of Police.
This morning, my baby brother left three messages on my machine, "call me", as soon as I could. I returned his call to discover that he had been called out this morning while off duty to go to a shooting. A brother officer, my brothers good friend from an ajoining township had dialed 911, asked them to dispatch a squad, then shot himself in the head. He was pronounced dead at the scene. My brother has seen death like this a dozen times, but this was his friend.
We talked for a while, and while I won't give away what was said, it was a moment when a man needed his family, needed to talk.
So much death around us this spring, my wife's grandfather, our infant son,....I have given up on trying to find any reason to it, I just accept that life is random, and fairness is something that exists in wishes, not in reality. I didn't know Bruce's friend, we've never met. But as fragile as my soul is right now, this touches me deeper than it probably would have had I not lived these last few months. He was a police officer, a good one my brother says, and a good man. As often happens to officers, he had just been divorced last year, and the stress of work, of that breakup seems to have finally done what it sometimes does to those who protect us.
Officers don't see the world as we do. We may see tradgedy and suffering, but it's not a weekly thing for us. They see it sometimes daily. They see people at their absolute worst, they see the beatings, the victims of robbery, of assault, they see the sick and abused children, the battered wives, the shattered cars and broken bodies, they see death, they see death often and with a clarity that gets filtered out from the rest of us when we learn of such things. They see chaos, and fight to bring order and sanity to it.
They pay such a price, their families often do as well. How can you see the horror of many lifetimes and still retain your sanity? Still remain human? Most of them cope, and they carry scarrs so deep inside them. Some loose that struggle, and while as I said, I never knew this man, I'm so profoundly sorry that he is gone now. Another officer fallen, chewed up, mangled, tortured by the stresses of doing the impossible, of protecting us from our own baser nature. He didn't fall from another man's hand, but he might as well have.
My father served the public, my brother continues that tradition. I worry for him, he's a good cop, and while we often argue and scrap as brothers sometimes do, I'm saying a prayer for him tonight.
And a prayer for the soul of a wounded man who was too tired to go on.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:08 AM | Comments (1)
Gettin' it in gear
Well, as I said on Friday, I went to the rifle range for the afternoon. I got a call from Mollbot, saying he wanted to join me and we set a time and that began the day.
But first, we had to stop by the local ammo supplier to get our projectiles for the afternoon. I decided to upgrade my 5.56 ammo from the uber-cheap Wolf the the slightly more expensive, but not wallet cracking, Black Hills 55gr FMJ. Also, there will be a surprise or two announced later this week from this stop off.
Anyway, we got to the range, found our benches and proceeded to punch some holes in some paper.
And now, I present to you, with Mollbot as my witness....
For comparison, this was my target last weekend. Same gun (Bushmaster XM-15). Same shooter (me). Same distance (100yds). Hell, it was the same damn bench (#14).
Different ammo.
I may just spring for the slightly more expensive Black Hills 52gr Match HP, if this is the improvement from Wolf green case.
And because I'm in such a good mood, a here's pic of the tool.
And remember, every weekend in July, on both days, I will be at the range trying to improve this. If anyone in the Puget Sound area, experienced or novice, would like to join me, just send me an e-mail and we'll figure out when and where we can meet up.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:36 AM | Comments (3)
Note to Michael Moore
This is what real "crushing of dissent" looks like.Posted by Nukevet at 01:53 AM | Comments (0)
July 10, 2004
Posted by Nukevet at 01:24 PM | Comments (2)
Red vs Blue
Backgrounds, that is. Anyone who saw the previous template with the all red background have an opinion on the latest design? I liked working the red, white, and blue motif into the template. I will tweak the banner a bit once we decide on a final color scheme.
Posted by Nukevet at 01:07 PM | Comments (4)
Holy Car Bomb, Taxman!
Posted by Nukevet at 12:53 PM | Comments (0)
My condolences, Mollbot
Our friend and fellow blogger, Mollbot, lost his best friend yesterday, Bilbo's Wanderer of Bag End.
Head on over to Morpholine and wish him well.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:26 AM | Comments (0)
This is not support
It has taken almost a week, but a story I was told about on Monday has finally hit the papers.
Think about the Seattle area -- Bainbridge Island to be exact -- and you think scenic views and liberal-minded tolerance.
At least the killer views are still there.
The bucolic island's deep reputation for civility got a gut check this week during the annual Grand Old Fourth of July celebration.
That's when Jason Gilson, a 23-year-old military veteran who served in Iraq, marched in the local event. He wore his medals with pride and carried a sign that said "Veterans for Bush."
Walking the parade route with his mom, younger siblings and politically conservative friends, Jason heard words from the crowd that felt like a thousand daggers to the heart.
"Baby killer!"
But they want us to believe that "They Support the Troops".
For those not in the Puget Sound area, Bainbridge Island hasn't always been a lefite haven. It started out with a bunch of farmers on it. But in the past couple decades, as the American left has increased their fortunes, they have bought up chunks of the island and turned it into almost a collective. One that honored views of all kinds, but a collective nonetheless.
Those days seem to be over.
Some more information on the folks that inhabit the many islands in Puget Sound; 40% folks up in the Orcas Island chain voted for Dean in the Washington State Presidential Primary.
Water on the brain, maybe?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:14 AM | Comments (0)
Mesopotamian Cluckers
Stop on by Headmistress Sondra K's place to learn about 'The Iraqi Chicken that crossed the road'.
My favorites...
Muqtada al-Sadr: The chicken was a tool of the evil Coalition and will be killed.
Baghdad Bob: The chicken never crossed the road! He is safe in Baghdad, miles from the marauding vehicles of the infidel! THERE IS NO ROAD!
U.S. Marine Corps: The chicken is dead.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:06 AM | Comments (0)
You learn something new everyday
Vinny from Insignificant Thoughts attended Sean Hannity's "Freedom Concert" and he has posted a list of 9 things he learned there.
Here are a couple;
5. 12,000 conservatives huddled in a stadium that housed about 10,000 with about 3,000 standing on the floor in front of the stage and no riots, police actions, shootings, arrests, or other things you normally hear about at concerts. Not one.
8. Nothing says patriotism like 12,000 people immediately standing for the National Anthem, Have You Forgotten and God Bless America.
Good on ya Vinny. Glad to see you had a good time and thanks for the report.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:52 AM | Comments (1)
Moore Lies
Mikey-boy makes up another conversation out of thin air.
"Two weeks ago, at the Washington premiere, Moore sat a few rows behind Daschle. Afterward, says Moore, "he gave me a hug and said he felt bad and that we were all gonna fight from now on. I thanked him for being a good sport."
When asked about Moore's account of a hug after the premiere and the criticism Daschle has received for it, the South Dakota Democrat said he and Moore did not embrace. Daschle said his schedule forced him to arrive late and leave early.
"I know we senators all tend to look alike. But I arrived late, and I had to leave early for Senate votes. I didn't meet Mr. Moore," Daschle said.
And we can see how Daschle kisses Mikey's ass while calling him a liar.
Found @ The Junk Yard Blog
Posted by Nukevet at 06:46 AM | Comments (0)
Not exactly a good reference
The dreaded (by the left) FOX News has gotten their hands on a partial list of companies that Saddam preferred to use to spend the $10Billion he stole from his starving and diseased populace.
� 109 Saudi Arabian companies are listed on a document titled Exempted Arab and Foreign Companies for importing all items. One Saudi company is described as a Mercedes-Benz dealership.
� 33 Russian companies are listed. One of those is further broken down into 250 company names, possibly subsidiaries.
There are no American companies listed, and only a few Western European companies, but the lists are not necessarily complete. For example, the French were known to be heavily involved in the oil-for-food program but no French names appear on the list. Investigators also point out that many of the names on this list may simply be front companies.
Investigators say Saddam, through this list, was able to control what goods came into Iraq and how they were used. As one congressional investigator said: "What were the U.N.'s humanitarian aid coordinators, on the ground in Baghdad, doing while this was going on?"
I can't wait to see the complete list.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:40 AM | Comments (0)
Another Kerry Flip Flop
Kerry last week: "I stand for the values of middle class America".
Kerry yesterday: The Kerry-Edwards campaign Friday declined to release tapes of a New York concert at which lewd comments allegedly were made about the president.
I guess he really only stands for CYA values.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:35 AM | Comments (0)
July 09, 2004
Goin' Shootin'
FYI: I'll be at Renton Fish and Game rifle range this weekend in the afternoons
If you would like to join me, send an e-mail for more info.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:06 PM | Comments (1)
Aaron Rocks
Check this out.
Here's the skinny. I was listening to the Tony Snow Show on the local delay on Thursday and he called the Kerry/Edwards ticket the 'Magical Misery Tour'.
I immediately thought of the Beatles' album cover and thought that Aaron of Aaron's Rantblog would be able to do a bang up job of photoshop work on it.
And he did. Make sure you check out the song titles.
I've sent it off to Snow's people and await their approval (and maybe a link)
Posted by Nukevet at 07:22 PM | Comments (0)
Sound Off
Back on the 15th, I noted that gas prices had started falling. And that this news hadn't yet been declared by the major media (it came out two days later).
As an update, I wanted to let you all know that, here in Seattle, they have fallen steadily since then, including a $.09 drop on the start of the 4th of July weekend (when they normally go UP), for a total of a $.29 drop.
And still nothing of this on the news.
So, what are they roundabout your area?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:44 AM | Comments (7)
Poor Wittle Babies
Remeber way back when we played catch and release with islamofascists at Guantanamo Bay?
They're taking a second bite at the hook.
Several detainees released by the U.S. military from the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have rejoined their former comrades-in-arms and taken part in fresh attacks on American troops, according to Defense Department officials and a senior Republican lawmaker.
"We've already had instances where we know that people who have been released from our detention have gone back and have become combatants again," said Rep. Porter J. Goss, Florida Republican, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
I wish we could play 'Dynamite Pond' with these goatfelchers.
Found @ Right Thinking
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 AM | Comments (2)
Moonbats! Activate!
Watch for more of the "Bush was AWOL" crowd to comeout of the woodwork with this news coming out.
Pentagon Says Bush Records of Service Were Destroyed
Set up BatBoys and BatGirls.
We've got real bats for you and they're chock full of Clue.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:05 AM | Comments (2)
Dead Cat Bounce
AKA: Thud
In 1984, Walter Mondale got a 13 point bounce in the polls when he nominated Geraldine Ferarro to be his VP. But in November, that bounce translated into a landslide for Reagan.
On Tuesday, Kerry nominated Edwartds and got anything from a 3 to 6 point (depending on who you ask) rise in the polls. I would hesitate to call it a bounce, unlike many of the mainstream media.
That rise in the polls seems to be turning into what the press corps likes to call (although you'll never hear any of them say it) a 'Dead Cat Bounce' (because dead cats don't bounce. Go figure).
Take a read at this AP poll that started on Monday and ended Wednesday.
Voters said they were feeling better about the economy and no worse about Iraq, a sign that Bush may be regaining his political footing just as Democrats make a high-profile push toward their nominating convention in late July.
And the 'Good Hair Twins' were just getting started with their "Magical Misery Tour". Too bad boys.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:45 AM | Comments (1)
You gotta have one of these to be cool
No, I'm not talking about some new firearm or firearm accessory, I'm talking about an e-mail account.
G-Mail is the new LAME.
Walla Mail is the latest in kewl!
If you don't know who walla is, here is the press release.
"Israeli Web portal provider Walla Communications Ltd. has launched WallaMail, a new service offering users tools such as in-box search, an e-mail filtering system, an antivirus application and, of course, a lot of space. It offers enough space, in fact, to archive 40,000 e-mails, 2,000 pictures and 50 one-minute video clips, the company said."
I've already started moving my private stuff over. My RNS addy will still be @softgreenglow.com
Found @ Who Tends The Fires
Posted by Nukevet at 06:30 AM | Comments (2)
My God,...Gomer has a guitar.
Celebs back Kerry, lambaste Bush.
Chevy Chase mocked Bush. "This guy's as bright as an egg timer," he said.
This from a man who made his career by playing a bumbling simpleton.
Whoopi Goldberg said of Bush: "Anyone who would wave at Stevie Wonder is not fully there."
Whoopi, I'm quite sure in the bowels of Hell the main punishments are boiling in oil, drowning in excrement, and being made your gynacologist.
Streep issued a warning, apparently directed at Bush, not to take religion on the campaign trail.
Well I guess since Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton aren't running this year, that means the campaign rallies in black churchs will not be on the menu,.....will they? No leftwing ministers damning Bush to the depths of Hell for the eternal sin of not being a democrat?
Then go fuck yourself Meryl.
Steve Schmidt, a Bush campaign spokesman, said Kerry "found time to attend a Hollywood fund-raiser filled with enough hate and vitriol to make Michael Moore blush."
Steve my fine fellow, how do you make a whore blush? He'd fit in like the rest of the "hip" crowd. In the Hip world, patriotism is something for the unwashed masses. The tinfoil hat brigades are out in force, and the more they screech, the better Bush looks to the country at large.
I don't take political advice from the Betty Ford Clinic alumni.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:34 AM | Comments (1)
July 08, 2004
Get better soon
Interested Participant busts his ass blogging.
Go wish him a speedy recovery.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:35 PM | Comments (2)
Jimmy who?
Jimmy Breslin, once an award winning columnist from New York, openly liberal, but once upon a time in the eighties he at least could be counted on to speak with a tiny bit of rationality.
No longer, now, he's either completely senile, or so wrapped up in hate for all things not New York liberal that the rest of us are just shaved apes who don't know how to listen to their betters.
In an effort to save their jobs, Bush and Cheney are calling on Christ to walk with them all through the Low IQ states, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana. That is where Bush half smiles or smirks, it is hard to tell which, and he says Christ and waves his arm and the crowd screams: "Jeeee-zus!"
Emphasis mine, but you get the picture. While in the service I had many southern friends, and I count Neal as one now, and if you aren't a complete dunce, you know that southerners are as fine a group of people as any you could meet. But not to Jimmy. Funny, but I doubt very much that Breslin could register even higher than 70 on a standard IQ test, given his fondness for generalities and broad assertions, he definitely is from the short bus camp. To write off an entire region because you don't share their politics as dummies is to make a uniguely braindead statement. Congratulations Jimmy, you win the door prize for retard of the year. We'll mail you a gold star sticker to put on your refridgerdater.......
This column is so vastly ripe for fisking, so many distortions, so many outright bald faced lies, that you know he's just preaching to the choir of his own little inbred group of progressive mouth breathers. Of course southerners are dumb, surely devout people are evil, can't you see that by saying God Bless, you are perverting the teachings of a man who he wouldn't recognize as real even if he descended on him from on high. His last comment is pure libel.
Hearing this, Christ said, "I wonder if they ever looked at what I said about the rich having an impossible time getting into heaven?"
Then he said, "I know one other thing they never looked at. Not one of them."
"What is that, Lord?"
"Look at the color of my skin. See for yourself. My color is nowhere near theirs."
There aren't any rich democrats are there you old drunk? No billionaire Soros or Heinz families funding your little trips into dementia? Do they look like fat pigs dripping steak juice to you?
Why not?
As to the color slurr you toss out as recieved wisdom, you are an idiot. You name me one, just freaking one national conservative leader who says Christ was white. Just one. He was a Jew, living in ancient Judea, not in Rome, not in Germania, or the British isles, people of faith know this. But what do you know outside of the pink elephants in your DT's you worthless old gutter diving bastard? Breslin lies about Bush's comments on God, as I don't ever recall him saying we had to kill for Christ, as he so ham fistedly does. Why does he get paid for this? His ignorance about religion, people and places puts him in the worst pigeon hole for fat stupid white men that Moore could dream up, and he's a liberal. Just for fun, how many Klansmen do you think are registered democrats Jimmy? Who wrote the Jim Crow laws? Who authored the 14th amendment,...it wasn't democrats was it?
When you are sliding off the barstool in your little Irish bar bewailing the racist republicans and southerners, how many black men do you see around you? How many do you know past their first name? We are not the strawmen in your delusions, and the ones who vote GOP do not have the white conehead caps, look to your own ranks, you can find plenty of racists voting democrat, cause they aren't very smart are they? All you have to do is say FDR, and the packed throngs of mindless drones will say,..."SAVIOR,..LEAD US, Tell use what to think!"
Unfair? Sure it is, but I could give a fuck after Jimmy's little cloudburst of semiliteracy. All the bullshit in the world about tone and civility from the democrats falls flat on it extremely wide ass when someone like a Breslin or Moore speaks. Don't ask for politeness while you send your crazy uncle out with a soap box to slander me and my friends. You won't like the things I suggest you do to yourself.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:24 PM | Comments (0)
All that needs to be said
If the left truly 'supports our troops', they would listen to them at least once.
Found @ Kim du Toit's
And if you need an even bigger laugh, go here....
Michael Moore Shills For Illuminati Bankers: Propaganda 911
Found @ MTPolitics
Posted by Nukevet at 07:09 PM | Comments (8)
Opinions, Please
OK, here is the first "site redesign", using the first Navy Jack as our banner. I have always been more fond of this particular form of Gadsden flag than the Army version - but I'm not a big fan of yellow.
Give me a little feedback on this scheme, and then I'll look at the Army version. I think the yellow will be too much for me, but you never can tell.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:19 PM | Comments (5)
couples eye candy
I appreciate eye candy as much as any man does. We can't help it, we're hard wired to admire the female form, and God knows the things that it will drive us to. Maybe it's the prespective of someone who has spent too much time alone waiting for the right her, but from my point of view, lust is fun, eroticism playful, and sex, well, let's just say that love makes all the difference.
Love and devotion, past pain, past tradgedy, even past death. It endures if you want it too, if your heart is open to it.
I love the bits our host posts, and I'll dabble in cheesecake later, but this will do for now, to set some context.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:50 AM | Comments (0)
Smelling a rat?
Apparently, I'm not alone in my skepticism over Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun's kidnapping. The Navy is following up with a criminal investigation.
It'll be interesting to see where this leads. Via Drudge.
Late Wednesday, FBI agents showed up at the Hassoun family home in West Jordan, Utah. And Pentagon officials tell NBC News that the Navy has now launched a criminal investigation into Hassoun's disappearance, and the possibility that his kidnapping may be part of an elaborate hoax.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:09 AM | Comments (0)
Enough for now
OK, just spent the last several hours with a complete site redesign, when all I wanted to do was implement the "simple" typekey comment authentication system.
Hopefully everything works, and hopefully Emily likes this color scheme a little bit better than the "black on charcoal grey" thang that was going on earlier.
Don't get too used to this, as AK and I have been talking about a major site redesign for a while now.
But for now, I am outta here..............
Posted by Nukevet at 03:03 AM | Comments (1)
July 07, 2004
The Inside Scoop
Get in here quick y'all.
Go here to grab this Transcript of Fahrenheit 9/11 in Java.
Save it now before it goes bye-bye.
Use it well.
UPDATE: I have cut and pasted it into a Word Doc. It takes up 19 pages in that form.
Be quick
Posted by Nukevet at 09:13 PM | Comments (13)
Public Service Announcement
In an effort to control some of the friggin comment spam we've been inundated with, I upgraded the site to Moveable Type 3.0 and implemented the Typekey comment module. This gives you 2 options - to post an unauthenticated comment that will be sent to me first for approval, or to register and post freely.
I hate to put the comment registration step in play, but the spam is just out of control. I had to clean out over 50 comments today from some friggin diet pill company.
Puggs, AK, and Eric - the interface will look a little different, but it all works essentially the same way you are used to.
We now return you to our regular programming:
Posted by Nukevet at 08:32 PM | Comments (11)
But what about those "conservative values?"
The #1 ranking liberal senator teamed with the #4 ranking liberal senator (based on voting records) - a ticket more liberal than Hillary and Ted! And we already know what Hillary thinks should happen to your tax rebate - for the common good, of course.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:32 PM | Comments (0)
Must See TV
OK, maybe it's not TV, but you still should see this.
Video footage of the S&W; 500 magnum stopping angry and charging food products.
Found @ SpoonsPlaza
Posted by Nukevet at 08:59 AM | Comments (1)
Veep Chirp
I don't have a lot to say about Kerry picking Edwards as his VP candidate.
Just a couple thoughts:
1. This choice is proof that Kerry doesn't give one wit about what is best for America.
He picked the best campaigner, not the best candidate. He chose who would help him raise money, not the best man for the job.
I posted about Kos' reporting of Gephart as the pick because it made me shiver a bit.
A Kerry/Gephart ticket would have been a boring ticket, but a strong one.
Kerry/Edwards is just going to be a circus.
2. Cheney os going to use Edwards to mop the floor during the debates.
Get out and vote this year and 'Flush the Johns'
UPDATE: My final conclusion is this - Kerry/Edwards is lipstick on a horse.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:56 AM | Comments (0)
Don't worry, the police will protect you
That is the line of the liberal left when it comes to reasons to not buy and learn to use a firearm for self defense.
What a group of jackasses.
Here is someone they would probably like to forget about.
Woman killed in front of empty police station
OCALA, Florida (AP) -- A community college professor was shot to death in front of an empty police station by her husband, who then committed suicide, police said.
Debra Allen Vazquez, 50, had driven to police headquarters to get help, but all officers were on assignment at the time, authorities said.
Vazquez, a communications professor at Central Florida Community College, had been arguing with her estranged husband near a Wal-Mart on Sunday.
She drove away with the couple's 8-month-old granddaughter in the car, but Jose Vazquez followed her in his pickup truck and started to ram her vehicle to get her to stop. He caught up with her at the police station.
The baby girl was unharmed and later taken home by her parents.
Vazquez, also 50, was later found dead in his truck on the side of a road with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, investigators said.
"Sorry lady, we're busy. Can you arrange to be threatened tomorrow at around 3 o'clock?"
It would have taken very little time or money for her to buy a pistol and take a few firearms classes. But, like a large number of women I've known/met, they're taught that firearms are EEVVIILL and would transform her mind into that of a killer.
And for any of the nay sayers who would talk about how that her getting a gun would have just led to a gunfight in the street, think about this....
Which would be more likely to keep her husband away, knowing she was armed or a restraining order?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:36 AM | Comments (4)
From the party of "Choice"
Yeah, it's day old news, but still very pertinent.
The Democrat Party has successfully sued to keep Ralph Nader off the ballot in Arizona.
Zeese said the campaign submitted 21,185 signatures to the Arizona Board of Elections but, due to a legal challenge from the Democratic Party, more than 6,400 of the signatures were disallowed.
"They litigated us out of the race," Zeese said of the Democratic Party, labeling the court challenge "underhanded harassment."
Arizona Democratic Party Chairman Jim Pederson said that Nader did the "only honorable thing" by withdrawing his name in the state.
I guess that, according to their frame of mind, having only one choice is still a choice.
Found at Ravenwood's Universe
Posted by Nukevet at 07:23 AM | Comments (0)
This is rapidly getting downright strange. Kidnapped, AWOL, deserter or hero? The Marines quite naturally are looking after their own, and we should give him the benefit of the doubt, but the back and forth stories surrounding this case make me wonder just exactly who or what is going on with this? I sincerely hope he comes out alive, but, unless this is a hoax cooked up by a fringe group seeking pubilcity, it's unlikely that a happy ending is going to happen.
Maybe it's exactly what it appears to be, but I have doubts.
Posted by Nukevet at 05:41 AM | Comments (0)
But of course
Via Tim Blair
Posted by Nukevet at 01:15 AM | Comments (0)
July 06, 2004
Hey! Real life
LAS VEGAS (AP) � An initiative to legalize pot in Nevada might go up in smoke after organizers forgot to file 6,000 petition signatures by a June 15 deadline.
Clark County (search) Registrar Larry Lomax said Billy Rogers, president of the political consulting firm seeking to qualify the petition, is pleading for him to accept the 6,000 names.
"Unfortunately, the state law says they have to turn it all in by June 15," Lomax said.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:00 PM | Comments (0)
But I thought the Kerry "Misery Index"
indicated that things were terrible!
The economy appears headed for a banner year despite a springtime spike in energy prices and a recent increase in interest rates.
In fact, many analysts are forecasting that the overall economy, as measured by the gross domestic product, will grow by 4.6 percent or better this year, the fastest in two decades.
There were strong 4.5 percent growth rates in 1997 and 1999, when Bill Clinton was president and the country was in the midst of a record 10-year expansion.
So, the economy grew at 4.5%, with the aid of the internet bubble, and Clinton was an economic genious. Now the economy grows at 4.6%, in the face of a whole new paradigm with regards to terrorism, and Bush's economic policies are a "dismal failure". One wonders if Kerry recognizes the truth, even if it bites him in the ass?
Posted by Nukevet at 10:43 PM | Comments (0)
I blame Bush's
Note how, even though the sunspot activity is the highest it's been in 1,000 years - the author still finds a way to plug "fossil fuels" as the cause of the Earth's recent warming. Even though past data shows a pretty strong direct correlation between sunspot number a Earth temperature.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:38 PM | Comments (0)
Hehe, hey al-Zarqawi
Some of the people who actually live in Iraq are getting a little tired of your resistance terrorism.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:30 PM | Comments (0)
One of the latest images taken by the Cassini spacecraft, via the Discovery Channel. Bedrock, ice, and a methane atmosphere. What a shame, I didn't expect a friendly enviroment, but something a bit less hostile would have made eventual exploitation easier. Someday, mankind will go there in person, wanna bet which country they are from?
Thought not.
On 14 January, the Huygens probe that is attached to Cassini is expected to land on the surface of Titan and reveal still more.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:38 PM | Comments (1)
Bad connecter, bad bad connecter
O-Tay,.........Well, no time to post right now, I have to get ready for work. But the cable guy says we had a faulty connection at the pole. The marvels of modern technology defeated by a simple piece of copper and plastic.
The Flintstones had it easier. At least you could bribe their gadgets to work right.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:12 PM | Comments (0)
Frank J. was right!
Ninja Monkeys ARE training to take over the world!
Posted by Nukevet at 05:47 PM | Comments (1)
Every weekend in the month of July will be a Blogger Blastorama.
I've got the attitude and the ammo. And I want to raise my percentage of hits in the black at 100yds.
I'm going to try to go on both Saturday's and Sunday's, so don't fret if you have to do something on one day but not the other.
Just e-mail me if you would like to join in the fun and we'll figure out where we're going.
Experienced or novice, it doesn't matter. I've got plenty of rifles to lend for all skill levels.
I'll make another announcement on every Thursday or Friday to remind y'all.
So come on out.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:24 AM | Comments (7)
That's gotta hurt
If you think you can stand watching someone inflict serious pain on another human being, head on over and watch The Schmuck take the cat-o-ninetails to Professional Jackass, Fatty Riefenstahl.
Ooops, I mean Michael Moore.
A sample of the bloodletting;
Moore: For too long now we have abandoned our flag to those who see it as a symbol of war and dominance, as a way to crush dissent at home. Flags are flying from the back of SUVs, rising high above car dealerships, plastering the windows of businesses and adorning paper bags from fast-food restaurants. But these flags are intended to send a message: "You're either with us or you're against us," "Bring it on!" or "Watch what you say, watch what you do."
The Schmuck: Did you stop and ask these people why they were flying the flag? Of course not! You are the great Michael Moore. So you just pull whatever characterization pleases you out of your cavernous butt and assign it to them. Dissent has been crushed? Really? You seem to have made quite a marketing tool out of having your dissent "crushed."
Michael Moore will wish he was at Gitmo after The Schmuck gets done with him.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:07 AM | Comments (18)
The Dems do not have them set right.
Not only did Tom Daschle, Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, and the other Democrat luminaries in attendance at the premiere of F9/11 join in the standing ovation of the film, they shut down Senate action on the defense bill to attend.
IOW, the Minority Leader of the United States Senate decided that the Senate's work on the defense bill was less important than going to the movies. And they want us to give control of the country back to them?!?
Senator John Kerry was in town Monday night for a fundraiser hosted by Mayor [Martin] O'Malley at M & T Bank Stadium.
While introducing Kerry, O'Malley said, "I remember after the attacks of September 11th, as Mayor of the city, I was very, very worried about al-Qaida....and still am. But I'm even more worried about the actions and inactions of the Bush adminstration."
But, of course, the Bush Administration is EEVVIILL.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:48 AM | Comments (0)
July 05, 2004
But we're not as "sofisticated"
With our 'freedom of speech' and all.
The European Court of Justice ruled yesterday that the European Union can lawfully suppress political criticism of its institutions and of leading figures, sweeping aside English Common Law and 50 years of European precedents on civil liberties.
The EU�s top court found that the European Commission was entitled to sack Bernard Connolly, a British economist dismissed in 1995 for writing a critique of European monetary integration entitled The Rotten Heart of Europe.
The ruling stated that the commission could restrict dissent in order to �protect the rights of others� and punish individuals who �damaged the institution�s image and reputation�. The case has wider implications for free speech that could extend to EU citizens who do not work for the Brussels bureaucracy.
And they like to think of Bush as a Nazi.
But our unsofisticated asses know who the real Nazis are.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:33 PM | Comments (11)
And the number
I wonder when Al Franken will comment on this intellectual dishonesty?
Posted by Nukevet at 06:00 PM | Comments (0)
Idiot for President
By now, I'm sure you've already seen this picture.
I can spot 3 gun handling errors in this pic. Each one is egregious on it's own. But combined, they produce something so destructive, it cannot even be named.
1. Finger on trigger
2. Not paying attention to the muzzle's direction
3. A liberal with a gun in his hand.
Anyone who cares about their gun rights and votes Kerry deserves to have their trigger fingers permenantly removed on just this picture alone.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:37 AM | Comments (30) | TrackBack
The Boring Ticket
The Kos IMC is calling the Kerry VP selection as Gephart.
But safe for the Dems.
Unless one of their staffers gets caught with illegal quantities of No-Doz.
Damn, I'm getting sleep just writing about these guys.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:24 AM | Comments (1)
The Day After
I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July.
My range time went well
Although not as well as I would have prefered. But oh well.
Now, I must go and survey the damage my neighbors wreaked and clean out my driveway.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:19 AM | Comments (6)
July 04, 2004
America's Day
Today is the day we celebrate a time in our history when a group of what were considered uppity colonials stood up to the strongest empire on the planet for the simple cause of liberty.
There is little people today can do to match what those men did back then, other than try to live up to their expectations.
And, when necessary, take control over our own fates as they did, to live as free men and women.
Today, I would like to offer up a song trilogy to commemorate this Fourth of July, 2004.
An American Trilogy (Live) - Elvis - Aloha from Hawaii 1973
Also, I found something at Ravenwood's Universe that I want to link to today.
It is a must read.
Excerpt: In an era when Fidel Castro and Che Guevara are revered revolutionaries, the 56 who signed the Declaration just don't cut the mustard. They were all men of means, well educated and wealthy by the standards of the day. Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists; 11 were successful merchants and traders; 9, like Jefferson, were prosperous farmers. Nine of them would die before the war was over; 5 were captured and tortured by the British and 12 had their homes looted and destroyed.
And now, I'm off to the range.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:46 AM | Comments (0)
July 03, 2004
Walking 'em in
I met up with one of the Analog Wife's co-workers today for a 'first timer' session at the Renton Fish and Game range. After a couple of hours of learning, she had to go, but I stayed to test out my repairs to the Bushmaster's sights that I made last week.
At the last Blastorama, The gun was shooting so high, the only person who was able to put a hole in the paper at 100yds was Mollbot. And he was aiming at a dandylion 20ft in front of the target. This was with the sight adjusted to the extremes at both ends.
Well, it looks like it is fixed.
Tomorrow, on the Fourth of July, the range will be open.
And I will be going back to celebrate the holiday the same way I do nearly every year and (hopefully) put more of those in the black.
If anyone would like to join me, send me an e-mail. I'll send you the times and location.
Posted by Nukevet at 11:32 PM | Comments (1)
Liberal Bias?
Surely you jest. There's not stinking liberal bias around these parts!
Posted by Nukevet at 06:04 PM | Comments (0)
Welcome Home
Posted by Nukevet at 02:41 PM | Comments (0)
Rachel Corrie must be spinning in her grave, seeing her sacrifice at protecting tunnel builders wasted by a bunch of amateurs. These tunnelers couldn't even get the measurements right in order to blow up a bunch of Jews. Instead, they just blew up a parking lot
Don't the Palis know how difficult it is to find parking in the "disputed territories"?
Posted by Nukevet at 02:28 PM | Comments (4)
July 02, 2004
Out of options
Posted by Nukevet at 08:09 PM | Comments (5)
Yo, AK
How much would it cost to make me one exactly like this that is compatible with my Bushmaster AR15 lower unit?
I want something with a SIRS, carbine length barrel, and bigger than the .223 cal.
Posted by Nukevet at 07:17 PM | Comments (8)
OK, so what is it?
Posted by Nukevet at 07:08 PM | Comments (8)
I Found It
I would like to start a new segment of items here at RNS.
I Found It!
These will be items of comical interest found at local police departments.
I will be changing any people's and/or department's names and to protect the innocent (or guilty) in order to be able to bring them to you.
And here we go:
SGT L.R. (Crime Boss) Bosley responded to a potentially lethal detail regarding a naked man on LSD. SGT Bosley, with blatant disregard for his own safety took charge of the scene, protecting his subordinates.
Upon entering the room, SGT Bosley was able to withstand the onslaught of the fecal stench, and vicious sight of the male's hand deep in his own crack, "digging for gold".
With lightening speed and itchy trigger finger, SGT Bosley deployed his department issued TASER (known from this day forward as Trusty Dusty Ol' Sparky) on the naked feces covered male.
SGT Bosley's manly physique prevailed as he was able to endure the 30+ trigger pulls necessary to subdue the combative male.
As a result of his self sacrifice, due diligence and dedication to the goals, core values and mission outlined by the (department name removed), SGT Bosley once known as "Crime Boss" shall from this day forward be know as SGT L.R. (TASER KING) Bosley.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:56 AM | Comments (3)
Here he goes again
NEW DELHI: President George W. Bush's taxation sops will backfire on him like the 'India Shining' campaign of the previous Indian government, US Congressman Jim McDermott said here on Thursday.
McDermott also acknowledged that there could be some surprises from the Bush administration in the run-up to the elections.
"There are already rumours circulating that Osama bin Laden is being held somewhere already and it's only that they are trying to decide what day they should bring him out," he said.
I'm beginning to think that when Bush wins in November, McDermott will blame the aliens.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:33 AM | Comments (0)
I wished I'd thought of it.
But then again, my photo-editing skills are non-existant. So what would I have done with it?
Bound @ Blogs of War
Posted by Nukevet at 09:28 AM | Comments (0)
5-4, Yanks in 13
One of the best games ever.
Oh, yeah - Pedro Martinez is still a punk.
Posted by Nukevet at 04:36 AM | Comments (4)
Flying High
I was listening to the top of the hour news on the radio, and a spokeperson from the NTSB came on to remind folks who will be flying somewhere for the 4th of July holiday weekend that FIREWORKS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE PLANE.
Are there really people stupid enough to think that it would be? And if so, why are they not thrown out of the plane without a chute so as to clean out the gene pool.
Posted by Nukevet at 12:09 AM | Comments (2)
July 01, 2004
This is Wrong
It is rumored (and pretty well confirmed) that Focus on the Family has sent Michael Moore's home address to their e-mail subscribers.
This is wrong.
Just like it was wrong for the lefties to give out Karl Rove's home address.
Just like it is wrong for the left wing anarchy/cop hating groups to post the addresses of police officers on their websites.
And just like it is wrong for envirowhackos to send out the addresses of employees who work at animal testing labs like Huntington.
Damn it, Dobson! Who in your organization OK'd this?
Posted by Nukevet at 08:05 PM | Comments (4)
Minutemen of the Third Reich - history of the Nazi Werewolf guerilla movement
The Werewolves specialised in ambushes and sniping, and took the lives of many Allied and Soviet soldiers and officers -- perhaps even that of the first Soviet commandant of Berlin, General N.E. Berzarin, who was rumoured to have been waylaid in Charlottenburg during an incident in June 1945. Buildings housing Allied and Soviet staffs were favourite targets for Werewolf bombings; an explosion in the Bremen police headquarters, also in June 1945, killed five Americans and thirty-nine Germans. Techniques for harassing the occupiers were given widespread publicity through Werewolf leaflets and radio propaganda, and long after May 1945 the sabotage methods promoted by the Werewolves were still being used against the occupying powers.
Although the Werewolves originally limited themselves to guerrilla warfare with the invading armies, they soon began to undertake scorched-earth measures and vigilante actions against German `collaborators' or `defeatists'. They damaged Germany's economic infrastructure, already battered by Allied bombing and ground fighting, and tried to prevent anything of value from falling into enemy hands. Attempts to blow up factories, power plants or waterworks occasionally provoked melees between Werewolves and desperate German workers trying to save the physical basis of their employment, particularly in the Ruhr and Upper Silesia.
Source: The Last Nazis: SS Werewolf Guerrilla Resistance in Europe 1944-1948 by Perry Biddiscombe, Tempus, 2000.
This excerpted from History Today
Posted by Nukevet at 06:04 PM | Comments (21) | TrackBack
Moore must be so proud.
What more do you need to know?
Posted by Nukevet at 05:58 PM | Comments (0)
Finally I understand
What true unilateralism looks like.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:20 PM | Comments (0)
Guy type fun
Spoons has pics of an atypical bachelor party he attended.
Hint: It looks more like a Blastorama than a bachelor party.
And I can't think of a better way to spend the day before a guy gets hitched.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:41 AM | Comments (0)
Got em
If you haven't seen this already, go now. Very funny.
This is a great example of the impact that even just a couple of people can make, so take this as encouragement to make your voice heard even if you are small in numbers.
The crew does check the signs as people are let in, but we easily snuck ours through, as mine was covered with a fa�ade that had "HAPPY BDAY LOLA!" scribbled across it. These two huge guys in front of me allow me to put my sign out over the rail in front of them, saying it was for my granny's 101st birthday. When they realized what the sign actually said, the Bubba to my right grabbed the sign out of my hands and threw it to the ground, and their Michael Moore-sized bodies closed in on me, pushing me back. But no matter - the damage was done.
Found @ Sonda K's
Posted by Nukevet at 10:28 AM | Comments (1)
Please explain to me
Why week keep these guys around?
France yesterday blocked a U.S.-backed plan to use a special NATO force to safeguard elections in Afghanistan this fall, despite a plea from Afghan leaders that the troops are badly needed.
The Afghanistan mission was vetoed despite a direct plea from Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who said continuing violence by Islamic fundamentalist forces in the country was a threat to the fledgling democratic government.
While President Bush in recent days has talked up trans-Atlantic unity and praised the early transfer of sovereignty in Iraq, Mr. Chirac has pointedly criticized U.S. positions on Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Anyone? Anyone?
Chirac is still convinced that the only way to acheive peace in Israel is to go through Arafat. This guy is clearly delusional. And his 35% approval numers reflect that.
Chirac is willing to bet the free elections in Afghanistan that his being stalwart will help unseat Bush.
What a pig.
Found @ Some Poor Schmuck
Posted by Nukevet at 10:17 AM | Comments (1)
Stopping Traffic
So I'm taking the I-5 path to work today. It is usually the fast track for when I have to do something (like stopping by the bank) before I have to punch in for the day.
But not today. Why?
In Ivory with chrome. Trim and rims.
Dude is driving down the center lane (of a 6 lane road) and can barely go 50mph because the people driving around him have to slow down to gawk.
When I finally did get a chance to move around him, I too gawked (at legal speed).
Definitley a way cool set of wheels.
Posted by Nukevet at 09:50 AM | Comments (0)
Does the death penalty cover this?
MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. -- Seven Medals of Honor have been stolen from the Yorktown aircraft carrier's Medal of Honor museum at Patriots Point.
Police think the medals, some of which were donated by widows of the honored servicemen, were stolen sometime between 7:30 p.m. Sunday and 7:30 a.m. Monday.
I'm thinking, Death by firing squad. Using 22lr. Starting at the feet.
Found @ The Back Country Conservative via Blogs of War
Posted by Nukevet at 09:37 AM | Comments (2)